Prepared Coffin Ready To Use But The Dead Body Breathed Again

While my mother was sobbing from his departure, there was a miracle that happened. One hour after his death, he opened his eyes and breathed again.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 16th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18266 ]
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Prepared Coffin Ready To Use But The Dead Body Breathed Again

Dear Luangphaw,

Persuaded by a virtue friend, I, a novice monk, have started to pursue perfection with Luangphaw since 2001 AD (2544 BC).  I am currently seventeen years old.  I am studying very hard on Pali Grade 4 examination and intend to continue my study until graduating Pali Grade 9, so I can retain championship for Luangphaw.  I would like to request your mercy after hearing my story, as follows:

My father was born in Burirum province.  He could speak Cambodian fluently.  Ni-Yiea-Ka-Mair-Ban-Ja-Ba-La-Or-Na.  His life was bonded with temple since he was young.  He regularly visited the temple for sermon.

This allowed him to be an attendant and worked closely to serve monks and novice monks regularly.  He also had a chance to follow monks for austere practices through Cambodia border.

Even as a teen, he was a young blood leader who persuaded other young men and young women from surrounding areas to build and develop an abandoned temple, and change it to a bright one.  They helped each other to mow the lawn and clear up a graveyard to build a small temple, which was the center of this community.

My father had an intention long time ago, that he would ordain to be a monk someday. Reaching an age for an ordination, he thus got a triple-robe ready; except only for money for expenses of the ordination.

Though this was not a big amount and he did not need to sell his farm to get that money, he thought that he would ordain for his parents and should not bother or make trouble for them.  He then traveled to Bangkok to find a job.

Alas! His highest expectation had to be collapsed.  Instead of him returning home for the ordination as planned, he changed his mind to give up his bachelorhood.  He got married with a Kalasin province lady who worked in the city.  She is a good mother of mine.

Thinking about old times, my father felt sorry every time and cried with resentment that he did not get to ordain as intended.  Once deciding to have a family, he had to be responsible for them and be a leader of the family as best he could.

As he was not able to let go, he always thought if he had a son, he would have him ordain since young.  And, he hoped when his son grew up, he would be a monk to save mankind from sin.  He finally got me who made his desire come true.

One day, I went to work at gem mine located in the middle of a forest near Thailand-Cambodia border.  Everyone knew that these areas were full of landmines and had risks for catching Malaria.  Some were severely shivering, got raving fever, and almost died.

A couple of days after he had returned home, he caught Malaria.  He got flu, shivered with cold, and got a severe headache like his head would explode.  My mother brought him to a hospital.  The doctor said he was infected by Malaria, which spread to his brain.

Doctors and nurses were trying to fully help him.  His symptoms however got worse.  My father finally vomited with black blood?.  He later stopped breathing while my sorrowful mother was watching him closely.  She urgently called relatives to buy coffin for him and pick him up for his funeral at home.
While my mother was sobbing from his departure, there was a miracle that happened.  One hour after his death, he opened his eyes and breathed again.

It was incredible, but true.  My father died, but regained consciousness.  This made everyone scared and did not know what to do.  The strange thing was that, Malaria had completely disappeared after his consciousness returned.  After three days of recovery, the doctor allowed him to return home.  And, he never had Malaria again since then.

As for myself; before I ordained, I always hurt myself. When I was 2 years old, I followed my elder brothers and sisters to pick up cotton flowers in the village.   

While I was pulling the cotton flowers, I stepped back and accidentally stumbled over into a water-well that was 10 meters deep. I gradually sank in the water and was unconscious. Luckily, my uncle jumped into the water and saved me, which was very awkward.

Later on, I climbed up a high tree and tried to swing myself over the branch. I finally missed and fell down hard to the ground. I was unconscious for 15 minutes.
My maternal grandmother found me. She was very frightened. She could not do anything except to shout to my older brothers to splash water on me. They used up many gallons of water to make me conscious. Fortunately, I did not fall down to the nearby wood and get stabbed to death.  

One day when I was 12 years old, I lied down at the temple nearby my house and thought about general things. I suddenly thought about “Worldly human life is full of confusion and many problems. Being born, I should have better life. Do not hesitate, I should ordain.”

After I convinced myself, I felt relieved. I decided to tell my parents that after completing grade 6, I would repay them debts of gratitude by ordaining.  

My parents were very appreciated by my words. They had never thought that I would be brave enough to decide the way of life myself, and the most important thing is to choose the best way. It coincided to my dad intentions that he would like to see his son in yellow robe.

The night before I ordained, my dad dreamt about two Banyan trees; one big and another small, and both of them had beautiful stems and full of leaves.

The next morning, my dad was very joyful all day long to join his son’s ‘novice monk ordination’ ceremony that he had been waiting for a long time. I also was very happy that I was the lucky one who had an opportunity.

After I ordained, I learnt about facts of real lives from case studies, and I would like my parents to hold my yellow robe to Tusita (fourth level of heaven) together.

With gratitude in my heart, I successfully persuaded my family to quit raising prawn farm. Lately, my parents watch DMC everyday and they are real fan club students of dream in dream kindergarten school.

I have a cousin who is two years younger than me; he is a son of my aunt. When he was a new born baby, he was very small, and he did not cry and breathe. A nurse who delivered him thought that he was dead.  

She put his body in a black bag and prepared to tie the bag ready to throw away. While she was informing his relatives about the death of new born baby, she unintentionally noticed movements inside the bag. She immediately untied the black bag.  
She could not believe that the baby in the bag was moving, and that he was alive. She was both frightened and happy. She immediately brought the baby out and cleaned him, then took him to a baby incubator till he was safe.   

Because he barely survived from this situation, the nurse gave him a name “BoonKerd” which means “born with merit”. Not long after, his family called him “Boonmee” which means “having merit”.
After Boonmee finished grade 6, he decided to follow me to ordain because we really were close to each other before I ordained. I, who ordained one year before him, taught him how to meditate. Let him imagine about a clear ice cube at the center of his body because he was not familiar with crystal ball and inner Dhammakaya.  

He easily imagined ice cube. I asked him if the ice cube was still there, he answered that the ice cube was gone but he can see only the crystal ball instead. I was very pleased and told him to continue his meditation. This time he saw the crystal balls kept emerging.  

I was very happy, and told the teaching monk to teach him more. Finally he saw the clear inner Dhammakaya at the center of his body. He told me that he was happiest. He has currently ordained for 4 years.

Another extraordinary story, that no one could find the answer for, was when everyone in the house heard the sound of wood movement in the house wall sound like “Pang Pang”. Sometimes it was very loud, just like someone hit the wall very hard; and even the neighbor across the street could hear it.

It was unlikely that someone tried to annoy us because the house’s wall is on the second floor which is not connected to the neighbor’s wall.

At first, everyone was so scared and hardly slept well. My dad had to invite a medium to do the ritual to get rid of it. That sound is less, but it is still heard until now.


1. My father likes to visit temples to listen to sermons and be enthusiast to do Buddhism activities. Is it because of his previous disposition that he used to ordain as a monk in the past?
Why did he not ordain in this life though he intended to do it?
What fruits of merit will he receive from fostering Buddhism since he was a young man?

2. What retribution made my father almost die from malaria?
Is it true that my father already died and regained consciousness again? During that time, where was his astral body?
What merit made him conscious again and miraculously recover from his illness?

3. Was I born as a son to my parents because of the wish from my father that; if he has a son, his son has to ordain since childhood?
Do the two banyan trees that my father dreamt about have any significance?
What made him dream about this?

4. What retribution made me have near to death experience 2 times; falling into deep well, and falling from a tree causing me unconsciousness?
What merit helped me survive?

5. What retribution made Boonmee not cry and not move at all so that he was placed in a black plastic bag, and was almost thrown away when he was newly born?

6. Does Boonmee truly see inner Dhammakaya when he meditates? Or is it only his mental object?
What wholesomeness had he accrued so he comfortably practices meditation and attains Dhamma quickly?

7. My parental grandfather did not like to make merit and liked to drink liquor. He died from intestine cancer at the age of sixty-eight.
Before passing away, did he think of the wholesomeness that he did with me the last time?
Where has he been reborn after he died?
Has he received merit from my dedication?

8. What causes sound of wood movement in the house wall?
How can we stop it?

9. How have my parents pursued perfection with Dhammakaya community? What are their duties in this Dhamma army?
Will they have a chance to be miraculously wealthy in this life?

10. I have a monastic friend who has a gift to preach and give Dhamma sermon as well as has received many rewards. What wholesomeness had he accrued?
What is his duty in this Dhamma army?

11. How have I and Boonmee pursued perfection with Dhammakaya community? What are our duties in this Dhamma army?
How firm are our plans of life-time ordination?
Did I ordain in the past life because I was tired of being secular like in this life? Have I ever attained Dhammakaya?
Why did I and Boonmee have merit to study Pali language since childhood? Will we have a chance to study Grade 10 as we intend?

12. How different are the fruits of merit among the studies of 1) graduating only Pali Grade 9, 2) graduating Pali Grade 9 and continuing Pali Grade 10 and 3) graduating only Pali Grade 10?
Since our life span is short, what study should we choose to learn to receive the most merit?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. Your father likes to visit temples to listen to sermons and was enthusiast to learn about Buddhism since he was a young man because; in the past, he ordained since he was a novice monk until he became a monk. He inherits this disposition but he was a monk not for long, and then he disrobed because of his young man desire.

  • This life, he intended to ordain but he did not because of his past life pattern that he disrobed because women are lovely, so he disrobed to meet woman.

  • Fruits from fostering Buddhism since he was a young man made him good looking, wealthy (from giving generosity or dana), have qualifications (from supporting Dhamma teaching), etc.
2.  Your father almost died from malaria because; in the past life, he was a hunter who killed lots of animals. The killing retribution was surfaced, and actually, he had to die from that retribution.
  • However, in the same life, he met a wandering monk wandering along the edge of a forest. The monk was ill and almost died. Therefore, he took care of him for months, and gave him medicine, food as well as attended to him until he recovered.
  • This wholesomeness lessened the retribution from killing lots of animals, and made him survive and become conscious.

  • At that moment, his astral body was leaving but there was a light meritorious connection so his astral body was not going away and miraculously became conscious again.
3.   You were born as a son of your parents because you all used to accrue merits together in the past, and you made a wish in the past to have parents supporting your ordination as well as a wish from your father to have a son who ordains.

  • Two banyan trees that your father dreamt about means he will have a meritorious son who later will ordain, and there will be a relative ordaining too. After his son and cousin ordain, they will be protector and supporter for relatives and devotees, and will be an important Buddhist force.
  • Wholesomeness influenced him to dream about that.
4.   You had near to death experience 2 times; falling into deep well and falling from a tree causing unconsciousness because of retributions in a past life. In that life; you annoyed your friend by pushing him into a river but you did not know that he could not swim, and shook a tree until your friend fell down from the tree and became unconscious.
  • These retributions surfaced but they are not heavy retributions because it was a child play without bad intention and your friends did not die, so you did not die as well.
5.  When Boonmee was newly born, he did not cry and did not move and was placed in a black bag and almost thrown away because; In a past life, when he was young, he shook a tree because of his mischievousness until the baby bird fell down and almost died. But the bird did not die, and then he put the baby bird back into its nest.   
  • This retribution surfaced to make him look like death but not die.

6.   Boonmee sees inner Dhammakaya which is a wholesome object of meditation when he meditates because of his disposition that he loves meditation over many lives. This causes him to comfortably practice meditation and attains Dhamma quickly. Therefore, when you try to carefully handle the inner Dhammakaya, it will become brighter and more stable.

7.   After your grandfather passed away:
  • He thought of the wholesomeness that he did with you before he died. So he did not go straight to 5th level of major hell but he went to purgatory of 5th level of major hell instead, because of his liquor drinking kamma.
  • He received merits you dedicated to him already but he still has to repay his retributions. Please often dedicate more merits for him.
8.  Sound of wood movement in the house wall is from natural phenomenon of wood tension and compression. If it makes you annoyed, then have a carpenter remove them and install new ones.  

9.   Your parents used to pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community as a provider dependant upon mood; which means sometimes they did, but other times they did not. Therefore, they met the community in some lives, did not meet in other lives, were wealthy in some lives, were poor in some lives, and so forth like these.

  • Your parents have wholesomeness enough to be wealthy at certain level, do not have difficult life and are able to pursue perfection well.
10.   You have a monastic friend who has disposition to preach and teach Dhamma as well as has received many rewards.

  • This is because, in the past, he used to ordain with Dhammakaya community with responsibility to spread Dhamma. He had ability to give a sermon since last Buddha aeon.    
  • However, he has to be careful during the change of period in life, and do not live monastic life carelessly. He has a good past ordination wholesomeness; therefore, he should not destroy this good pattern, and carefully handle himself as well as greatly love pursuing perfection so that his ordination pattern will be strong.
11.  You and Boonmee used to pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community. In the last Buddha aeon, you both were well-behaved young men, and were tired of being a householder. Later, you both ordained at old age like your father in this life. Your father would like to ordain when he was young but he did not, he left monastic life to have family and children, later; he is tired of being a householder. So when you ordained in that life, you made a wish to ordain since you were young, and persuaded your nephew (Boonmee) who was young, to ordain too. Once Boonmee ordained, he was responsible for spreading Dhamma and teaching meditation practice.

  • In that life, you ordained at old age and meditated until you saw inner Dhammakaya so you could return to the fourth level of heaven [Tusita].   
  • However, Boonmee in that life; was younger and loved to practice meditation. He meditated to more refined level and was able to return to the fourth level of heaven [Tusita] as well.
  • 1) Graduating Pali study higher level 9 is not enough and not complete. The best ways to complete are - you have to study scriptures, practice, attain insight, preach as well as study Dhammakaya knowledge.

  • 2) Graduating Pali study higher level 9 and grade 10 is very good. When you are still strong, you should study all of them; studying scriptures, practicing, attaining insight, preaching as well as studying Dhammakaya knowledge 

  • 3) Studying only grade 10 is suitable for seniors.

  • Since we have met each other in this life, therefore you must try to pursue perfection in all merits with fullest efforts and make a wish to follow the Dhammakaya community to Tusita (fourth level of heaven), in the special merit zone – bodhisattva as well as do not be apart from each other again.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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