Be Good Because Of DMC

Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Mar 16th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18285 ]
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Be Good Because Of DMC
Dear Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,
I have been a “Dream-in-Dream” kindergarten student via Hotbird Dhamma satellite dish since November 2004.  My husband and I feel that we died and are reborn with a better life because of DMC (the only one channel).

DMC allows me and my family to learn the true stories of lives; which are taught by Luangphaw, everyday on the satellite dish.  It drives us to stop our immoral business or business that leads to unethical manners such as underground lottery and liquor.

Though shutting down those businesses would lessen our income, I do not regret this decision.  I am as happy as placing a burden down from shoulders.  This makes me relieved, safe in life and assets, and free from retribution.  I wish to take this opportunity to submit a case study as follows:

I was born in an agricultural family in Nong Bau Lumpoo province.  I am the sixth of eight children.  I have fishing and frog catching skills.  Having these skills, I was appraised by my parents, uncles, and aunts as good in making a living.  No one told me about merit or demerit.

After graduating, I was persuaded by my sister to work at a beauty shop in Bahrain.  I reluctantly went there; but I later thanked her because I earned up to 200,000 baht after 3-years of work.  I gave half of my earnings to my parents and spent the other half to hang out with friends.

I was very happy with my huge earnings and decided to run my own beauty shop in Bahrain by partnering among siblings.  However, my earning was not so much as there were a number of shares.  During that period, one of my partners taught me to gamble and I found myself an extra earning by lending others at a gambling house.

At the beginning, I watched gamblers to play.  Once I saw them loose, I offered to lend and I wanted their gold and precious belongings for pawning.  Later, I got to gamble myself.  I gambled a few times and got addicted. I was so addicted to gambling until I almost delivered my first baby boy at the card table.  This addiction made me loose millions within six months.

I then decided to stop gambling and lending people money, and I turned myself to an underground lottery dealer.  In fact, it was at an international level since the buyers mostly were foreigners from Philippines, India, Nepal and so forth.

I also started to open my first beauty shop together with the sale of underground lottery.  They never went to losses. I earned millions yearly, but I had no saving. Although I earned so much money, it did not make my life happy.  Because there was an incident where I lost big money and my beauty shop started to get into losses.  I then turned myself to open Thai restaurant together with my sister-in-law.  There were karaoke, alcohol, and beer of all kinds.  We ran it for three months and I decided to take off as I neither liked to sell alcohol nor see my husband drink it.

After withdrawing from the restaurant business, I persuaded my husband to open a car body shop.  Now, my husband drank harder since both bosses and workers drank until 1 am almost everyday.
Work order could not finish within timeline.  This caused the shop to loose customers and impacted to the business.  We ran only for six months and decided to close out this shop.  We had to accept millions in loss and sent all workers back to Thailand.

Later in April 2004, I started to run Thai massage business.  In Bahrain, if it is a men’s shop, there will be only men in the shop as well as beauty shop also can only be entered by ladies.  Men and women must be completely separated.  If men enter to women’s shop, this will break Muslim’s culture.
Male massage shop here earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual.  This business is in fact more than just a simple massage.  There are male prostitutes.  Most of the customers know about this.  I ran this business without knowing its retribution.

My husband and I later studied sermon of the Lord Buddha from Luangphaw, who teaches us everyday via DMC.  I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do.

My husband and I then decided to quit all immoral businesses with an objection from relatives since we would loose hundred thousands of income each month.  We retained only five beauty shops and a restaurant, which does not sell alcohol, beer, and all kinds of addictions.  My husband also completely quitted drinking and smoking.

Dear Luangphaw, I was relieved because all of our family members could quit the roads to ruin, and many good things came to us. We were very happy, and I had time to take care of my children more. We attained all merits which Luangphaw persuaded via DMC. I and my husband intended to be a virtue friend of each other and to my relatives.

My father was a farmer, but he could nurture his children and support 8 of his children to earn associate degrees. My father never talked behind others, and he was a very generous man. He never smoked nor drank spirit. He helped his uncle to feed pigs and cows to sell, not to kill. He stopped doing that for 5 or 6 years because he had cirrhosis caused by virus infection from pigs.

While my father could still help himself, he went out to lie down on the drive way. We had to spread out a tent for him to sleep because he said that he felt uncomfortable and hard to breathe when he stayed inside the house; even though our house is beautiful, big and has good ventilation.

Currently, my father has to go to the hospital once a month to drill and take the water away from his stomach. It is very painful, and he has stomachache all the time. Moreover, he is suffering greatly from abscess around his anus.

After he had abscess surgery, he never could walk again. We attained merits for him by casting Dhammakaya image. My father performs merits with Luangphaw all the time. He performs almsgiving everyday. Though he cannot get himself up, he let his children do for him. He knows that he can only depend on merits.   

My mother always was hot-tempered and irritable but likes to perform almsgiving in the morning. She has had diabetes longer than 10 years. She had to inject for 4-5 years, and take medicine everyday. She also has knee ache and leg ache disease, her legs are smaller everyday, but she still can walk.

My eldest sister had to fight and step up from poverty, but currently she owns a beauty salon in Bahrain. My sister is very nice, and she persuaded us to work there. Before, she was healthy, but did not have much to eat.

Right now, she is wealthy, but could not eat because she had lots of diseases: gastritis, sleeplessness, and stiffness, which has caused pain and need someone to massage all the time. My oldest son was almost delivered on a card table. I was impressed when his first word as a baby was “Na mo” because he heard my husband chanting all the time.   

Currently, he likes watching DMC, and he also has difficult questions, which over a normal kid, such as what is a stream-enterer? That makes me stunned and I could not answer. His characteristic is calm and loves Dhamma, he does not like violence and is scared of all sharp equipments. He never watched the cruel movies.

My daughter was easy to take care and also she could chant very clearly even when she could not read well. She also joined all merit activities with adults even though she had to sleep in the late night. She could meditate as long as adults.

Mother of my brother-in-law was a farmer that was foul-mouthed but kind. She went to temple all the time, but performed merits very less, each time about 5 to 10 baht only. Even when her young sister already offered money to monks; she went to open the envelope and if there was too much money, she would take the money back from monks.   

She was a cherishing person. Someone stole 2 sacks of her cooking charcoal, and she was very angry. She cursed them by burning pepper and salt.   

It was very strange that 2 weeks before she died she was suffering a great deal from burning, stinging pain just like putting pepper and salt on her skin. We tried to use ice cubes to help her, but it did not help. She died with torture at 74 years old.

1. What retribution made me do bad deeds by killing animals and having immoral jobs?
What should I do to completely stop these bad deeds in next lives and realm until the utmost Dhamma?

2. Will the fruit of merit from the first ordination ceremony in history of Bahrain and other great merits I have accrued since I have watched DMC, close a door to unfortunate realms?
If not, what should I do to be liberated from this retribution?

3. I intend to make my home as a temple, place for meditation and accommodation for Buddhist monks. What fruits will I receive?

4. My mother is diabetic and required shots in the last 4-5 years and her legs are continuously smaller which makes her walking more difficult. What retribution does she have?
How can she resolve this kamma?

5. What retribution made my father have abscess around his anus and cirrhosis even though he does not drink liquor and smoke? How should he resolve this kamma?
What kamma made my father have to sleep on the drive way to the house?

6. My sister was poor when she was able to eat. Once she is wealthier, she cannot eat as her body rejects food. What retribution she has and how should she resolve this?

7. What retribution made my brother-in-law’s mother suffer a great deal from burning and stinging pain before she was dead?
Where has she been reborn after she died?
Has she received merit from my dedication?
Does she have any messages to her descendants?

8. Will cursing by burning pepper and salt effect to people who are cursed?
Why does some curse work?  
What kamma will the person, who curses, have?
What retribution will the curser and cursed have to each other?

9. What retribution will a person, who takes money back, which already was offered to Buddhist monks, have?

10. My son is scared of darkness, violence and all types of weapons even kitchen knife. What should he do to make this fear go?

11. What merit I, my husband and both of my children used to make together?
How had we pursued perfection with Dhammakaya community?
Where had my son been before he was reborn in this life?
Has he had enough merit to ordain in monastic life?

I greatly thank to Luangphaw with high respect.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. You had to be in a cycle of killing animals and did immoral jobs because; in the past, you did not regularly offer generosity and associated with fools. When you accrued merits, you did not make wishes. The retribution is subsequence of these past kamma.

  • To resolve, you have to accrue all merits; generosity offering (dana), precept observance (sila), meditation (bhavana), etc. and make a wish to associate only with wise men and not fools every time, until the end of your life. It is possible to be as you wish.
2. Wholesomeness from first ordination ceremony in history of Bahrain and other great merits you have accrued since you have watched DMC will assist you and your family to close a door to unfortunate realms in this life and several future lives. However, you should not live carelessly; do right for livelihood, be far away from fools, associate only with wise men and accrue all merits until the end of your life.
3. You intend to make your home as a temple, place for meditation and accommodation for Buddhist monks. Giving dwelling is considered giving happiness. Briefly, fruits of doing these good deeds are that you will be welcomed wherever you go, you will never have a tough life and you will be loved by all human and angels; and have retinues, fortune, rank, praises, happiness and attain paths and fruits of Nirvana, etc.

4. Your mother is diabetic and required shots in the last 4-5 years and her legs are continuously smaller which makes her to walk more difficult is because of kamma from killing animals both small and big for food, and from tying animals’ legs to send to killing factory both in the past and in the present.
  • To resolve, she has to offer generosity (dana), observe precepts (sila), meditate (bhavana), free both small and big animals and dedicate merits to animals that she often threatened. These merits will lessen past retributions.
5. Your father has cirrhosis even though he does not drink liquor, or smoke and has abscess around his anus because of the past kamma from killing animals for foods and raising animals for others to kill, and also drinking liquor in addition to present kamma that he raises animals for others to kill and kills animals for food.

  • To resolve, he has to accrue all merits; generosity offering (dana), precept observance (sila), meditation (bhavana), freeing animals and fishes, and dedicate merits to animals that he threatened.

  • Your father has to sleep on the drive way to the house instead of sleeping inside the house because of the past kamma that; when his father had infectious disease, he left his father in front of the house. Once the retribution surfaces, there will be something making him unable to sleep inside the house and have to sleep outside to feel good.
6. Your sister was poor when she was able to eat. Once she is wealthier, she cannot eat as her body rejects food. This is because of the past stingy kamma. In that life, she was wealthy having a lot of retinues. She was often stingy to give food to her retinues as she is afraid of wasting; as well as she liked to punish her retinues by not providing food.

7. The mother of your brother-in-law was suffering a great deal from burning, stinging pain before she was dead because of her past kamma that she grilled live animals both in the past and the present as well as cursed disliked persons by burning pepper and salt both in the past and the present.


  • After she passed away, she becomes hungry ghost in hungry ghost realm between Trikut mountains. She is skinny, has fire over her body as a result from stingy and angry kamma as well as kamma from cursing by burning pepper and salt. 
  • She received the merits from your dedication and the suffering is lessened. However, she still does not repay all her retribution; so you should often make merit and dedicate to her.
  • She would like to send a message to you that she is suffering all over her body from burning and stinging pain as she also scold Buddhist monks, and from starving. She can only groan “help me” with her tiny mouth.
8. Cursing by burning pepper and salt does effect to some people but some do not as it depends on retributions of the cursed person. It does not relate to the curses by burning pepper and salt.
  • In order to make curse work, the curser must observe precepts and be truthful, should have never lied, then his word will be sacred. Also, if a person, who is very grateful to another, curses another, then it will happen as cursed.  
  • A person, who curses with vengeful and immoral mind, will also have retribution from his/her own curse.
  • Both the curser and cursed will seek revenge to each other as well.  
  • Therefore, the best way is to forgive each other.
9. The action that a person takes money that was already offered to Buddhist monk back will result in retribution.     
  • When one has treasures, one will not have a chance to spend. There will be something causing treasures ruined; stealing, catastrophe, flooding, fire and so forth.
10. Your son is scared of darkness, violence and all types of weapon even kitchen knife because of his past kamma. In the past, he looked after his nephew who was very naughty so he locked his nephew up in a dark room and scared him in many ways; with knife, and scolding, to make his nephew shrink.

  • To resolve, he has to practice meditation every day without skipping, and those fears will gradually disappear.
11. You, your husband and two children used to pursue perfection with the Dhammakaya community as a provider.
  • Your husband ordained at old age as mentioned before.

  • Before your son was born, he was from bright realm.
  • He has ordination pattern both short and long term as well as a provider.
  • In this life, if you would like him to ordain, you have to be very supportive as it requires high will power.

  • Since we have met each other in this life, therefore you must try to pursue perfection in all merits with fullest efforts and make a wish to follow the Dhammakaya community to Tusita (fourth level of heaven), in the special merit zone – Bodhisatta as well as do not be apart from each other again.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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