The Sacredness of Paknam Temple 's Amulets

Dhamma Articles > The Most Ven. Sodh Candasaro
[ Apr 20th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18278 ]
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    Wat Paknam Amulets: the 1st - 3rd  Batches

The 1st-3rd batch of amulets made by the Paknam Temple were called “the gift amulets”. Among collectors, the 1st and the 2nd batches were collectively called 'the 1st    model ever made' because the shape and the mold used were the same. They are petite, beautiful rectangular amulets. Luang Pu Wat Paknam, Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), produced them to express gratitude to the donators of the Dhamma School at Wat Pak Nam during the period he was the abbot of the temple.

In 1940, the first batch of amulets, numbering 84,000, were made. One amulet was given to each person who donated at least 25 Baht (no maximum limit) and even if you donated thousands, you would still receive just one amulet because Luang Pu Wat Paknam, Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), held firm that the amulets were worth more than money; they were not for sale. They were for meritorious people who truly respected the Triple Gem and knew the real value of the amulets.

At Wat Pak Nam, the method of making the amulets was sacred and different to other temples as there was no inviting of renowned masters to chant incantations on these amulets. Instead, Luang Pu only invited his temple staff, monks and laypeople  who had attained Dhammakaya to produce the amulets. Not all 84,000 amulets were produced at the same time. After being produced, the amulets were then made sacred by means of Vijja Dhammakaya and given away to the donators. For example, after the first 100 amulets  were produced, they would then be made sacred and distributed. Once the first 100 amulets were all distributed, the next set of amulets were produced, made secred and distributed in the same manner.
The First Batch of Wat Paknam Amulets

The process of making the first batch of amulets secred took 4 months altogether because it was carried out during the rain-retreat. The last amulet was given to a layperson in 1942. The 1st batch was very popular among housewives and young ladies who owned businesses.

The Second Batch of Wat Paknam Amulets 

The first batch of amulets were generally worn around the children and housewives' necks,  so the  amulets  often softened and eroded  in the shower. When Luang Pu Wat Paknam, Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro) was informed about this matter, he solved the problem by coating the next amulets with Tung Eiw ointment before distributing them out again.

People called this batch of 84,000 amulets ‘the 2nd batch’ which were, as a matter of fact, the same as the 1st batch with the new ointment coat. Therefore, it was decided that the 1st and 2nd batches of amulets should be called ‘the 1st model ever made’.

The Third Batch of Wat Paknam amulet (Shallow Mold)

In 1956 84,000 amulets of the third batch were produced. Two different kinds of molds were used in making this batch which produced two sets of amulets: amulets which had shallow hollow and deep hollow.
The shallow hollow type of amulets were produced by the mold previously used to make the 1st batch.  However, dust and and grease from the long period of storage and ointment on the mold created the shallow hollow on the amulets. 
The Third Batch of Wat Paknam amulet (Deep Mold)

After having been used to press the amulets for a while, the shallow mold was broken. The novice who was in charge of pressing the mold reported the matter to Luang Pu. Luang Pu then gave order to make a new mold which would produce a rather different look to the amulet. This was the reason the deep mold was made. According to evidence at Wat Pak Nam, the 3rd batch was distributed until the 4th of August 1971, when Luang Pu had already passed away.

The conclusion is that there are only 3 batches of Wat Pak Nam's amulets that were produced and made sacred by Luang Pu. They are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd batches. Luang Pu passed away when the 2nd batch had been distributed for 2 years.

It is widely known that the 1st – 3rd batches are collectively called “the gift amulets” and we call the 4th   “Phra Dhammakhan”. The 5th batch is called “Phra Dhammakaya”. The 6th batch is called “The Marble Scriptures”.
Some of the Details about the First Batch of Wat Pak Nam's Amulets
- The Buddha images are in "Meditating" posture.
- The backside was engraved with Khmer alphabet which is translated as “Phra Dhammakhan” or the Dhamma portion, meaning 1 amulet represents 1 portion of Dhamma and altogether there were 84,000 amulets representing  84,000 Dhamma portions taught by the Lord Buddha.

- The dimensions of the amulets are 1.5 cm. width, 2.2 cm. height and 4-7 mm. thick.

- The white material in the texture which was called “sculpting limestone dust” mainly consisted of limestone dust from seashells and some other constituents.


The Trial Amulets

This batch of amulets was made when Luang Pu wanted  to see how beautiful they would look. People who owned this batch were mostly monks that were ordained at Wat Pak Nam at the time.

The left-Over Batch of Amulets

This 'left over batch' was the amulets that were produced at the same time as the 1st and 2nd batch but did not have good  quality. Some were distorted, chipped or not beautiful. Luang Pu ordered these ones to be kept separately in his residence. All of them had not been coated with shellac. They were found after Luang Pu’s death during the clearing up of his residence. After that the temple committee decided to distribute them to people as a way to earn money to renovate the temple as the 1st and 2nd batch had all been given out many years ago. Therefore this batch is called “the left over amulets”, and they are the same model as the 1st and 2nd batch. 

Were there any left-over amulets from the third batch at all?

The answer is “Yes”. There were some left over amulets but the temple staff mixed them with  the ingredients to make the fourth batch of amulets and they were made sacred like the first three batches. For example, the damaged amulets from the first batch were ground and mixed with the ingredients to make the second batch and the left over amulets from the second batch were ground and mixed with the ingredients to make the third batch.


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