Born Off Womb, Grown In Womb

If one donates the leftover embryo, will this action sinful like abandoning a baby or getting an abortion?

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Mar 11th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18272 ]
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Born Off Womb, Grown In Womb  

 Dearest Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,

    My husband, my daughter and I have been students of Dream in Dream Kindergarten for over 2 years, especially, my daughter who is waiting with attention for Luang Phaw to read her 3rd letter telling about the 266 temples merit. I’d like to hand a case study to ask for Luang Phaw’s mercy to dream for me as follow;

My husband and I have known each other since we were still college students. We were together for 12 years before deciding to get married. In the whole 15 years of our marriage, he is very calm and consistent; but when it comes to his work, he is very faithful and honest. I myself come from a noble family and I am even a Mom Rajawongse (Child of Serene Highness) but instead of acting haughtily, I live an easy life like a regular person. We get along well with each other; especially, he never obstructs me from making merit.

Five years before coming to the temple, I had a strange dream. In that dream, a lady whom I didn’t know and I visited a monk in a temple. Before saying anything, the monk greeted us “Look for the exit by yourselves. There are 2 exits.” I accepted his word and left.

We followed each other along a completely dark way. After a while, we arrived an exit. But before walking through it, I saw a big group of sad people wearing old and tarnished clothes. In my opinion, it must have been hell. We both felt depressed and kept looking each other bewilderingly, and then we didn’t wait any longer to walk back to the way we were from and kept heading without knowing where the end would be. After a long while, we saw a vivid light ahead of us, so we moved forward. In front of us was the picture of a number of people wearing white outfits. Back then, I thought that that place must have been heaven and that was why the people were so happy. Seeing that, I felt happy for them.

My husband and I seriously come to the temple because of my husband’s sister who asked us to cast personal Buddha images. She is an excellent merit leader who has induced people to cast over 100 Buddha images and makes every merit with all her heart, also she likes to meditate.

The first time she asked me to cast Buddha images, I didn’t really understand about it, so I asked her if I could cast only a Buddha image with my husband’s and my names subscription. She hushed, so I asked her again.

She looked disappointed but didn’t say anything, and then she hastily left. Later, she asked me to go to a meditation retreat in Suan Bua. I told her that I would definitely go but only after I lost my job. Surprisingly, less than 3 months, I really lost my job, so I finally went to Suan Bua because I didn’t want to make her upset; but after knowing meditation, I had strong faith to the temple. I have come to the temple and made every merit without missing even a single time.

Before that, I had difficulty conceiving a baby. I was married for 8 years and my age was close to 40, but I still didn’t have any child. My husband and I really wanted a child, so we talked and agreed that we would perform a big merit and make a wish to have a meritorious child. At that period of time, it was the same time that the temple was building the foundation poles of Dhamma, and I didn’t forget to have my upcoming child’s name “Luk Kaew” subscribed on a pole because I wanted a daughter. But no matter how long I waited, I still didn’t get pregnant; therefore, I made a last wish to have a meritorious child before the cetiya was completely built, and if I couldn’t really get a meritorious child, I wouldn’t want any child again.

After that, I consulted a doctor and he advised me to use an artificial insemination by fertilizing the eggs and the sperm in a laboratory until an embryo is begotten and placing that embryo into my uterus. This method is called ICSI (a little different than GIFT), and it did work. Soon after that, I got pregnant. But during my pregnancy, I suffered a threatened abortion because I could prematurely lose the fetus from my womb at anytime, so I had to get a blood transfusion and lie still in bed for 2 weeks. I nurtured my womb as best as I could, and I finally delivered a baby girl as I desired. I gave her a nickname “Luk Kaew”, and a monk gave her a first name “Ajjima”. He told me that it meant a person who had vivid and prosperous Dhammakaya.

After Luk Kaew was first delivered, she was so small that she looked like a premature. Besides, she got 2 operations. The first time was when she was 11 days old. She threw up so much that the doctor diagnosed that her stomach’s sphincter muscle was constricted, so he gave an operation on her belly, but everything was normal. Next week, he gave her the second operation at the same area, but the operation line was 12 inches longer to see if she had a tumor or not, but there was nothing. I had much pity on my daughter that she had to get hurt for nothing.

Presently, Luk Kaew is 7 years and 3 months old. She is very healthy and very cute.

My father in law was the navy’s male nurse. Usually, he was quiet. But when he was drunk, he became very talkative. He drank and smoked everyday both day and night for 30 years until he suffered large intestine cancer, but he later could quit them because his children performed the function of Kalayanamitra (good friend) to him, so he could keep his life for 10 years longer.

At the end of his life, he performed alms offering at Paknam Temple everyday because he got an ordination there for a year, and his last merit was casting a personal Buddha image. Unfortunately, he could cast only half of it since he died before it was done at the age of 66 because the cancer was expanded to his lung; therefore, my husband’s sister cast the rest of the Buddha image from the money he saved in his bag.

My mother in law was a teacher, but after she was retired, she became a meditator. She loved meditation so much that she could be counted as a professional. She went to 70 meditation retreats in Chiangmai, 111 retreats in the meditation village and stayed in Suang Bua for years without coming back home. Presently, she is 71 years old but she looks younger than her age. Her cheeks are rosy because she is happy from meditation by stilling her mind.

My husband’s cousin was a nice girl who studied very well. She was always the first number of her classes since primary school until high school. She studied in Triam Udom Suksa high school and got an A in every subject. After passing the high school level before others, she could pass an entrance examination to study in the faculty of medicine in Ramathibodi hospital. In the examination, she was the first number.

After graduated, she became a paediatrician in a private hospital in Saraburi Province. Due to being a nice person, she was selected to be the best doctor of the paediatric building. Unfortunately, when her work was still prosperous, an unexpected thing happened at the middle of the year 2002 (B.E.2545), she felt tight at her chest. Later, she found that she suffered the last period of lymph node cancer, and the cancer expanded to her clavicle, liver, pancreas and brain during the treatment.

During her sickness, my sister in law had a DMC satellite dish installed for her and asked her to perform merit of casting 9 Buddha images, offering sustenance to the Lord Buddha and releasing fish and animals. She performed every merit with a delighted heart; especially, the merit of building crystal pillars, her last merit that she donated 100,000 Baht (about $2,500) with her own hands. And finally, she passed away peacefully when she was only 36 years old.


1.    Why was I born in a noble family? Though it was not very rich, I didn’t have any difficulty in my life. What merit did I make in my previous lives that caused me to have a husband with the same disposition?

2.      What did the dream that I walked along 2 paths to their ends mean? Were the places I saw hell and heaven? Why did I have that dream?

3.     What retribution did I have that caused me a difficulty in conceiving a baby, and I suffered a threatened abortion during my pregnancy?

4.     What merit caused Luk Kaew to become my daughter? Was it because of the wish I made to have a meritorious child before the cetiya was completely built? Did she come from the special merit zone of Tusita (The 4th level of heaven)? What inspired her to be born in this life, or because she had a duty to do?

5.     Does an embryo, the result of fertilization between the eggs and the sperm in the laboratory which is ready to be placed into the uterus, have life and soul? If not, when does a soul come? Why was Luk Kaew born by this method which was not natural?

6.    I donated the leftover embryo from my first ICSI. Has that embryo used or destroyed? Is this action sinful like abandoning a baby or getting an abortion?

7.     What retribution caused Luk Kaew to have a very small body when she was first born, and she had to get 2 operations in a row for nothing when she was only 11 days?

8.     My father in law smoked and drank for 30 years. Could he recall to the merit he cast half of a Buddha image when he was passing away? Where did he go after he died? Did he receive more merit after my sister in law finished casting that Buddha image for him? Does he have any word for us?

9.    Does my mother love meditation so much because she could attain Dhammakaya in her previous lives? How did she pursue perfection with our merit-making group before?

10. What merit caused my husband’s cousin to study well? Was she a doctor in her pervious lives like in the present life? What retribution gave her lymph node cancer? Where did she go after she died? How will the merit she performed in her last 2 years affect her? Does she have any word for us?

11.   What was the duty of the monk who named my daughter and advised me about meditation in the last Buddhist interval? Did he attain Dhammakaya and come to the world twice with our merit-making group? Why is he close and very nice to my family?

12.   How did my husband, my daughter, my sister in law and I perform deeds together that caused us to pursue perfection together, and my sister in law was the one who asked us to come to the temple? How did we assist our group’s work in the last Buddhist interval? Did we attain Dhammakaya before? Will all of us follow Luang Phaw to the special merit zone of Tusita?

                Thanks a lot to Luang Phaw whom I respect the most.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. That you were born in a noble family which was not very wealthy, but it didn’t give you a difficult life was because you were a humble person who simply perform donation, not with all your might. This retribution took action.

  • You have a husband with the same disposition because both of you, in your previous lives, had the same level of faith, view and precepts and you performed merit together. That was why when you met again in this life, you could get along well and performed merit together again.
2. That you dreamed about walking along 2 paths till their ends meant the paths of merit and demerit or associating with the wise people and the fools, and you needed to choose the correct path. They were not hell and heaven. You had that dream because your own merit taught you to walk in the bright path like the people wearing white outfits.

3.    You had difficulty conceiving a baby and suffered a threatened abortion because you, in your previous life, had a granddaughter who was pregnant before the right time and you encouraged her to get an abortion, so the remnants of this retribution came with you and caused you to suffer a threatened abortion, but the merit you performed in this life decreased that retribution. That was why you could have a daughter as you desired.

4. Luk Kaew became your daughter because of the wish you made after casting Buddha images to have a meritorious child, and this wish came true.
  • She pursued perfection with our group in the division of provisions before. 
5.  An embryo, the result of fertilization between the eggs and the sperm in the laboratory which is ready to be placed into the uterus, has a life, but doesn’t have a spirit because it still doesn’t have a reborn soul.

  • A reborn soul will come only after the embryo is already placed in the uterus. When it’s proportionate, the merit-demerit balls of the parents will bring a reborn soul that has the same level of deed as the parents to come to them. The reborn soul will come to the father’s body and get into the mother’s body through their nasal cavities, from the right one of the father to the left one of the mother, or it will come straightly to the mother’s body.

  • Luk Kaew was born this way because of the remnants of her retribution from encouraging people to get abortions like what you did.
  • The people who are born this way usually have remnants of abortion retribution, no matter if they perform an abortion themselves or encourage others to do, or they might kill pregnant animals or baby animals, etc. But the retribution must already be decreased.
6. You donated the leftover embryo from the first ICSI. That donated embryo was already used. The reborn soul was up to its new parents, and there was no relation with you anymore. To be born by this method, human bodies are required to bring a reborn soul to them.
  • If the embryo was destroyed, it didn’t give you any demerit since it had only a life, not a spirit or soul.
7. When Luk Kaew was first born, she was very small and even had to get 2 operations in a row for nothing when she was only 11 days old because the remnants of killing retribution, ex. cutting a living fish’s stomach for food regularly when she was a lady in an agricultural family came with her and it took action.

8. Your father in law drank and smoked for 30 years, and when he was passing away, he could slightly think about the merit of casting half of a Buddha image because he suffered a lot, so his omen of suffering was not very clear and that caused his mind to be half bright-half dim. He was brought to purgatory by its authorities and was judged to be a Kumphan (a kind of giants) in Catummaharajika (the first level of heaven) and had to be a purgatory authority for 9 months a year.
  • He received the merit transferred to him and caused him to enjoy merit in heaven for 3 months before working in purgatory. Now he wants merit so much.
  • You need to perform more merit and transfer it to him, so that he can stay in heaven longer.
 9. Your mother in law loves meditation so much because she could see the misery of life and see the value of meditation.
  • She pursued perfection in the provisions division of our merit-making group, and could see the misery of worldly life at the last period of her life for many times.
  • In this life, her sensual retribution is almost gone.
  • In her previous life, she could see a Buddha image in her body, but it was not very steady. In this life, if she keeps meditating, her experience will be better.
10. Your husband’s cousin studied well because she accumulated much merit of education.
  • In her previous life, she was a businessperson, not a doctor like in this present life.

  • She suffered lymph node cancer because her killing and stealing retributions took action together.
  • The story was she was a well-to-do man who owned an animal farm and killed many animals. And in another life, she was an accountant who changed account data and embezzled the assets from a millionaire whose property was in her care. Also, the sensual retribution she had caused her to be a lady.
  • After her death, she was still around the house for a while before being reborn as a girl because of the merit she performed at the last period of her life, so she didn’t have any word for anybody.
11. The monk who named your daughter and always suggested you about meditation was, in the last Buddhist interval, a soldier of the ordained king. He got a lifelong ordination after the king and his duty was researching high level of Vijja Dhammakaya and propagating Dhamma. He could attain Dhammakaya and could go back to the special merit zone of Tusita, also he came to the world the second time with our merit-making group.  
  • He is close and nice to you and your family because he was the monk who taught you and your family in your previous life.
12. Your husband, your daughter, your sister in law and you pursued perfection in the provisions division of our merit-making group in the last Buddhist interval, and you could see a clear Buddha image in your bodies that was enough to bring you back to the special merit zone of Tusita.

  • Since we have met again in this life, you need to pursue perfection with all your might and make a wish to follow our group to the special merit zone of Tusita, the land of Bodhisattva and never stray away from our group.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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