V-Star :- Mongolian V-Star

Mongolian V-Star … The Shining Light in the Land of Genghis Khan https://dmc.tv/a9329

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[ Dec 12th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18277 ]
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V-Star Change the World
Mongolian V-Star …
The Shining Light in the Land of Genghis Khan
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten Program broadcasting on DMC

The visitors who go to Dhammakaya Temple on Saturday December 11th, 2010 will see the longest Buddhist exhibition in the world.  The exhibition consists of booths of the information of 208 countries in the world, the biography of the Lord Buddha, Law of Kamma, Heaven vs. Hell and other interesting ones.

1,000,000 V-Star children in Thailand have inspired other children all over the world including Mongolian children.  It started in 2009; there were 200 Mongolian V-Star children from six schools attending in this project and the Mongolian V-Star representatives received the Honor Shields from Khunkru Maiyai.  After this good news and the pictures of over 500,000 Thai V-Star children were broadcasted via NTV Channel, they have woken many Mongolian authorities to introduce this project to the teachers and directors.  The authorities are Dalai Lama Mung Jakal of Peaceful Mind Foundation, Ministry of Education in Mongolia, all Heads of 6 educational areas in Ulaanbaatar, the Capital of Mongolia.  The meeting has affected the attendants to implement in their schools.  The result is the amount of Mongolian V-Star children in this year, (20,000 students from 52 schools) is 100 times of the children in last year (200 students from 6 schools).  The directors, teacher, parents and classmates have encouraged them to join this project.

In this year, the Mongolian V-Star children wrote their diaries of doing 10 good deeds from September 27th, 2010 to November 22nd, 2010 (8 weeks) and NTV Channel of Mongolia reported news of Mongolian V-Star’s activities everyday for 2 months.  The students of IBS of Mongolia cooperated with 52 schools to launch the song writing competition which was to write the song for Mongolian V-Star Project.  The winning song was “Doing only good deeds” song from the 60th school.

Miss Naminjos, a Mongolian V-Star, unveiled that she used to be lazy to study but now she is better.  She also said that she loves meditation because it always makes her comfortable like floating in the air.

The easiest good deed for Mongolian children is wrapping the blanket after they wake up immediately.  They also pay respect to their parents before going out. These made their parents love them much more and have more willpower to live valuably for them.

Ms. Churinsumen,
the Social Creative Activity Supervisor Teacher from the 1st school

Ms. Churinsumed, the Social Creative Activity Supervisor Teacher from the 1st school, introduced over 800 students to join this project.  She said that the V-Star Project matched the school’s policies.  Since this project happened, the teachers’ works are easier.  The students doing 10 good deeds of V-Star project become more obedient to their parents and teachers.  The students intend to chant, meditate and get dressed well.  They wrote their good deeds and study by knowing their targets.  Because one of ten good deeds is reading the useful books, more children read the books and spend the free time well.  Children learn to live valuably.  Feedbacks from this project make her and others know that they have to cultivate the morality to children until the children can distinguish what is good/bad or appropriate/not appropriate.  They have to hurry to cultivate the good things to the children who are the future of the nation.

The board showing V-Star activity summary

V-Star children keep the 5 precepts

On the V-Star Day, H.H. Dalai Lama Mung Jakal will lead the teachers, directors, Mongolian V-Star Children and the students of IBS of Mongolia, a total of 12 persons, as well as the Pagoda Construction Researchers of Mongolia, a total of 5 persons, to study how to build Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya as well.

A Mongolian boy carried the flag to prevent girls touching the monks

The teachers and students of the 56th school have joined this project

H.H. Lama Mung Jakal and the students of IBS of Mongolia
took a photo with Thai monks

The teachers, students of IBS of Mongolia and
Mongolian V-Star children came to join the V-Star event




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