Oh! A Miracle

There was news critical of the temple. There were claims that the temple had shot a laser beam towards the sun. Hearing this claim made me laugh. It was impossible. If the temple had been able to do this, why did they not enable me to view it? I was at the event but I did not see anything. https://dmc.tv/a2891

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 24th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18284 ]
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Oh! A Miracle
With great respect to Luang Phaw.
    I first came to the temple with my friends in the Student Buddhism Association at Chulalongkorn University when I was a young woman. I came because I sought something I could truly rely on in my life.  And I found it so I loved coming to the temple all the time.  But my mother pulled me away from the temple.  Yet I returned to the temple again.

As of now I am earning merit in the Rattanavej Association by caring for the monks and novices at Wat Phra Dhammakaya. I would like to respectfully request that Luang Phaw consider the following matter. My maternal grandparents were Chinese.  They married when they were 19 years old and had 7 children.  My mother was the only daughter, the fifth child.

My grandfather liked to drink alcohol everyday.  What made this horrible was that he tended to hit and hurt my grandmother habitually.  My grandmother had to show extreme fortitude in her life with him.  She would wish that she would not ever have to meet with him again in any future life.  She was a good, compassionate person.  She liked to make merit, worked very hard, and was clever.

When she was 64 years old, my grandfather fell ill and died.  My grandmother died when she was 102 years old. Before her passage from this world, she told us that her children and grandchildren should not cry and should not perform the traditional Chinese funeral rite of burning symbolic money and other items for use in the afterworld.  She told us to wear bright colors so that we would be alert when we saw them. I wore light blue, her grandchildren wore red, her great-grandchildren wore yellow, and the next youngest generation wore pink. She also told us it was important that her gravesite be located far from that of my grandfather so that she would be sure that they would not meet again. As for her inheritance, she requested that some of it be used to make merit by offering off-season robes to monks at various temples.  Another portion was used to make offerings to her children and grandchildren who had ordained in her honor. The final remaining part of the inheritance was a bag of money to be divided amongst her children and grandchildren.

My parents were devoted Taoists for decades. The Taoist tradition teaches people to do good deeds and keep a vegetarian diet throughout their lives so as not to be indebted to any creature for taking its life. In addition to prohibiting the consumption of meat, Taoists cannot eat green onions, regular onions, garlic, garlic stems, and shallots. The Goddess of Taoism is the one who opened the heavens and the earth.  She created everything in the universe and is superior to all other beings, including the Lord Buddha.

The fourth floor of my house was a major shrine.  Everyday there was respect paid there.  As for the various rite of Taoism, my father forbade me from telling anyone about them.  Photography in the shrine was not allowed because it contained the secret destiny of heaven. I did not know about the temple because I was born into a family with these beliefs.  I did not have faith in Buddhism.  I did not know how to make merit until the time I entered university.
I had the opportunity to follow my friends in the Student Buddhism Association to Wat Phra Dhammakaya.  The first time I went to the temple, I was a volunteer to help arrange the rows for people to sit in meditation. When my mother found out, she forbade me to come to the temple again.  I did not want to argue with her so I did not come again for another 17 years.

After I graduated, I married my husband.  He was a student from an earlier graduating class at my university. My husband’s grandfather was a missionary who founded a Christian church in a province outside of Bangkok.  When he was a child, his grandfather would take him to the church every Sunday.

In 1998, a friend who was a doctor like me invited me to make a personal Buddha image on the central dome of the Dhammakaya Cetiya. My husband and I each built a personal Buddha image on the central dome of the Dhammakaya Cetiya.  At that time, I did not have faith so I made the Buddha image to avoid offending my friend. But my husband built his Buddha image in the name of Khun Yai, despite not having faith and not having known anything about the temple previously.  But he felt a bond with the temple like his grandmother and the other grandchildren.

Later, I had some business to conduct with my doctor friend and we made an appointment to meet at Wat Phra Dhammakaya.  In truth, I planned to finish our business then leave.  But on that day – 6 September 1998 – there was a ceremony to cast the personal Buddha images for the central dome of the Dhammakaya Cetiya.  So my friend invited me to participate in the ceremony.

I agreed to stay, thinking that in any case I had built the image already and it was worth staying for a little while.  In the evening there was a ceremony to celebrate that every Buddha image on the central dome had a sponsor.  Every space on the central dome had a Buddha image in place.  Everyone gathered for the ceremony on the pavilion surrounding the Dhammakaya Cetiya.  I went there with my friend.

When it was time to sit in meditation, every person closed their eyes.  But I did not close my eyes and looked around at everyone. For a short time I saw the people there telling each other to look at the sun.  They expressed their amazement.  Some people were so elated they cried.  They raised their hands in a gesture of prayer.  I watched this feeling confusion.  Why were they able to view the brightness of the sun’s glory without hurting their eyes?  Oh!  A Miracle. They viewed this miracle differently than I did.  The more I looked, the more my eyes hurt.  I did not see any of what the others saw.  Even my friend saw the event as the others saw it.  

After that day, there was news critical of the temple.  There were claims that the temple had shot a laser beam towards the sun.  Hearing this claim made me laugh.  It was impossible.  If the temple had been able to do this, why did they not enable me to view it?  I was at the event but I did not see anything.
I told my friend that I wanted to know more about Wat Phra Dhammakaya.  My wonderful friend invited me to a meditation retreat at the temple’s Pannawat Center in northern Thailand.  I agreed but when I arrived at Pannawat in the morning, I changed my mind.  I did not want to become more familiar with the temple.

I wanted to return home.  When evening arrived, while I was walking back to my sleeping quarters, I turned to look at the sun.  This time, I saw the miracle of the crystalline sun.  It was a clear solar sphere, revolving like the hands of a clock.  It revolved rapidly and displayed a gorgeous ring of sparkling, glittering light that caught my attention for 30 minutes. I started to be sure that what I had seen was real and not a sham.  The following day I diligently meditated and was able to achieve inner happiness and peace.  When I closed my eyes, it was true happiness.

Now I understand the purpose of Luang Phaw’s work deeply.  It is necessary to close one’s eyes before understanding that Luang Phaw desires only the purest good.  He has no motives other than to do good. He wishes that he will see people sit with their eyes closed and enter the realm of true happiness.
I decided to build a personal Buddha image for the dome of the Dhammakaya Cetiya.  The night before I planned to bring my offering of money to the temple, immediately after I fell asleep, a golden sphere appeared in my stomach.  It emitted a beautiful, brilliant light for about 2-3 sections then disappeared.

On 1 November 1998, I was ready to come to the temple but my husband did not want to go with me because at that time the attacks in the news against the temple were strong. I participated in the Kathina ceremony that year.  I saw many people attend and observed their orderliness.   I thought that if Luang Phaw was not truly good, he would be able to do everything I witnessed. From that point on, I began to have faith in Luang Phaw.  I thought I should defend Luang Phaw no matter what might happen. I diligently came to the temple continually and tried to be a kalayanamitra to my husband.  And one day there was an even which made my husband turn to have faith in the temple.

My husband had to travel abroad.  I gave him a Buddha amulet as a gift, an image of Phra Mahasirirajadhatu to wear around his neck. He accepted it indifferently.  The last day abroad before he was to return to Thailand, he lost his airline ticket and passport on the way to the airport for the return trip.  
He searched for them in various places before getting into a vehicle to go into the city.  But he did not find them.  After he had filed a police report, he was trapped. He made a wish with the Buddha image I had given him.  And a miracle came to pass.  An unknown person brought his ticket to the staff at the travel agency.  When my husband went to the counter to tell the agency to cancel his trip, a staff member told him that his ticket and passport had been returned. He was stunned into silence.  But the real miracle was that the unknown person returned the ticket and passport to the right travel agency, despite the presence of many different such agencies.  Luang Phaw says: “How was it?  So you were stunned about this, right?”

When he returned to Thailand, he surprised me by telling me to take him to Wat Phra Dhammakaya immediately.  I took him there, confused and wondering what had happened. On that day, Luang Phaw was accepting offerings of money.  He immediately put money in an envelope to offer to Luang Phaw, with a mind that was starting to have faith. The next day he made Chinese herbal soup to offer to the monks at the temple.  I had to ask him what was wrong with him, why was he acting so strangely.  He told me the whole story.

In 2000, he went for a meditation retreat at Pannawat Center.  He had good results from his meditation.  This made him have faith and he turned to instruct himself in Buddhism seriously.  

He has solid faith in the temple and has a great appreciate for the Lord Buddha.  He said: “The Lord Buddha is so wise.”  Now he has devoted himself to assisting Buddhism by working with a foreign-born monk.  They came to know one another by accident when they met at the funeral ceremony for Khun Yai.  After this, he helped with international work on behalf of Buddhism in many ways.  For example, the ordination for 500 novices in Cambodia;
Organizing an offering of 500 monastic robes in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and India. Organizing a competition about knowledge of Buddhism at Sanam Luang (the royal cremation grounds in Bangkok) on Visakha Puja Day; Brought monks and laypeople to make merit by visiting important sites in the Lord Buddha’s life in India; Coordinated the display of an important Buddhist relic from Sri Lanka in Thailand for Thai people to pay respect; Assisted with conferences of monks from all over the world in India and Malaysia; And always inviting foreign monks to visit the temple.  My husband brought the teachings of Luang Phaw which instructs us that “Monks must unify in the same way that our world has only one sun.”  He used as the foundation of his efforts.

When my daughter was born, her health was good.  But when she was 12 years old, her spine started to twist into S-shape.  When she was 14, the twisted shape was even more visible.

This made the height of her two shoulders uneven.  Normally this condition cannot be cured but I took care of her both externally and internally.  Externally, I cared for her through physical therapy.  Internally, I used merit.  I made merit and wished to help her.  Now she is 17 and her condition has greatly improved.

I would like to respectfully ask Luang Phaw the following:
1. What merit led my grandmother to live until she was 102 years old?

What will be the result of her wish not to meet my grandfather in any future life?  Will her wish come true?

2. Where did my grandparents go after their deaths?  What should I do to improve their condition?

3. What demerit caused me to be born into a family which did not go the temple?  At first I was attached to the temple but my mother pulled me away.  Later, I married my husband whose family was Christian.  But in the end, what merit led me back to the temple to make merit with the Dhammakaya community again.

4. What was the bright golden sphere I saw in my stomach when I closed my eyes?  How are spheres of merit and spheres of dhamma different?

5. What demerit led my husband to be born into a Christian family?  What merit led him to have faith in Buddhism?

6. Where did my husband’s grandparents who were missionaries go after their deaths?  Can we make merit on their behalf?  In Christianity, there is no belief that merit can be made on behalf of people who have died.

7. My husband and the monk with whom he cooperated in international work, what merit did they make together that made them kalayanamitra to one another?  What are the benefits from helping to organize events that bring monks from around the world to form bonds?

8. Was it an accident that my husband was able to get his airline ticket and passport back very quickly?  Or was it due to the power of Phra Mahasirirajadhatu?

9. What demerit caused my daughter to have her spine twist?  Why did her condition improve?  What must we do to correct this problem so that she is completely normal?

10. My mother believes in Taoism but also meditates.  She does not have full faith in the Triple Gem.  If she passes away, what will her after life be like?  What demerit is causing her current heart disease?  What should I do about this?

11. My older brother owns a steel company.  สภาธรรมกายสากล [Luang Phi: please help to translate] uses steel from his company.  But he does not have faith in the temple and tries to prevent me from coming.

Will he earn merit from the steel he has sold to the temple?

What can be done to convince his family to make merit with the community?  

12. How did I and my family make merit with the Dhammakaya community in the past?  Have I ever been separated from the Dhammakaya community in the past?
Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. Your grandmother lived to 102 because in the past she offered food and medicine to monks.  She also gave away medicine regularly to help poor people with health problems.  She also wished to have a long life.

  • Your grandmother’s wish that she never meet your grandfather again will come true because their actions while they were human beings were different.  Your grandmother earned only merit.  Your grandfather did the opposite.
2. Your grandfather went to the fifth level of hell after his death because of his habitual consumption of alcohol. He is being tortured by denizens of hell who are pouring hot black acid on him.  He is suffering greatly.  He has died and been reborn into this situation many times.  He could not receive the merit made on his behalf.  But his merit is waiting at a lesser level of hell.
  • Your grandmother became a beautiful angel with her a golden palace in Tavatimsa (the second level of heaven), due to the merit she earned in Buddhism 
  • She is very happy as a result of the merit she accumulated.  She received the merit you made on her behalf and acquired more celestial treasures.
3. You were born into a family which did not come to the temple.  This is because in a past life before you made merit with the Dhammakaya community, you had different beliefs.  You forbade your relative from making merit with the Dhammakaya community and prevented her from returning to make merit with the community.     

  • However, this relative became your kalayanamitra. So later you changed your mind and came to make merit with the community.  But initially you did not like the duties of a kalayanamitra.  Later you understood more and performed your duties to the fullest extent.
  • At first you were attached to the temple.  Then your mother pulled you away.  Then you married your husband whose family was Christian. But you returned to the temple to make merit again.  This is all because the pattern of conditions just described followed you.  You once had other beliefs so you married your husband whose family was Christian.  But you were once “husband and wife” in a previous life.
4. The bright yellow sphere which you saw in your stomach when you closed your eyes was a “creation of virtue” which arises from a meritorious mind.  Take good care of it and later it will continually develop and improve.
  • Spheres of merit and spheres of dhamma are different.  The merit which we accumulate, the elements of this merit come together as a sphere of merit which is hidden in the middle of a sphere of dhamma.
  • A sphere of dhamma is something we must care for.  For example, the sphere of dhamma that makes us human beings will preserve our physical form as human beings.  If the sphere of dhamma exists, the human form exists.  If the sphere of dhamma expires, the human form dies.
5. Your husband had to be born into a Christian family because of what happened when he was with the Dhammakaya community in the past. A conflict developed between your husband and some people in the community.  He left the community and changed to other beliefs.  But later he returned to make merit with the community.
  • Later he turned back to respect Buddhism because in later in that life he met a good kalayanamitra.  He also wanted to return to the community.  This pattern followed him into this life.
6. When your husband’s grandparents who were Christian missionaries died, they became angels in the golden celestial forest in the mythical forest at the first level of heaven.  They are among people who hold the same beliefs.
  • They have happiness from when they made merit through charitable acts.  They are praising their leader who is in a cave on a hill in the mythical forest. They are waiting for the day of judgment and do not know when it will come.  And they are dreaming that one day they will meet their god.  It is like a young man waiting for the girl of his dreams even though she does not exist. 
  • You can make merit on their behalf but they have not opened their minds to accept the merit.  So the merit will return back to you.  But if one day they open their minds to accept merit, they will both receive merit and be happier as a result.
  • They have not opened their minds to accept merit because they are highly attached to the beliefs of their religion. So the merit will not have a way in until it is almost time for them to be reborn again and release their beliefs.  This is because they have been there for a long time and have never met the one they truly want to meet.  Their minds will gradually move away from their beliefs and the merit will have a way in.
7. Your husband and the foreign monk who work together are kalayanamitra to one another because they both made merit with the Dhammakaya community together. But later they had conflicts with some people in the community and left it.  Your husband went to have other beliefs. The monk went to practice Buddhism with another school.  But later he returned to make merit with the community.
  • The benefits from bring together monks from around the world will make your husband have many friends. It will make him be born into Buddhism. He will be born into a family with the right view.  He will be wealthy. He will be loved by human beings and angels. He will be in a community or a family which is unified.  He will only go to heaven. He will have many celestial followers.
8. Your husband found his passport and ticket quickly. This is because of the power of Phra Mahasirirajadhatu and the merit from building the personal Buddha image.

9. Your daughter has a twisted spine because of demerit from her past life.  She took a stick and hit a snake that came into her house until its back broke. 
  • Her condition improved because the demerit was not heavy.  The merit in her present life helped her.
  • To solve this problem, make all forms of merit continually and wish to meet a good doctor and to take effective medicine.  Her condition will gradually improve.
10. Your mother respected Taoism, meditates, but still does not have full faith in the Triple Gem. This merit will enable her to go to the mythical forest at the first level of heaven.  She will go as a sorcerer among people with similar beliefs.

  • Your mother has heart problems because of the demerit from killing animals in her past lives, from being temperamental, and from using a lot of animals for labor. 
  • You must be determined to be her kalayanamitra for her to let go of these beliefs.  She must make all forms of merit: making offerings, keeping the precepts, and meditating in accordance with the transcendental wisdom (the Threefold Knowledge).  And she must send loving-kindness to the animals she exploited in the past.
11. Your older brother is the owner of a steel company which Dhammakaya Meditation Hall uses. But he does not have faith and tries to prevent you from coming to the temple.  So he has not received any merit because he is engaged in normal buying and selling.  His actions are not based on his faith in making merit.

  • You would like to invite your brother’s family to make merit with the Dhammakaya community.  But in this period, your older brother and his family do not yet have open minds.
  • So you must make all forms of merit and wish continually.  The merit that you make will gradually change your brother’s and his family’s minds.  One day his former merit will find an outlet and faith will arise in him and his family.
12. You and your family made merit with the Dhammakaya community as supporters, as I told you before.
  • In this life we meet again and diligently make all forms of merit to the fullest degree.  Make the resolution that when you pass away we will all go to Tusita (the fourth level of heaven) together.  Let us not miss each other.


Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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