I Closed a Cock Fighting Business

A very wealthy man was a very generous man who loved to cultivate merits. He had been a fund-raiser for a temple for 10 years and had built so many buildings for Buddhism. However, his life changed when he turned 60 years old when suddenly he wanted to start a cock fighting business, which he ran for 20 years. Until he was 86, he had intestinal cancer and passed away. What caused him to run this business? Where did he go after he passed away? DMC has the answers. https://dmc.tv/a2500

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 7th, 2005 ] - [ read : 18263 ]
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Case study
I Closed a Cock Fighting Business

Dearest Venerable Luang Phaw,

    I am a student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten who almost solved my life’s problems with the wrong method. Fortunately, I had found the DMC satellite (the Dow Dhamma Satellite - www.dmc.tv), which saved me from living my life inappropriately. I’d like to send my story to become a Case Study. 

My father was a very wealthy man because he received an inheritance of properties from his mother. He had no profession except for selling his inherited land one after the other. My father was a very generous man who loved to cultivate merits. He had been a fund-raiser for a temple for 10 years and had built so many buildings for Buddhism. Also, all of his five sons and his nephew had ordained for him.
However, his life changed when he turned 60 years old when suddenly he wanted to start a cock fighting business, which he ran for 20 years without any help from his 12 children except from me, his only daughter. I did everything and became very good at the responsibilities in that business such as selecting the cock’s breed, and raising and protecting them from mosquitoes and insects. I raised them with a mosquito net screen to cover them. Every morning I had to make a fire, burn tiles and use soft dampened cloths to rub on the tiles to warm their temperature, and then wipe them over the cocks to clean them. Also I mixed cumin powder and lime and rubbed them on the cocks. I took very good care of them before they had a cockfight. If the cock won, it was kept for the next fight, but if it lost, it would be killed right away.

It is common in a cockfight to have a real fight, which I had to clear the problems of, such as who was cheating who. Sometimes the players got into a fight with my father. It could get serious, but nobody wants to stop the people from fighting. Instead, the audiences would start to cheer the fighting. I was a 10 year-old girl, and couldn’t stand it, so I would go to separate them and would get a kick-off, which sent me bouncing out like a ball.

But one time I got up, I grabbed a coconut shell and ran to hit it strongly on the opponent’s head. The audience got excited with it and cheered at me saying, “You go, girl!”, so I became popular among the cock fans. At the time I had no idea that it was a bad deed.

During the period of his profession, my father had a personal health problem, which caused him severe leg pain. At the end of his life, even at 80 years old he still didn’t stop the cock fighting business. Until he was 86, he had intestinal cancer and had to lie in bed for 4 months before he passed away. Even though he was sick, he would still check if I fed the cocks. However, he didn’t know that after he became sick, I had released all the cocks and gave up that profession permanently.

I have been married twice. My first husband died from a car crash with a bus. Later I got married again and had three sons. Currently, my husband is working abroad. He has been working in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, and Brunei. I often go to visit him and spend 2-3 months with him. He regularly sends money to me, 20,000-30,000 baht every month.

My husband takes good care of me and never lets me do any work. When he comes back to Thailand, he will wake up early, cook breakfast and do all the chores excellently. When we sleep, he told me to sleep on his arm instead of the pillow. He is so good to me that I have to pay homage to him every night.    

However, there was an accident, which caused me to become very angry with him. My youngest son came to us to beg for a motorcycle. I was very against it because I was afraid that he might be killed in an accident, but my husband secretly bought the motorcycle for him. And the accident I was concerned about had really occurred. My oldest son, who was 18 years old, rode the motorcycle and hit the curb to kill himself for revenge against his girlfriend to whom he lost to his friend.

This accident is the biggest grief of my life, so I am very angry at my husband until today. I didn’t pay homage to him again and told him not to come back to Thailand to see me again. I felt that he was the reason that I lost my son because I already told him not to buy the motorcycle at all. Now I am suffering a great deal. When I sleep, I feel like my heart is broken. I cry for my son in bed and remember all my memories of him. I seem like I am dying while living, so I developed heart disease and a stress induced illness. I am so angry at my husband that I thought of seeking revenge against him by sleeping with another man. But after I watched DMC (www.dmc.tv, the Dow Dhamma Satellite) I changed my mind.

Since the death of my son, many people felt depressed including my mother who loved him very much. She was very depressed, and couldn’t eat anything for a month before she passed away when she was 86 years old.
My brother was a driver officer. When the King and the Queen went to visit the Yanhi Dam 40 years ago, he was selected to be a driver for the royal visitors. He had ordained, but for the rest of his life he almost never performed any merits. He passed away at age 64.

1. What kammic retribution caused my father to have leg pain? What caused him to run a cockfighting business for 20 years? Where is he since he passed away? Did he receive the merits I dedicated to him? Does he have any messages?

2. Why was it that I had to be the only one among the 12 children to help my father with running the cockfighting business? My father was very close to me, more than other children. Were we related before in our previous lifetimes? What will be my kammic retribution for helping my father to run the cockfighting business? How can I solve this misdeed?

3. Where is my oldest son after he passed away?  What was his kammic retribution that made him kill himself in such a way? In his previous lifetime did he have any kammic misdeeds with his girlfriend and the friend to whom he lost his girlfriend to? Does he have any messages for me?

4. I assume that my son’s death is my husband’s fault because his son from his previous marriage also died at the age of 18 just like my son. What was his kamma that caused him to have sons who lived short lives? How should I behave to my husband because I can’t seem to forgive him?

5. Where is my mother since she passed away? What kamma caused her to die from missing her grandson? How is she now? Did she receive the merits that I dedicated to her? Does she send any messages to anyone?

6. Where is my brother after he passed away? Since he didn’t accrue any merits except the ordination, how is he now? Did he receive the merits I dedicated to him?

7. Have my children, my husband and I performed any merits with the temple community in the previous lifetimes? If yes, how? What merits should we cultivate to solve our bad deeds and enable us to continue performing more merits with the temple community?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. Before his death, your father had severe leg pain mainly because of his present lifetime deeds of cockfighting and brawling with others, as well as the bad deeds from killing animals for cooking, causing him to have intestinal cancer.
  • In his past lifetimes, your father had friends with the wrong view, of which he has carried on their habits, so in this lifetime he slipped into the cycle of cockfighting.
  • When he passed away, his mind showed a mixture between good and bad deeds, so he was born under the condition between the merits in Buddhism and the deeds from the cockfighting and brawling with others.
  • Thus, when he was released from his body, he was born as a mid-class Garuda (angel-bird) in Catummaharajika (the first level of Heaven). He lives in a gold mansion. When he sleeps he has to hold onto a gold log like a bird. He has red eyes, a sharp beak, and golden-black brown wings like a cock. He received the merits you dedicated to him.
  • They like to fight with each other or fight with Nagas (Heavenly creatures) because their minds are still combined between anger and greed.
  • You need to continue dedicating the merits to him because if he runs out of his merits, he can go to hell.
  • He said thank you for the dedicated merits.     
2. You were very close to your father because in your past lives you were born his child more often than his other children and also in this lifetime you are almost the youngest child and the only daughter, so he loved you very much.

  • Your bad deeds of helping your father take care of the cocks will cause you to carry on this habit of wrong view people or to live in such an environment with them, which will increase your chances of performing bad deeds.
  • The kamma retribution of torturing the cocks causes much sickness in the future lifetimes. Killing the cocks shorten the life of the killer. If the person’s mind was dull and sad before death, s/he might go to hell. Or if s/he had both good and bad feelings, s/he then would become a Garuda like your father. 
  • To solve this deed, you first have to forget it, start giving (Dana), observing the Precepts (Sila), and meditating seriously (Bhavana). Don’t miss any merits and dedicate them to all the lives you have been hurting both directly and by chance. You need to meditate until you attain the inner Dhammakaya crystal sphere or the Buddha within.
3. For many past lives, your oldest son has killed himself because of breaking up and seeking revenge against his partners like in this accident. He had carried this behavior over lifetimes, but he may use different methods such as jumping off a cliff or like this lifetime by riding on the motorcycle.  

  • He did not have any kammic misdeeds with his girlfriend and his friend, but it was his present deeds and his habits over lifetimes of committing suicide.
  • Later he was reborn as human. He just became human again in his new mother’s pregnancy. That is because of his merits of when he ordained as a novice in his past life. There is no message from him.
4. You were overly worried that your son had died because of your husband. The fact is he died because of his own past kammic deeds. Even if his father didn’t buy the motorcycle, he would have killed himself by a different method anyway.
  • Your husband and you share similar kammic retribution. When you were born in an agricultural family, both of you had sold baby animals for cooking.
  • Your husband feels as sad as you do. It is not right for you to feel hatred towards your wonderful husband. He is one of a kind. You should forgive him and return to your normal way of treating him.
5. Your mother passed away because her life span was up, not because of her sorrow over her grandchild. At her age, she could die from a fever. Even without a fever, she might die. She is now an earth-sprite in an earth-sprite community around your house.

  • She has received the merits, which have improved her conditions. She told you not to worry about your son who passed away because he now is reborn in a new mother’s pregnancy.
6.  After your brother had passed away, he stayed close to his family. He is now a low-class earth-sprite. When he received the dedicated merits, his condition has improved.
7.  You, your children, and your husband have accrued merits with the temple community depending on your moods. That is the reason that you meet the community in some lifetimes and miss them in some other lifetimes. In this lifetime, you should earnestly accrue all merits and wish to follow us to Tusita Heaven (Dusit Buree - the fourth level of Heaven) in the Special Merits Zone (Vong Boon Pisit, Boroma Bodhisattva Region).



Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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