Celebs and their monkhood...update

Many Thai celebs were ordained or have been ordained as monks to pay back their parents' kindness - Ken – Theeradeth Wongpuapan, Utt - Uttsada Panichkul, DJ Krit – Mr. Krit Sripoomseth, Big – Mr. Puchisa Supatanapat, Tod – Mr. Piti Pirompakdee, Dew The Star 5 – Mr. Pongsathorn Supinyo, Yai – Mr. Watcharakiat Boonpakdee, Aou – Mr. Panu Suwanno, Bird – Mr. Thongchai McIntyre https://dmc.tv/a13871

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[ Jul 14th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18322 ]
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Celebs and Their Monkhood
The morality trend especially ordination is coming back.  In tradition, Thai guys should be ordained during the Buddhist Lent when they are 20 years old.  Now, we collect the photos of Thai celebs, superstars, actors, and singers who were ordained or have been ordained as the followings.
1.     Phra Praputt Buddhibalo (Kamlang-ek)
 Phra Praputt Kamlang-ek
“I think the monk’s life is so good because he won’t exploit anyone and the lifestyle is peaceful so that he can study Dhamma of the Lord Buddha fully.  I had studied a lot of Dhamma, but the more I studied Dhamma, the more questions I had. I thought of them again and again.  When I have been ordained here, the Most Ven. Luang Phaw Dhammajayo can answer all of my questions without my asking. It seems that I have got the best answers and they touch my heart.”
“I had many doubtful questions that why we were born; if we passed away, where we would go; how many times we had to reborn.  This was because I had seen many top leaders of many nations finally passed away but they could not bring anything with them.  It caused me think that was there anything else more than being the richest or most well-known one? Because when someone became the richest one, he still had some troubles. It must have something else more than that.  If we were born to struggle to be the richest ones, what could we bring? The great man like the Lord Buddha, before he ordained, he had everything perfect. His family was the highest one. He was a prince who was extremely rich, why he decided to leave everything and ordained.  It had to have something more than that.  In addition to listening to the Most Ven. Luang Phaw Dhammajayo’s sermon, he taught me that we were born to attain Dhamma, to make merit and to pursue perfections; we had to do it for overcoming the rebirth, oldness, sickness, and death.  His answer touched my heart and really clear for me.”

“I think that ordination is the chance for all guys should not miss.  And it is the real good project for you to try out.  Listen to someone’s explanation is not as good as you try, and you will realize and understand it even more…like me.”

2.    Phra Jason Piyacaro (Yong)
 Phra Jason Piyacaro (Young)
I, Phra Jason Piyacaro (Young), would like to inform that after I have been ordained as a monk since April 1st to pay back the kindness of my parents who had passed away, I intend to practice and follow Dhamma and the monastic disciplines seriously so that now I appreciate and believe in Buddhism strongly.  I want to be a monk as long as I can to keep the Buddhism.”

3.    Phra Pongsakorn Phrabuddhiyano (Mahapaoraya)
 Phra Pongsakorn Phrabuddhiyano (Mahapaoraya)
“I intend to be a monk as long as I can. There is no rule or regulation that is able to tell me that how long I can do.  As long as I keep the monastic precepts and do the monastic duties well and completely, no one can drive me out.  It depends on me. If I live as a monk and happy, I still do like this.”

“However, everything is changeable.  Many people changed their minds after saying something.  Many people ask me that when I will disrobe and I don’t know.  Some monks told me that they would not disrobe, but they finally did it.  Someone told me that they didn’t know how long they could be as monks, but they could do it for their whole lives.  A few of people in the entertainment circle were ordained. I understand the world more than some monks who have been ordained since they were young.  In addition, I have learnt more things than some congregations and my friends.  I deeply want to teach many things to my friends or old friends, but I am a new monk and my friends still want to live worldly. So, it is the suitable time for them.”

4.    Phra Sitthichai Dhammadaro (Pabchompoo) – Boy AF3

 Phra Sitthichai Dhammadaro (Pabchompoo)

Mr. Sitthichai Pabchompoo or Boy AF3 is amiable. He loves making merit and often participated in many charity events before being ordained as a monk at Dhammakaya Temple. Once, he was ordained as a monk Wuttharam Temple in Khon Kaen province and Phrarajmongkolvutthisarn, the Ecclesiastical District Governor, was his preceptor at that time.

“I intend to be ordained in this project to practice Dhamma for 49 days and I was ordained as a monk for his parents 5 years ago.  When I knew this news from my friend that there is the 2012 Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks again, I am interested in it and decide to be ordained again for peaceful mind.”

5.    Mr. Rattanaphon S. Worapin
 Phra Preecha Charoenthara
Mr. Preecha Charoenthara or Mr. Rattanaphon S. Worapin, the Ex-Champion of the IBF, was ordained in the 2012 Nationwide Summer Ordination of 100,000 Monks.

6.    An actor of “Sagai United”

 Phra Sa  Khunabuddho

Sa is a Sagai in Satool province.  He was born in the pure Sagai family in Thabthong village, Langoo district, Satool province.

“My life during the 100,000-monk ordination program is different from my previous living in the forest very much. I have to get up in the early morning to line up, go to pray the morning chanting, meditate, and do many activities.  But it is so good because I don’t think too much. When it is the meal time, I have food every time, so I don’t worry that what I will eat.”

“My favorite activity in the Dhammadayada Ordination Program is meditation because I feel that I can sit it calmly and have nothing to worry. When I meditate, I prefer to think of a clear crystal ball in my abandon. In the earlier, sometimes I could do it and sometimes not.  However, when I think of it again and again, I suddenly see it and feel very happy.”

“If there isn’t this project, I will not be ordained because I have some difficulties.  The ordination is able to lead people, all nationalities and races, to study and know about the truth of life, know and understand the Law of Kamma, and learn many good things which they can apply in their daily lives.  I would like to thank Luang Phaw that Luang Phaw opens another chance to all guys to be ordained free of the ordination charge. Thank you very much.”

7.    Bie – The Star
 Phra Sukrit Wisetkaew
Mr. Sukrit Wisetkaew, 25 years old, or called “Bie – The Star” is a hot actor and singer in Thailand now. He unveiled that his ordination was for paying back his parents’ kindness.

8.    Fluke – The Star

 Phra Pongsakorn Adhibhaddo
“Fluke – The Star” is a well-known singer and actor for Thai teenagers. He intended to be ordained to pay back his parents’ kindness.  He said, “I had promised my father and mother since 2 years ago that I would be ordained for them, but I postponed it many times. Even though my mother passed away, I intended to be ordained and dedicate merit to my mother.”

His monastic name was “Adhibhaddo” which meant “the person who move forward very much.”

9.    Film – Rattapoom Tokongsup

 Phra Rattapoom Dhirabhaddo (Tokongsup)

A well-known singer, Rattapoom Tokongsup (Nickname: Film), was ordained as a monk at Sung Temple in Sao-hi district, Saraburi province.  His monastic name was “Dhirabhaddo” which meant “the good scholar.”

“I intend to be ordained to pay back my parents’ kindness strongly and want to study and apply Dhamma in my daily life.  When I disrobe, I will work as best as I can.  I also want to be a good person for being a good model for Thai society.”
10.    Ken – Theeradeth  Wongpuapan
 Phra Theeradeth Dhiravangso (Wongpuapan)
Ken – Theeradeth or Mr. Theeradeth Wongpuapan was ordained at Saket Ratchaworamahawihan Temple in Pom Prap Sattru Phai district, Bangkok.  His monastic name was “Dhiravangso” which meant “the family of sages.”

11.    Utt - Mr. Uttsada Panichkul

 Phra Uttsada Kittivatthano (Panichkul)

Utt – Mr. Uttsada Panichkul was ordained to pay back his father, mother and Mrs. Juree Osiri’s kindness at Saket Ratchaworamahawihan Temple. His monastic name was “Kittivatthano” which meant “the person who has good fame.”

“About this ordination, I had intended to be ordained for a long time, but I was not available to do it in Thailand. I want to do it for my father and mother and now I can clear all of my jobs and decide to do it.”

12.    DJ Krit – Mr. Krit Sripoomseth

 Phra Krit Kantavanno (Sripoomseth)

Mr. Krit Sripoomseth, a well-known Wave 94 EFM DJ, was ordained and got the monastic name “Kantavanno” which meant “the person who is honorable and has good skin.”  He was ordained at Kaewpitakcharoendham Temple on the 55th alley of Chalermprakiat Rama IX Road in Prawet district, Bangkok.

13.    Big – Mr. Puchisa  Supatanapat, The 2002 Dutchie Boy

 Phra Puchisa Dhanavatthako (Supatanapat)

Big – Mr. Puchisa Supatanapat, the 2002 Dutchie Boy, a Thai famous actor, was ordained to pay back his parents’ kindness at Phrapathom Cedi Voramahavihara Temple in Nakhon Pathom province.  His monastic name was “Dhanavatthako” which meant “the person who is very rich.”

“This ordination is the work of man to pay back the kindness of my father, mother and those who helped me.  First, I didn’t want to be ordained, but when I met some difficulties, I felt that if my ordination can lessen my beloved ones and it is an action of good son, I’m willing to do.”

14.    Tod – Mr. Piti  Pirompakdee

 Mr. Piti Pitidhammo (Pirompakdee)

Tod – Mr. Piti Pirompakdee was ordained at Saket Ratchaworamahawihan Temple.  His monastic name was “Pitidhammo” which meant “The person who love Dhamma.”

15.    Dew The Star 5 – Mr. Pongsathorn Supinyo

 Phra Pongsathorn Dhammavangso (Supinyo)

Dew The Star 5 was ordained at Bowonivet Vihara Temple. His monastic name was “Dhammvangso” which meant “The family of people who have Dhamma in their mind.”

“The reason of my ordination is the suitability of many things and I am 24-25 years old too. My ordination date was close to my Birthday Anniversary, March 21st, so I want the good things happen in my life.  My mother was very happy.  In the morning (ceremony), I apologized to my mother, and she cried and told me to keep precepts well and study Dhamma intently and fully.  I think that if someone intends to do anything, he can do it well and I will do it best too.”

“After I disrobe, I will apply Dhamma of Buddhism in my daily life.  The Lord Buddha taught many things.  I believe that if we live by Dhamma, Dhamma will make our mind calm.”

16.    Yai – Mr. Watcharakiat Boonpakdee

 Phra Watcharakiat  Kittivangso (Boonpakdee)

Yai – Mr. Watcharakiat was ordained and his monastic name was “Kittivangso” which meant “the famous family.”

“I had thought that if my mother recovered from illness, I would do something for her. But I had no idea. When Ken (Mr. Theeradeth Wongpuapan) persuaded me and I decided to do.  I intend to study Dhamma fully. I will disrobe at the same time with Ken.”

17.    Aou – Mr. Panu Suwanno, the famous actor from Thai TV Channel 7

 Phra Panu Suwanno

Aou – Mr. Panu Suwanno, the famous actor from Thai TV Channel 7, was ordained and stayed at a temple in Nakhon Srithammarat Province.

18.    Bird – Mr. Thongchai McIntyre – The Superstar Singer

Phra Thongchai Abhijayo (McIntyre)

Bird – Mr. Thongchai McIntyre, the Superstar Singer, was ordained and impressed old women who waited to offer the morning alms to him.  Those old women did it because of their belief. So, when Thongchai sees the picture of any old women offered the morning alms, he feels that he wants to be ordained again. So, this is the rare picture for Thongchai because his surrounding people usually hide it.

The ordination trend is the moral trend which is coming back to Thai societies.  If you are a real man, you are one of the luckiest ones in the world because only the real men in the Buddhism can be ordained.  So, we would like to invite all real men to make and accumulate merit in the Buddhist Lent by being ordained in the 2012 Nationwide Rain Retreat Ordination Program of 100,000 Monks.  Details of this program are the followings:

Training Period                 July 8th – November 4th, 2012
Application Submission       June 1st – July 8th, 2012 at Dhammakaya Temple and other training temples
Novice Ordination Date       July 21st, 2012 at the Main Training Center in Dhammakaya Temple
Monastic Ordination Date    July 30th – 31st, 2012 at the training or nearby temples
Call Center                       02-831-1000, 02-831-1234

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat




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