Spell for Searching Sacred Amulet

He recited heart of hermit and made a wish for three amulets in front of empty ground. At the end of his spell, there were more amulets than he wished for appearing before him. When he was about to grab them, those extra amulets disappeared through the sand and into the cave. https://dmc.tv/a2700

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Mar 4th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
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Spell for Searching Sacred Amulet
Dear Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,
I came to the temple in 1985.  I was an assistant editor of “Loak Thip” magazine.  I worked for “Kod Hang Kamma” (law of kamma) and “Tai Laew Pai Nai” (life after death) books as a writer and interviewer.  I also worked as an editor for “Dog Ya” publishing company.  I owned a small publishing company.  I would write interview column on “Yoo Nai Boon” magazine when monk assigns me to do.  I would like to help spread dhamma of Luang Phor as much as I can.  

I have five siblings. I am the fourth child.  I am from Nakonsridhammarach province.  My father was a policeman. About 30-40 years ago, there were many communist burglars that robbed people and damaged properties. That incident is similar to the crisis we have in the three provinces of Southern part of Thailand nowadays.  On the weekends, my father would search for the sacred amulet.    He visited many temples to pay respect to monks as his sanctuary.

One night, he heard voice in his dream saying that he will get a magic spell if he can find a book that Luang Pu Kong gave to Phra Plod at “Na Kliang” temple in Nakonsridhammarach province.  Once he found the book, he put the book in front of him and made a wish to open the page that has magic spell.   Once he finished his wish, he opened the book at the page that has a sacred spell named heart of hermit.  He recited the spell and made a wish for a sacred amulet in which his hand would shake and lead him to the amulet. He said that he did not want any other precious items.    He only wanted the sacred amulet for his own reverence.

Later on, whenever he heard about the opening of underground hiding place, he would go there.  When he arrived, he would recite the heart of hermit spell and make a wish.  He could find amulet every time.  One time, he recited heart of hermit and made a wish for three amulets in front of empty ground. At the end of his spell, there were more amulets than he wished for appearing before him.  When he was about to grab them, those extra amulets disappeared through the sand and into the cave.  Therefore, he received only three amulets as he wished for. One time he heard about the cave which has amulet.  On his way to this cave, he smelled “Lum Jiak” flower’s scent all the time.  There were many people traveling with him but no one smelled the scent except him.  He said that if he smells Lum Jiak flower’s scent, he would find the amulet every time.  Till today, he has many amulets including a first model of Luang Pu Wat Paknam amulet, which he received from his friend.  He handed me this amulet. Right now he is 77 years old.  Although he has magic spell to ask for an amulet, he also has spell to ask for another type of image.  This spell is to close eyes gently and smile.    

My mother was born in a rich family.  My grandfather came from China and married my grandmother who is Thai.  They were merchants selling grocery by boat.  They sold grocery from port to port for many years. When they became rich, they built a big house and opened a store at home. It was the only store in town.   There were about 40-50 workers both Thai and Chinese who worked with them for food and a place to stay.   

My mom was a beautiful and rich girl in town.  She was arranged to get married to my father who was a divorced man and much older than her. This upset her a lot. After she got married, she still did business and opened a tailor’s shop. Her business was very successful.

In 1966, our business opponent hired a hit man to kill all of us.  The hit man tried to shoot my father three times but the gun did not work every time.   The hit man confessed to my father that he was hired to kill the whole family. He begged my father not to harm him and described in details about the killing plan.  He told my father to move out from this town as quickly as possible.  He then asked father what kind of amulet he was wearing. After that incident, our family moved to another city and my father prevented my mom from doing business again.

When my mom was pregnant with my eldest sister, she saw in her dream that her cousin gave a rose to her and said that he will take it back in 15 years.  At age of 15, my sister went to funeral of her friend.  When she came home, she felt sick. At night, she screamed and raved fearfully that she saw her friend walking around her bed. 
From that day, she was always frightened. Sometimes, she heard a voice telling her to commit suicide.  She tried to hang herself from crossbeam.  She failed to do so since she did not know how to tie a robe on her neck.  She then heard the voice saying that “You should kill yourself because no one loves you.”  She tried to jump from the second floor at night. But in the morning, my mom found her sitting outside the house with her leg sprain.  She said that she had done what the voice suggested but failed.  So she does not care if anyone loves her because she does not want to hurt herself anymore.
At first, my parents thought that she was controlled by black magic so they took her to see both medical doctor and shaman.  The treatment cost a lot of money and my sister had to stop going to school. Later my mother took her to a mental hospital at Suratthani province.    

Sometimes when my sister was very ill, she would look at people resentfully and talk to herself.  My mom would take her to mental hospital for months. When she felt better, my mother would take her back.  My mother had to take care of her all the time. Later, my sister had diabetes and died at the age of 45.  
My youngest brother, who is the fifth child of the family, had a chance to ordain in the Dhammadayad program of 13th class in 1985.  I came to know Dhammakaya temple because he was ordained there.  He is a field engineer.  On July 14, 2005, when he was overseeing the embankment construction at Map-Ta-Put in Rayong province, there was a storm creating strong wind and high tide.  He had to risk his life working under a severe weather.  The construction was damaged and he was pressured by security guards and manager.  In addition, he had to negotiate with the local leader on environmental impact to people living near the construction project.  It was such serious conflict that he might be harmed by them.
When I graduated, I got a job and got married. I have two sons. I took them to temple since they were in my womb.  In 1991, when I was two months pregnant with my first child, I cleaned my house as usual.  That night I had hemorrhage starting at 9 pm.  My stomach pain became intense and I bled heavily.   I felt pain all the time.  Late at night I went to restroom.  Suddenly, a piece of meat fell into the toilet.  I picked it up and investigated it.  It was the size of a hand fist. It was covered with a sac with a tear about 1 cm long. Through the tear, I saw eye of the baby staring back at me.  I was so frightened that I threw it back into the toilet and flushed.  I came back to bed but I was restless due to blood loss.  I saw a firing ball floating in my stomach. It was hot like sun heating water out of my body.  That firing ball floated upward to my chest. 
In my last conscious moment, I thought to myself that I was going to die and would be with Buddha, Dhamma, and Sanka.  Once I thought of the triple gems, the firing ball hit me on my head and broke out like nectar cooling all over my body from head to toe.  Then I quickly fell asleep and woke up at 5 am.
The next morning I went to hospital and informed the nurse that I had hemorrhage all night.  She did not believe me since I looked healthy unlike a sick person.  Once she diagnosed me, she ran to my cousins and told them that I really had a hemorrhage.  She said a patient who had hemorrhaged all night is usually carried to the hospital.

In December 2002, early in the morning I saw in my dream a tall lady with powerful eyes dressing in violet. She was going to take me away (leaving this life for the next life).  In the dream, I was in the kitchen of my house.  When I saw her I was so frightened that I could not move and fell on the floor to sit in meditation position.  That lady looked at me through the house window.  When she saw me sitting in meditation position, she disappeared. I suddenly woke up early in the morning at 5 am.  I have never felt like that before.  It is so strange that I remembered her vividly.  After that day, I still felt frightened for many days.

1.  Who is the owner of voice that promised to give magic spell to my father? Why did he give heart of hermit spell to my father?

2. My father prayed to the owner of the book to open the page that has spell which he wants to give to him.   Why did he open the page which has heart of hermit spell?  Why did my father smell Lum Jiak flower’s scent before he got the amulet every time?  Where did it come from? Is it coincidental?   

3. What merit causes my father to own many amulets including the first model of gifted amulet of Luang Pu Wat Paknam?  What merit causes me to have this gifted amulet passed from my father?

4. Why did my mom, who was a beautiful and rich woman, have to married my father who was a divorced man? Were they husband and wife in their previous lives?

5. What retribution caused our business opponent to hire a hit man to kill our family?  What was the reason that the hit man could not shoot us and then confessed to my father?  What merit helped our family to survive that incident?

6. Why did my mom have a dream during her pregnancy that she got a rose which will be taken away 15 years later?  Why did my sister at 15 years old see a ghost and was urged to kill herself many times?  Did she see the ghost? Or was it her hallucination?  What was her retribution to have this symptom?   

7. What retribution caused my sister to die from diabetes? Where did she go after death?  Does she have any message to me and my family?

8. Have my brother performed perfection with the group before?  If so, in which way did he perform perfection?  Why does he work hard, work on project which he takes high responsibility, and sometimes take on live-threatening project?  

9. What is the sex of my two-month old unborn child?  Have my child and I performed perfection together before? Why did the baby died so quickly? Where did the baby go after death?

10. When I had hemorrhage, I saw firing ball floating upward.  That time I felt like I was going to die.  But when I thought of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sanka, the firing ball hit my head, broke out, and then cooled me down.  What was the firing ball that I saw?  Why did I feel healthy although I lost a lot of blood at night?

11. What retribution caused me to survive many life-threatening incidents?  I had a dream that a lady will take me away.  Did she really come to take me away?  Or was it just a dream?  If it was real, why did she leave when I fell down and sat in the meditation position?

12. Did my two sons and I use to be mother and sons in the past lives?  How did we pursue perfection with the team?  What were our duties in the past?  Why do I like writing dhamma book more than other types of book?  

 Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. The voice that promised to give magic spell to your father was the voice of sorcerer.   When sorcerer was a human, he ordained as a monk. He was a teacher of your father in previous life.  In your father’s dream, the sorcerer wore a brown robe and had long hair.
  • He gave heart of hermit spell to your father because in the past your father used to learn this spell with him before. 
  • So your father can learn the old spell that he learned before.
2. Your father prayed to the owner of the book to open the page that has spell which he wants to give to him.   Then he opened the page which has heart of hermit spell.  This is because the sorcerer used his hand to guide your father’s hand to open the book.  Your father was bound to this spell and also prayed for it.
  • Your father smelled Lum Jiak flower’s scent before he got the amulet every time because the sorcerer and angels who took care of the amulet made him to smell this flower. This scent was used according to the principle of sorcerer.  
3. Your father owns many amulets including the first model of gifted amulet of Luang Pu Wat Paknam.  This is because in the past he accrued merit in Buddhism and also collected amulet and charms. When he accrued merit, he always wished for sacred amulet and charm. It becomes his destiny in this life. 

  • You inherited the gifted amulet from my father because the merit that you made with Dhammakaya community made it happen.
4. Your mom who was beautiful and rich unwillingly married your father who was a divorced man. This is because they were husband and wife in many past lives. They made a wish to become husband and wife again.  She was unwilling to get married with him because he was a divorced man.

5. Your business opponent hired a hit man to kill everyone in your family. The major reason is because they lost profit in present life.  They did not engage in endless retribution with your family. In addition, all of you do not have this kind of karma. Thus, you all survived the incident.

  • The hit man could not shoot him and then confess to your father.  This is because the sorcerer helped him and he did not have retribution of ordering a killing of others. Thus, the hit man could not shoot the gun. He also wanted to know the type of amulet that your father wore and who made it. He wanted to know and get one so he told the story to your father.
6.  Your mom had a dream during her pregnancy that she got a rose which will be taken back in 15 years. This is because of the imbalance of components in her body. It did not relate to the way your sister came to her womb.

  • At 15 years old, your sister saw a ghost and was urged to kill herself many times. It was her hallucination which was the retribution of her liquor-drinking misdeed and verbal misdeed taking effect.   In one past life, she was a man who liked to drink liquor.  When he was drunk, he would make noise, scold at others and told others to go kill themselves. That retribution caught up with her in this life.
7.  Your sister died from diabetes because her karma of killing animal for food eating with alcohol drink showed it effect in this life.

  •   After she passed away, she was born as a human. However, since she still has alcohol-drinking karma, she will have mental illness and hallucination like she had when she was your sister before.
  • She did not have any message to your family.
8.   Your brother performed perfection with the group before as provision support in which he did it regularly according to his ability. He has been doing challenging work in many of his past lives.
  •  It became his habit to work hard and work on project which he takes high responsibility, and sometimes it can be a live-threatening project. 
9.   Your two-month old unborn child was a girl. She has abortion karma. You did not conduct misdeed with her. But you supported your girlfriend to have abortion in the past by giving money to her to get abortion. 
  • his retribution drew the person who has abortion karma to be in your womb. Your child has been born and reborn many times and has been having many fathers and mothers.
10.  When you had hemorrhage, you saw firing ball floating upward.  That time you felt like you were going to die. It was the righteous vision from your good deeds which you have released animals in the past. It curtailed your hemorrhage.

  • Once you recalled of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sanka, the firing ball hit your head and broke out. It was because of the merit mentioned above that created the righteous vision in addition to the merit you recalled the triple gems. As such, although you lost a lot of blood, you were still healthy when you woke up.
11.  You survived many life-threatening incidents. It is due to many of your retributions such as karma from killing animal, karma from indirectly supporting abortion, etc. It caught up with you so you almost died many times. However, the merit that you made with the group and the merit of releasing animal curtailed those retributions.
  • You had a dream that a lady will take you away.  It was due to the imbalance of your components. You should not make it serious. Your dream did not have any meaning.
12.  You and your two sons used to be mother and sons in many past lives. You performed perfection with the group as provision support.
  • Your two sons used to ordain in a short period of time. Sometimes, they ordained for a long time and sometimes for a lifetime.
  •  In this life, you like writing dhamma book more than other types of book. This is because in the near past life, you were a noble lady who liked to study dhamma and made a resolution to contribute to temple work.

  • We have met each other in this life. You should perform perfection at full strength in all merit.  You should make resolution to follow the group to Tusita together in special zone of Bothisatava.  You shall never stay away from our group.


Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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