Earth Day

Earth Day 22nd April 2016 Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World

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Earth Day
22nd April 2016 Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World


Earth Day in its modern form was initiated by the Honorable Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator from Wisconsin, who strived to raise awareness and gather political support for the environmental issues of the day. The first Earth Day was held on 22nd April 1970 in the U.S. with more than 20 million Americans participating. Nowadays, Earth Day continues to be observed internationally on the 22nd of April each year by more than 500 million people in 192 countries worldwide. It is a day on which people voice and address concerns about environmental issues, with the hope of making this world a better place.

At Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Earth Day is observed in the spiritual context as we believe that all types of problems on earth, whether environmental, political, economic, or social, stem from the polluted human mind. It is believed that through this polluted mind all sorts of problems are generated on this planet. In order to rectify these problems, we have to tackle them at the root cause, which begins at the mind. Therefore, we take this opportunity to promote spiritual values, moral standards, meditation, and ethics among humankind.
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Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World

In order to cleanse and safeguard the world in a sustainable manner, we must start by purifying the mind. Once the mind is purified, we can instill virtues in people and motivate them to perform only wholesome deeds. As a consequence, they will not have the desire to harm others or the willingness to damage the environment.

The best tool for purifying the mind is the practice of meditation. Meditation allows our mind to enter a state of calmness and liberate us from greed, anger and hatred. Furthermore, a calm and still mind is a state conducive for generating the pure energy that can be used to purify the world. As more and more people meditate and reach this mental calmness, the unification of their powerful minds is able to create incredible amount of positive energy that will benefit both the practitioners and those around them. Such collective energy can even lead to the reduction of disasters and other calamities on earth.


06.30 am  – Morning Alms Offering to 100,000 Novices
08:30 am – Morning chanting
09:30 am – Meditation session
11:00 am – Offering for the casting of Khun Yai Chand Khonnokyoong’s gold statue
– Offering of food and sustenance to the Sangha
13:30 pm – Meditation session
15:00 pm – Ceremony to cast the gold statue of Khun Yai Chand Khonnokyoong

For more information, please contact The Dhammakaya Meditation Center nearest you or Call (662) 831-1000

Casting the Gold Statue of Khun Yai Chand Khonnokyoong

“If it wasn’t for Khun Yai, I would not be who I am today, and there wouldn’t be Wat Phra Dhammakaya and of its overseas meditation centers today.”
Luangpor Dhamamajayo reflecting on his meditation teacher Khun Yai Chand Khonnokyoong

The Embodiment of Unconditional Love for Humankind

Khun Yai was determined to keep her promise to carry on the vision of her teacher-the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni-to disseminate the Dhammakaya Meditation tradition so that people worldwide could discover their own internal refuge and infinite source of happiness. Khun Yai never stopped until her very last day–never making excuses due to her age, illness, lack of money, or a torrent of detractors.

At the age of 60, she chose the difficult path of founding a temple with a mere starting sum of 3,200 baht ($160 at that time). It was arduous for someone of her age, living on a piece of land with no running water and soil so arid that even grass refused to grow. She was misunderstood, criticized, and fell ill many times but never did she waver or give up. If she did, there wouldn’t be Wat Phra Dhammakaya and all of its overseas meditation centers today. If she did, we wouldn’t have seen these unprecedented, uplifting images of one million people meditating together for inner happiness and world peace.

Create a Golden History on Earth Day, the Anniversary of Luangpor Dhammajayo’s 72nd Birthday

Gold Statue of Khun Yai Chand Khonnokyoong

In commemoration of her noble virtues and as an act of utmost gratitude toward our benevolent teacher, a ceremony will be held at Wat Phra Dhammakaya to cast a gold statue of Khun Yai on Luangpor Dhammajayo’s 72nd birthday anniversary on Earth Day. A hundred years from now, people will be asking, “Who was this great person who received such devotion and veneration as to have a statue cast out of pure gold by her devoted supporters?”

The quest for the answer will lead to the exploration of meditation to discover the Dhammakaya within, which will bring overflowing happiness and merit to millions of people for decades to come. Naturally, donors who have made all this happen will have a share in the happiness and merit of these millions of people. We can look back with pride and joy knowing that we played a heroic part in extending the life of Buddhism and preserving the most precious legacy for our fellow mankind for generations to come.

Designing a Future as Bright as Gold

A piece of gold made into an accessory will remain just an accessory. But a piece of gold made into a statue of a person as rare and as respectable as Khun Yai will become a historical monument of virtue, a valuable reminder that greatness is measured by the value we bring to others, and that we multiply our happiness by multiplying others’ happiness. The resulting merit will attract good fortune, golden opportunities and virtuous people into our lives—bringing us more happiness and making it easier to perform good deeds and to discover our own Body of Enlightenment.

For more information, please contact your representative at Wat Phra Dhammakaya or a branch center near you.


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