The Test Tube Baby

Her husband and she were married for 9 years but we still did not have a child. They went to see a doctor and had artificial fertilization twice but they failed. The doctor suggested them to utilize the test tube baby process. Which process of a soul’s birth occurred during the procedure of the test tube birth? Will the doctor and her accrue any sins (negative kamma) from destroying the fertilized ova and implanting only the perfect ovum?

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 29th, 2005 ] - [ read : 18288 ]
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Case study
“The Test Tube Baby”

      My father was the eldest brother of seven siblings.  He had many professions starting with an Auto Garage, selling trucks, spare parts, making wheels for trolleys, making children’s bicycles, making sandals etc., but he did not achieve success in any of those occupations.  Each career would look promising at the starting point but eventually every one would be lost or he would be cheated out of it by his friends.
    My father was not handsome, but he loved to drink, commit adultery, and was fierce and furious. But he married my mother who was a beautiful, kind hearted and ‘merit’ minded woman who had diligence regarding earning a living.
    My father had many wives. My mother was the first wife with four children. The second wife had five children and the third wife came in when he was 57 years old by accident.   The reason was that, at the factory where father was working with his brother,  there was a protest and father went to negotiate with the core leader of the protesters until he got  the core leader to be his third wife. This occurred even though this woman was not beautiful and she already had a family. 
    The adultery of my father made my mother sad quite often. Sometimes he accompanied his mistress to our house to have a meal and mother and I had to cook for them. I cooked and cursed them at the same time, but my mother would only grumble and cry with sorrow. I saw her with my full pity. This made me hate my father, and made me think that if I had no father, our family life would be very happy. So I urged mother to divorce my father, so that she would not be hurt and not cry so often with sorrow.  Eventually she divorced my father and he then lived with his third wife.
    Then my father was paralyzed because a vein in his brain hemorrhaged.  I went to visit him and I saw his living condition with sympathy, thinking that if he stayed with us he would have better care.   I persuaded my mother to visit my father many times but she did not go. Later she yielded and went to visit my father. When my father saw my mother, he cried like a child.   I saw him and had pity for him and I felt that he would live for not too much longer. So I hired a contractor to rebuild a room to make a better living condition for him in our home.  He lived for not more than 3 months and then he died.   Before his death, his condition was better, but he had a quarrel with a debtor that made him very angry until the vein in his brain hemorrhaged and was ruptured for the second time. He then died in the hospital.  The doctor let us make the decision whether to have surgery or not before he died. If he was operated on there was a chance that he would end up in a coma.  So I decided for him not to have the surgery. This was because the doctor had stated that after the surgery he might be paralyzed. I decided to let him die by himself without any surgery.   Two to three days after that, he died.
    My husband and I knew Wat Phra Dhammakaya since 1988, but we seldom came until I persuaded my elder brother to be ordained as a Dhammadayada (Special Temple Training and Ordination) in 1993. Since then I came continuously.  After his ordination, my brother had a strong faith in the Wat (temple) and continued to go to the Wat every Sunday until today.
    My husband and I were married for 9 years but we still did not have a child.   Now I am 37 years old.  I went to see a doctor and had artificial fertilization twice but they failed. Then the doctor had to use a visual tool to penetrate through my abdomen to see and conclude that I had a problem, which was an ovarian tube obstruction and I could not have a child naturally.  The doctor informed me that if I really wanted to have a child, we had to utilize the test tube baby process, which had a success rate of only 20-30%.   With each application, I worried a lot, about the process of making a test tube baby. The doctor had to inject the solution to stimulate many ova to be ripe by the method of taking pills, receiving injections and anesthesia. By injection, I was given one dosage daily for 10 days together with blood level checks for the hormones related to the ripeness of the ova.  When the ova were ripe, the doctor would draw many ova together by preparing the semen for fertilization in the test tube in the laboratory.  This process took 48 hours. When the ova grew to a certain level, he would move them into the uterine cavity.  With this process there was a failure risk of 80%.  The doctor had to take many sets of ova to be injected into the uterine cavity. If the ova were fertilized simultaneously, he would select the perfect single ovum, and the others would be destroyed.  He could not keep many sets of ova, because they may harm both mother and baby. 
    In October 1997, I established my own company with support from the former company’s owner whom I worked with. There was one condition stating that I had to take a portion of the staff and workers with me, since the former company was facing a severe economic problem and I had to reduce the expenditures.  At that time I was 30 years old, and my boss asked me why I was being so bold and courageous. At that time I was not afraid but also I was glad to have a chance to make money for merit making.

    In 2002, I thought that I myself had to possibly close the company because of a very severe economic siege.  I always thought of the words of Khun Yai Ajahn who sated that when we are confronted with something of impact, we should be still and not think in advance. I tried to follow her words, and one thing that made me have a will to fight was that I dreamt that I saw Luang Puu Sodh (Luang Phaw Wat Paknam) who said to me, “You need not be worried about yourself.”  Then I could bravely pass through that critical period and it resulted in my having money to perform merits every time.
May I ask the following questions please?
1. Why could my father not achieve success in life in whatever he carried out in any profession?  And why in his life did he never utilize efficient cars or other new devices. He was fond of making use of old or second-hand things, driving old cars etc. Even when we built a new room for him he could not live long.    In his whole life he did not have his own home to live in, but had to rent the homes of others to live in. ู่ 
2. Before his death, what omens did he receive? Presently where is he? Did he receive the merits that I dedicated to him?  Did he leave any messages to his children or not?

On the day my father died, my husband and I came back home, and when we entered the bathroom, we smelled the solution that was used in the hospital. It was a very strong odor, but we could not find the source of the aroma.   When my elder brother went to visit our father, he also smelled the odor of the hospital’s solution while he was driving home from the hospital.  Was it a sign that our father came to see us?
3. When my father married his third wife, was he dominated by black magic? Once I found a purse in my father’s car, and there was a piece of paper noting, “Bring the saliva of a mad dog, and the discharge of woman’s menses”, and other things that I could not remember, to mix with water for drinking.  I brought this note to a monk to ask him about it, and he said that a Cambodian sorcerer was applying black magic to him.  Was it true?
4. What retribution caused my mother to meet with an adulterous and alcoholic father?  Will I have any retribution since I persuaded my mother to divorce my father and since I decided not to allow the doctor to operate on my father’s brain hemorrhage? 
5. Which process of a soul’s birth occurred during the procedure of the test tube birth?  Will the doctor and I accrue any sins (negative kamma) from destroying the fertilized ova and implanting only the perfect ovum?
6. How did my husband and I make merits together until we became husband and wife in this life?  What retribution caused me to not have a child? And will I have a chance to have a child? If I have a chance, which way of giving birth will I experience? Will it be by natural birth or by the test tube procedure?  
7. What retribution caused my husband and me to have myopia (short sighted vision)?
8. What merit retribution caused me to be able to settle down by re-opening a company from when I was only 30 years old and could re-open that company during an economic slump?
9. How did my husband, my elder brother and I pursue perfections with the community in the past that caused us in this life to enter the Wat since we were young?
Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. Your father performed very little merits of generosity (Dana) and when he did he would give old items or his own used items, so in this life he was not so successful in his profession, did not have his own home and had to rent other people’s homes to live in and used only old items during his whole life.
2. Before his death, there were omens that were visions of drinking alcohol, being adulterous and engaging in Abayamook (path of ruins and destruction). These visions were omens that caused him to be very sad.  After his death, the denizens of hell were waiting to take him away. 
  • But when your father requested that the denizens of hell let him see his children for the last time, the denizens brought him to visit you for a short period. Since there was some time left for him to visit, that caused you to get a smell of the solutions that were the same as the ones used in the hospital.

  • The vein was hemorrhaged in your father’s brain because of the retribution of drinking alcohol and slaughtering animals for food. After he arrived in the purgatory of hell, he was sentenced to having hot copper fluid poured into his mouth because of his alcohol consumption, before other punishments were issued.

  • He received the merits that you dedicated to him resulting in his receiving less punishment but it is still not over yet.  He suffers heavily and would like to be spared from this retribution and he would like his children to perform merits and dedicate them to him so that he could be safe from these sufferings.

3. When your father married his third wife, because of his bravery, he did not exercise black magic, but his third wife liked to employ black magic towards him in order that he would not obtain another wife, because of his adulterous habits.

4. Your mother met with an adulterous and alcoholic husband because of her past retribution when she was a man. In the past life, she drank alcohol and was adulterous, the same as your father.

  • You did not accumulate any kammic retribution when you persuaded your mother to divorce your father, however it made your mother not sorrowful anymore but your father did not feel grief from that outcome. It also caused your father not to make anymore demerits (negative kamma).

  • It was your father’s intention that you should not allow the doctor to perform brain surgery on him.   Do not worry, since you did not have any retribution from this. Just accrue all merits and rush to dedicate them to him so that he could be released from the suffering of hell, since there are a lot of kammic retributions that he will have to meet.

5. You have the kammic retribution of the animal’s vasectomy, when you were born in an agricultural society that caused you to have difficulty in having a child and to have an ovarian tube obstruction.

  • A child can be born with a soul in the test tube process only when the strong ovum has been fertilized by the sperm and then taken to be implanted in the womb. But the incomplete one is without a soul and will not be born, and the doctor destroyed them so it is not a sin for you or the doctor.

6. You and your husband were husband and wife for many past lives and pursued perfections with the community as supporters, but you did not have a child together because of the retribution of the animal’s vasectomy.

  • It is quite difficult for you to have a child naturally. You must use new technology together with making merits and making a resolution to request a child who has merits (Samma-Ditthi) and one who is going to be reborn from the Heaven realm into your womb.   Try to do this often and then you will have a chance for this to become a reality.

7. You and your husband have myopia (shortsighted vision) because of the past retribution when you and your husband were a couple together and were merchants. Later there was a nearby shop in competition with yours, and the shop owner wore glasses. Both of you always talked about him needing to wear glasses.

8. Both of you had generosity merits (Dana) from the past that you performed together that made you have the ability to  establish a company from when you were at the young age of 30 years old and also for it to thrive during an economic slump.

9. You, your husband and your elder brother were the supporters of the Dhammakaya community and had the resolution to pursue perfections since you were young. So in this life all of you could enter the Wat since you were young.

  • Let’s pursue perfections continuously with every merit until the end of your life span and then make a resolution to follow the group to Tusita Heaven (Dusit Buree or the 4th level of Heaven), Special Merit Zone, Boroma Bodhisattva Region, and make a resolution not to stray  from the community ever again.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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