The Sun of Solomon Islands

He brutally killed some people which he couldn’t remember the exact amount, but he said it was not that many; that was why death sounded normal to him. After killing people, he would be so proud that he was so splendid.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 18th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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The Sun of Solomon Islands

Dear Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,

I am a student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten whom Luang Phaw calls “The Sun of Solomon Islands”. Today, I’d like to send Luang Phaw the story of my family and some interesting stories about the people in Solomon Islands as follows;

My grandfather was a farmer in Chaiyaphum Province who had a very difficult life and didn’t like to perform merit. Besides, he liked to smoke and drink. When he was drunk, he always fought with my grandmother. At the last period of his life, he performed a shocking demerit. The story was he was annoyed by the cats that liked to steal food from the house, so he fooled them with fish and trapped them. When they were trapped, they would be killed by him. He performed the same thing over and over again until he saw cats as an omen of suffering when he was dying.

My grandmother was completely different than my grandfather. She liked to offer alms to monks everyday. At lunch, she would go to a temple to present lunch to monks. She liked to perform merit and go to temples very much. Because she was so diligent, after she came back from rice growing, she would grow and pick vegetable for selling and made merit from some of this profit. Though she was very frugal, but she was never stingy in making merit. She had performed the same thing till the day she tumbled that caused her semi-paralysis, and she has suffered from it up to now.

My sister was broken-hearted twice until she met a widow who had a child. He was a very good guy who could get along well with her, so they both decided to get married though he was 13 years older than her, but ages was not an obstacle in their love. When they loved each other, ages meant only numbers.

Before my sister found Dhammakaya Temple, whenever she performed merit, she would make a wish for the birth in the era of Phra Sri-Araya Mettaya (the upcoming Lord Buddha) and always told me that she didn’t understand why she felt so close and always recalled to him; but later, she got to know Dhammakaya Temple and liked the temple so much that she hesitated which one she should pursue perfection with.

I myself came to the temple the first time in the year 1994 (B.E. 2537) to get a summer ordination. When I graduated, I worked in Cambodia. At the company I worked with, a managing director there also a disciple of Dhammakaya temple. On the first day I went to work, I  saw a picture of Dhammakaya Cetiya and I was very happy to see a son of Luang Phaw overseas.

One day, my manager asked me to watch DMC with him. I was really amazed to watch DMC in Cambodia. Later, he let me to go to a meditation retreat in Panawat; when I came back, I had 3 Dhamma Satellite dishes installed at my parents and my relatives’ places. After that, the company got a job to build roads and bridges in Solomon Islands. Though currently I’m working at a new place, my mind is never be away from DMC and I still watch it everyday without missing even a single day because I miss Luang Phaw, but now I still cannot visit Luang Phaw, so the only thing I can do is sending my voice through this song.    

The people in Solomon Islands are very nice though their skin is black and their lips are red from areca juice, their hair is curly and some people even have strong smell. They live in woods where the environment is very beautiful and peaceful in both daytime and night time which is perfect for meditation.

Since the environment was suitable, the spirit of Kalayanamitta (good friend) in my body told me to ask local people to meditate. At the beginning, I asked a few people to watch DMC and told them to try meditation during lunch break for about half an hour. Currently, the meditation room is flooded by both men and women. I’d like to ask Luang Phaw about the story of one of my local friends who was a cannibal before, and he would like to ask about his relatives as well.

My friend is now 43 years old and his career is a driver. He was fed grilled human meat by his parents since his 3-4 years of age. When he was older, he killed people and ate their meat too. The last time he had human meat was when he was 20 years old.

He was very tough, aggressive and unhappy. He didn’t know how to forgive or compromise with people. When a problem happened, his easiest solution was killing that person and eating his meat just for his own satisfaction.

Not only that he ate people because of the flavor, he also had a belief like his ancestors that eating human meat could give him a long life and a big body. He mentioned that in the past, his people lived longer than 100 years, but presently, their average age was about 70-80 years, and he thought that he must have had a long life too. He was so sure that he would live at least 80 years because he, in his childhood, ate human meat and other kinds of food like how his ancestors did.

He saw many severe battles between tribes and he was even in many battles. He brutally killed some people which he couldn’t remember the exact amount, but he said it was not that many; that was why death sounded normal to him. After killing people, he would be so proud that he was so splendid.

But after I recommended him to watch DMC, he changed a lot, i.e. he became cheerful and was willing to help people. He liked to meditate so much. When he had a chance, he would meditate both in a work break and when he was at home. He felt that meditation was good and gave him a lot of happiness. He always asked others if they knew how to close their eyes, what they saw and told them that the dark they saw had a powerful thing within.

He and his friends really wanted to come to Thailand because they wanted to see Dhammakaya Cetiya and Luang Phaw. When they heard that on Sunday there were some available places in the Great Sapha Dhammakaya Hall, their desire to visit the temple was even stronger.

My friend’s grandfather died from senility in the year 2002 (B.E. 2545) when he was about 110 years old. Like others in the tribe, he was also a highly experienced killer who killed countless people.

His grandmother was a cook. Due to her duty, she would nicely slice meat and wash it before cutting it into small pieces and seasoning them. His grandmother was very skillful in cooking every luscious recipe of Solomon people; for example, flavored human meat in bamboo, baked human meat, boiled human meat, etc; including, fresh meat recipe. Now she is already dead.

My friend’s father was born in 1931 (B.E. 2474) and died in the year 2003 (B.E. 2546). When he was alive, he was one of the killer team of the Malagai tribe. However, he was a good child who expressed his gratitude to his parents and took good care of them like how others did.

My friend’s mother was born in the year 1928 (B.E. 2471) and died in the year 2001 (B.E. 2544) and her job was cooking like his grandmother.

I’d like to ask Luang Phaw these questions:
1.   What was my grandfather’s omen of suffering when he was dying? Where did he go after he died and how is his current condition? Did he receive the merit transferred to him, and does he have any word for me?

2. What retribution gave my grandmother a semi-paralysis? Is it possible for her to be completely healed? How can we solve it or what merit should we make to heal her symptom? Why does she like to make merit so much?

3. What retribution gave my sister a husband who already had a child from his previous marriage and his age was 13 years older than hers? Why does she feel so close to Phra Sri-Araya Mettaya? Did she perform merit with him before, and did she pursue perfection with our merit-making group before and how? Which group should she go with?

4. What retribution caused the people in Solomon Islands to be cannibals, have black skin, curly hair and some people have a strong odor? What merit caused them to be born in these very beautiful islands with a nickname “The Pearl of Pacific Ocean”?

5.  What retribution will my Solomon friend get from killing and eating people, and how can we solve it? What can he do to not be born in a cannibal tribe again?

6. Why did the ancestors of my Solomon’s friend have very long lives? Is the belief that eating human meat can give the eater a long life correct?

7. Where did my friend’s grandparents and parents go after they died? Will they still become cannibals again in their next lives?

8. Why do I have a duty to ask the people from Solomon Islands to walk on this merit path? Did they and I have any merit relation before? Why did they agree with my asking so easily? Have they pursued perfection with our merit-making group before and how?

9. Have my parents and my siblings pursued perfection with our merit-making group before and how? How did I pursue perfection with our merit-making group, and what was my duty in our troop of Dhamma? Have I attained Dhammakaya before?

10. Finally, I’d like to ask Luang Phaw’s mercy to give a speech or a blessing to everybody from Solomon Islands who are willingly listening to Luang Phaw through DMC’s screen. Many thanks.

Thanks a lot to Luang Phaw whom I respect the most.            

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. While dying, your grandfather saw a picture of the cats he killed claiming his life.

  • With his saddened mind, after he died, he went straight to the first major hell before going to any other hell due to his killing retribution and other deeds because he violated many precepts. Currently, he is suffering from being clapped and eaten by the hell’s authorities who transfigure themselves into the shape of big black cats with hot black fangs and now cannot receive merit. Anyway, the merit transferred to him is still waiting for him in purgatory. He didn’t have any word for you.

2. Your grandmother suffers from semi-paralysis because the retribution that she killed animals for food in her previous and present lives is taking action.
  • It’s possible for her to get better but not completely healed because she is pretty old now.

  • To solve it, she needs to perform every merit, i.e. donation, precepts observance, meditation, releasing fish and animals, etc, and then transfer this merit to the animals she persecuted; also she needs to often remind herself to the merit she makes.

  • She likes to perform merit so much because she is benevolent. In her previous lives, she was, sometimes, a poor person who often accumulated merit without being ignorant in her life; through this merit, she became a rich person in her next life, but she also became stingy in this rich life and this stinginess made her poor in her next life.
  • It happened back and forth many times.
3. That your sister has a 13 year-older husband who has a child from his previous marriage because of both merit and demerit she has. In their previous lives, they were spouses who made a wish to be spouses again, but she liked to make merit with used stuff. That was why she met her husband when he was an old widow who already had a child.

  • Your sister feels so close to Phra Sri-Araya Mettaya because in her close previous lives before she met our merit-making group, she always made a wish to meet him due to her desire to be freed from the cycle of existence.

  • She pursued perfection with our group but not in a row. That was why she, in some lives, met our group, but in some lives, she didn’t. It’s actually up to her which group she would like to go with. She needs to learn about it real well.
4. The people in Solomon are born as a cannibal tribe, have black skin, curly hair and some have very strong smell because in their previous lives, they had angered easily and had revengeful habits and liked to kill many humans and animals.
  • After their death, they will straightly go to the 1st major hell and other hells consecutively; for example, Ussada hell (minor hell), hungry ghost realm, monster realm, carnivorous animal realm.
  • Due to their stubbornness, they were born in a remote area. Due to their aggressive habits and bad speeches, they have strong smell that pushes people away.
  • They like to eat human meat because their habit from being carnivorous animals in many lives has come with them. Some were ogres before and they became the tribe’s leaders in this life. Their skin is black and their hair is curly because of their aggressive and revengeful habits.
  • They were born in these so beautiful islands that they were called “The Pearl of Pacific Ocean” because their retribution was about at the same level and that caused them to live together in these remote areas. Talking about the islands’ beauty, it’s actually up to the opinion of civilized people because most of the local people don’t have any idea if the islands are beautiful or not. The only thing they think is how to maintain their lives.
5. The fruit of retribution that your Solomon friend who killed and ate people gets is going back to unfortunate realms and getting back to his previous cycle which will consecutively send him to the 1st major hell, Ussada hell, purgatory, hungry ghost realm, monster realm, animal realm and it will suffer him a lot.

  • To be freed from this retribution, he needs to quit eating human meat and forget all mistakes he made; also he needs to perform donation, observe precepts, meditate and hold the triple gems as his refuges throughout his whole life, and then he will not get a cannibal life again 
6. The ancestors of your Solomon friend had long lives because they were assisted by other merit they performed in their previous lives; for instance, presenting medication, food, etc.
  • Their long lives didn’t come from human meat. Eating human meat will even shorten their next lives because it’s demerit which cannot be purified by anybody.  
7. After your friend’s parents and grandparents died, they all went to the 1st major hell. Currently, they are being stabbed, sliced and cut by the hell’s authorities with spears, knives, etc. that suffers them a lot because of their retribution of killing both animals and humans.
  • Sometimes, the authorities chew their flesh and spit it out, and then that flesh will gather and become the hell’s victims again in cycle. 
  • In their next lives, they have to get back to the same cycle; namely, going to Ussada hell, purgatory, hungry ghost realm, monster realm, carnivorous animal realm before becoming cannibals again. Only when they meet a Lord Buddha or restrain eating human meat and start performing donation, observing precepts and meditating until they can attain Dhammakaya within themselves, they will be freed from this retribution.
8. You become the person who persuades the people from Solomon Islands to walk on the path of Dhamma because they, in many eons ago, were followers in your house, and you were like the leader of a village in a civilized city. You leaded people to perform merit with our merit-making group and those people could be divided into 3 groups; namely,
1.The ones who really followed you
2. The ones who were not interested
3. The ones who didn’t believe you and some of this group even performed killing deeds through their aggressive and revengeful habits and their bad speeches.
Due to these deeds, they were sent to the cycle of unfortunate realms and were born in these islands.

  • The reason they agreed with your asking easily was because they were under your control in that life. Besides, you also made a wish to be able to help the ones who were not interested in your asking and the ones who didn’t agree with your asking and even performed bad deeds in one life.    
  • When you met them in this life, you became their Kalayanamitta (good friend) when their retribution was decreased and their stubbornness was gone.

  •  In that life, though some people didn’t agree with your asking to perform merit with our merit-making group, they still unwillingly made some merit.

9. Your parents and your siblings pursued perfection in the provisions division of our merit-making group before but mostly along their emotions. Sometimes they made merit with all their might, but sometimes they didn’t. 
  • You pursued perfection with our merit-making group before too; sometimes you were in the division of provisions; sometimes you got a short-term ordination; sometimes you got a lifelong one. When you got an ordination, you had a duty to propagate Dhamma.
  • In that life, you attained Dhammakaya and your meditation experience was good enough to bring you back to Tusita. (The 4th level of heaven)  
10. I’d like all my children in Solomon Islands to forget the mistakes in your past and never ever perform wrong actions again. You need to accumulate merit and perfection, perform donation, observe precepts, meditate and propagate this good thing to everybody in Solomon Islands, and then your lives will become happier and more prosperous everyday.

  • Since we have met again in this life, you need to pursue perfection and make every merit with all your might, and make a wish to follow our group to the special merit zone of Tusita, the land of Bodhisattva without being away from our group.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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