The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in USA

The World Historic Event in USA. The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in Azusa, USA.

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[ Nov 23rd, 2010 ] - [ read : 18267 ]
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The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in USA
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten Program broadcasting on DMC

The Mass Ordination at Dhammakaya California Temple

Namaste Khunkru Maiyai with the highest love and respect

I am Mr. Ong-art Thamnitha, Mr. Talkative Art.  Today I would like to report the new Change the World event in USA.

Mr. Ong-art  Thamnitha, the reporter

Now Hollywood and Disney Land have to record the new world historic event.  When the Mass Ordination Fever from Thailand has broadcasting continuously on DMC.  It made the real men in Hollywood decide to attend in the Dhammadayada Mass Ordination project since the 70th Birthday Anniversary of the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun.  They also rejoice in merit of the Master Nun Chand’s Kathina 2010 and prepare to attend the 1,000,000–Monk Mass Ordination Project as well.

The Dhammadayada Mass Ordination project since the 70th Birthday Anniversary of the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun.

There were 56 men ordained in this project.  The temple arranged during October 15 – 24, 2010.  Even though it was a short project but the teaching monks did not short of goodwill.  They taught the new monks fully and the new monks were diligent and tried to practice to be the true monks.  Many new monks used to be playboys or gamblers or addicted to drugs.  But when they were ordained, they stopped all bad things they used to do.  Their parents, relatives and friends were impressed in their good deeds and rejoiced in their merit.

The Most Ven. Phrarajdhammavides kindly accepted to be the preceptor.

The Most Ven. Phrarajdhammavides, the monastic president of Thai – Los Angeles Temple, kindly accepted to be the preceptor in this mass ordination.  The Most Ven. also gave a speech that “The mass ordination is good to Buddhism Dissemination.  The foreigners will see how much the Buddhist believe because of this mass ordination.  Also, it will interest the foreigners to study and practice Dhamma.”

The new monks is doing the Morning Alms Round.

The fund will be spent to build the Master Nun Centennial Building but the joyfulness I would like to share.  It was the world historic event happened in the first time in USA.  That was the Dhammachai Pilgrimage and the Morning Alms Round of the new monks on the main routes in Azusa.  The residents were very interested because they had never seen it before. 
They had many questions which give us a good chance to do the best friend’s duty.  We answered their questions and inserted Dhamma as well.  We also invited the residents to study and join the Buddhist activities.  There was a Mexican family who questioned so much that they traced the new monks’ pilgrimage until the new monks came back to the temple. Thank you and rejoice in your merit.  See you next time.
 The World Historic Event - The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in USA
The cold weather and the frosty road are not the obstacles for the monks.
The congregations welcome the monks


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