Answer by Law of Kamma :- Why is he/she beautiful?

Why is he/she beautiful? Summary from many case studies in the Inner Dream program.

Dhamma Articles > Law of Kamma
[ Sep 7th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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Why is he/she beautiful?
1.    He/She is handsome or beautiful, good–looking and nice skin because
       a.    In the previous lifetime he/she had donated and then made a wish to be beautiful.
       b.    In the previous lifetime he/she offered the monastic robes to the monks and/or clothes to the poor.
       c.    In the previous lifetime he/she cleaned the yard around the pagoda.
       d.    In the previous lifetime he/she kept at least 5 precepts purely.
       e.    In the previous lifetime he/she kept his/her mind clearly and thought only good things.

2.    He/She is perfectly beautiful because
       a.    In the previous lifetime he/she built the temple around the country.

3.    She is the beauty queen / the runner–up of Miss Thailand because
       a.    In the previous lifetime she offered the morning alms to the Paccekkabuddha.
       b.    In the previous lifetime she made merit by offering the beautiful things such as flowers to worship the Triple Gems and made a wish to be beautiful.

4.    He/She has sleek and sweet–scented hair because
       a.    In the previous lifetime he/she cleaned mud from the Buddha image.

5.    He/She has beautiful voice because
       a.    In the previous lifetime he/she taught Dhamma to the congregations.
       b.    In the previous lifetime he/she always spoke to persuade people to do good deeds.
       c.    In the previous lifetime he/she was reborn to be a singer or Gandharvas.


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