Casting Luang Pu in Gold

Who was Luang Pu? How important was he? Why have the Images been cast in Gold? If you believe in Luang Pu, you should not miss this big merit.

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[ Feb 27th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
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Casting Luang Pu in Gold
The Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro),
The Rediscoverer of Dhammakaya Vijja

Casting Luang Pu (Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple) in Gold

The Most Ven. Mongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro), the Rediscoverer of Dhammakaya Vijja or Luang Pu (Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple), was the great monk who was one of the perfect moralists and sacred monks. So he had lots of disciples from all over the world and we agree to cast his Image in gold for the world to acknowledge Luang Pu’s goodness.  Why do we cast his Image in gold? Because casting his Image in gold will make the world wonder and have many following questions such as “Why have his Images been cast in gold?” Then, it will be a good chance for us to explain them about Luang Pu’s biography, moral, holiness, and determination. Moreover, we can persuade them to imitate or follow Luang Pu’s practices.  When the time passes by, the gold is rarely find and its value is higher; or in the next millennium, there will be a FAQ that why people in this era are so faithful that cast the Image of Luang Pu in gold together although gold is valuable and so expensive!!!  These questions interest people especially the trouble ones to seek for answers that “Who was Luang Pu?”, “How important was he?” etc. When they meet the Gold Images of Luang Pu, they will turn to study his story and become faithful and appreciate his kindness and goodness. Finally, they will turn to practice Dhamma by the Lord Buddha’s teaching like Luang Pu did.

 Casting the Image of Luang Pu in gold will bring the great merit to you

So, casting the Image of Luang Pu in gold will bring the great merit to you because it is the kind of alms offering which generates the continuous practice and meditation in the future.  When people come to pay homage this Image, they will practice Dhamma like he did. The Lord Buddha taught that “To worship by practicing Dhamma” was the highest kind of worship.

How difficult is it?
Casting Luang Pu in Gold is not easy, so you should not miss this merit because:

1.    Luang Pu was one of the perfect moralists and was the excellent fertilized merit field.  Luang Pu was rarely born and he had to accumulate this kind of merit or have high moral conduct enough to inspire people in this era to believe strongly in him and want to cast his Image in gold.

2.    Gold is expensive, so casting the Image in gold is not easy.  Only thinking to do is difficult, so casting in gold is the very rare chance.

3.    Fewer people in the world have been believed by mass people and can persuade them to cast the Image of Luang Pu in gold.

4.    There are two kinds of people who want to cast Luang Pu in gold which are 1) they made and accumulated merit with Luang Pu in the past or 2) they have never made merit with Luang Pu, but they have other special merits inspiring them to agree to make this big merit for themselves.

5.    If you are faithful and want to cast the Image of Luang Pu in gold only by yourself, but you are not rich enough to do, you will not get this big merit because of your money.
6.    Even if you have enough money to cast the Image only by yourself, the power of casting by one person is not as strong as the casting by the mass people.  Moreover, if you pass away in the future, it is hard to keep the Image by only a few people because the Image does not belong to the public and most people do not acknowledge that they should to keep it well which it is opposite to casting by the mass people.
7.    If casting Luang Pu in gold is finished, but you just become faithful or know this merit news late and want to do it, it is too late.

Schedule of April 22nd, 2012
9:30 am    Meditation (Morning Session)
11:00 am    The Ceremony of Offering Meals to the Monks as Maha Sangha Dana
13:30 pm    Meditation (Afternoon Session) / The Ceremony of Offering Alms to the monks across Thailand
18:00 pm    The Ceremony of Casting the Image of Luang Pu in Gold

Please participate in the Ceremony of Casting Image of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) in Gold on Sunday April 22nd, 2012 at Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani province, Thailand. Rejoice in your merit.
Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

กรอกแบบฟอร์ม เพื่อขอข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม  
ชื่อ-สกุล โทรศัพท



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