Inside the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga

1,128 Dhammachai Monks had been trained in the 100,00-Monk Ordination Nationwide Project and ordained correctly according to the Monastic Disciplines in the temples across the country for at least six months. Every monk determined to get rid of or lessen his defilement, greed, anger, and ignorance. When the project was over, they went to Dhammakaya Temple to continue their self-training for being the fertilized merit fields in the coming Dhammachai Dhutanga.

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[ Jan 2nd, 2013 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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The Dhammachai Dhutanga for worshipping the Lord Buddha

Self-training and doing the monastic duties



The Dhutanga monks are training themselves

All of the Dhutanga monks had been trained in the 100,000-Monk Ordination Nationwide Project and lived in the temples across Thailand,they did the self-training intently.

After the ordination ceremony, the monks in the Mass Ordination Project had been trained through many monastic daily routines such as going for the Morning Alms Round, sweeping the temples, pray the chanting, meditate, etc., when the project was over, thousands of monks believe in Buddhism and do not disrobe.
    1,128 Dhammachai Monks had been trained in the 100,000-Monk Ordination Nationwide Project and ordained correctly according to the Monastic Disciplines in the temples across the country for at least six months.  Every monk determined to get rid of or lessen his defilement, greed, anger, and ignorance.  When the project was over, they went to Dhammakaya Temple to continue their self-training for being the fertilized merit fields in the coming Dhammachai Dhutanga.
Preparation for the dhutanga
     The Dhutanga monks have meditated and been cultivated by the teaching monks during the Dhammachai Dhutanga preparation time.  They study "Pariyatti" or Pali, Monastic Vinaya or 227 Monastic Disciplines, memorize the chanting, and study Pali Canon to follow it.  They also practice the meditation intently and train themselves through the monastic daily routines.  Many of them have the good meditation results.  Their minds are calm and they experience the inner peace because of meditation.  They can purify themselves by the Monastic ways.

The Dhutanga monks have requested to keep two Dhutanga observations which are

1. Having only breakfast for more available time to do other self-training and
2. Having a rest only in the places prepared by the hosts so the hosts will not have more load.

This is a way to train them to be content in what they receive.

After the Mass Ordination Project, all monks went to request to keep the Dhutanga observations and do the self-training seriously.  In this picture, a monk was placing his saffron robes on a clotheshorse.  He had to do it orderly because if not, it would look bad and the clotheshorses would not be enough.
พระ<a href= title='ธุดงค์' target=_blank><font color=#333333>ธุดงค์</font></a>ต้องฝึกฝนอบรมตนเองทั้งด้านปริยัติ ปฏิบัติ ปฏิเวธ ภาพนี้พระธุดงค์กำลังซ้อมบทสวดมนต์ให้จำได้คล่องปากขึ้นใจ ขณะสวดมนต์ก็ทำ<a href= target=_blank title='สมาธิ'><font color=#333333>สมาธิ</font></a>(Meditation)ตามเสียงสวดมนต์ด้วย
The Dhutanga monks were memorizing the chanting.  While they were praying, they were meditating as well.
พระธุดงค์อยู่รวมกันจำนวนพันกว่ารูป เป็นเรื่องสำคัญที่ต้องมีการจัดการระบบระเบียบให้ดี ภาพนี้เต็นท์หรือกลดที่พระธุดงค์ท่านใช้จำวัตรวางเรียงกันอย่างเป็นระเบียบเป็นแถวเป็นแนว
Over thousand Dhutanga monks are living together, so the good management is important and needed.  In this picture, their tents are placed orderly..

     Over thousand Dhutanga monks are living together and they have been trained by this living.  It requires the good management because the bad management may waste four requisites such as the bad kitchenware washing system is able to waste water. Other than the mental development, the Dhutanga monks have been trained physically that is they have been train how to use four requisites such as having only breakfast and having it only in the monastic bowls, using and looking after their necessary things for the Dhutanga, using, cleaning, and keeping toilets clean, etc.  These are the ways of using four requisites worthily and acknowledging the laypeople's faith via their alms.  All Dhutanga monks realize that they are using things laypeople offered faithfully.

They must be healthy and peaceful.  The Dhutanga monks have practiced walking in the sunny weather tens of km per day for preparing their bodies strong, their manner nice, and their awareness on the external environment.

The Dhutanga monks were practicing and walking on the marigold petals in Maha Rattana Vihara.  The welcoming petals made them realize how faithful the laypeople are and it encouraged them to do the Monastic duties and purify themselves for being the fertilized merit fields.

  Marigold for welcoming the Dhammachai Dhutanga during January 2nd -27th, 2013.
      Moreover, they have practiced walking over 10 km per day for this Dhutanga.  They have been trained how to do the Dhutanga with nice and graceful manner which makes the laypeople believe and love to do good deeds.  They intently keep their precepts and meditate well all the times and behave well according to Dhamma Vinaya, so their action, speech and mind are very pure.  They intend to dedicate merit from their good deeds, self-training, and performing the Dhammachai Dhutanga to celebrate the 2,600th Anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Lord Buddha, so the laypeople who welcome them will get this big merit as well.

     Now the monks are ready to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga and being the fertilized merit fields for the welcoming laypeople on both sides of the ways.
ข้อมูลธุดงค์ธรรมชัย แผนที่ธุดงค์รายวันข่าวธุดงค์ธรรมชัยภาพสวยๆVDO ธุดงค์ธรรมชัยบทความอื่นๆ


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