

  Dhamma Articles > Scoop

  Magha Puja Day - read 18318
Magha Puja Day Magha Puja Day is one of the most important Buddhist holy day. It is also called as "The Day of Four Marvelous Events." Why is it so important? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Dokmaiban Meditation Program - read 18272
If you are looking for a meditation program, Dokmaiban Meditation program is your answer. We have three meditation places for you. For more information, please read the details. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The Biography of the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong - read 18270
The Biography of the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th Generation - read 18271
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th generation อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas - read 18260
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas – The Ancient Buddhist Scriptures of the World อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The Master Nun's 102nd Birthday Anniversary - read 18264
The Master Nun's 102nd Birthday Anniversary อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The Middle Way Meditation Coach Training Program - read 18264
If you extremely want to join us to create the world peace, please read it at once and apply to join immediately. Don't forget to tell your friends to come with you. Let's come together to change the world!! อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Change the World :- Eric Levine ... WoW - read 18272
Eric Levine ... the owner of California Fitness WoW He is wow because he is another one who wants to change the world to be peaceful. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  What do the blinds see during this training? - read 18267
The real experiences of the blind women in the 1,000,000–Laywoman Mass Training Project. What do the blinds see during this training? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- The Letter from the Hill Tribe Teacher - read 18263
A lovely letter written from a Karen student to Khunkru Maiyai. She and her friends are happy to join this project. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Kalmykia :- The only Buddhist republic in Europe - read 18272
The president of Republic of Kalmykia gave a speech in V-Star day. He is impressed with this historic event and will introduce the V-star project to the youths in Kalmykia. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The Letter From Howard McCrary - read 18276
Howard McCrary expressed his feeling and opinion after he had joined the 5th V-Star Day. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The 5th V–Star Day: The Amazing Day of Million Stars - read 18275
The new historic event happened in Thailand...When over 1,000,000 V-Star children gatered to do good deeds in the V-Star Day at Dhammakaya Temple on Saturday December 11th, 2010...Is it the beginning of world peace in the future? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  V-Star :- Mongolian V-Star - read 18276
Mongolian V-Star … The Shining Light in the Land of Genghis Khan อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  V-Star :- The kind adults will warmly welcome the 1,000,000 V–Star children - read 18275
1,000,000 V-Star children will gather to do good deeds at Dhammakaya Temple on Saturday December 11th, 2010. It is not easy to gather 1,000,000 children especially for doing good deeds. Is it the beginning of world peace in the future? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Change the World song by Howard McCrary - read 18266
"Change the World" song by Howard McCrary and his friends who would like the world peace happen. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  V-Star :- Summon teachers power to restore the world morality - read 18269
V-Star :- Summon teachers power to restore the world morality The future world is in the children''s hands. V-Stars or the good and smart children are the hope of world peace and peaceful world as the abbot''s speech ""V-Stars Change the World."" อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in USA - read 18263
The World Historic Event in USA. The 1st Dhammachai Pilgrimage in Azusa, USA. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Change the World :- Israel - read 18261
Change the World in Israel. The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh has sent his disciples to make world peace in Israel. What is the their first start? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  V-Star :- The First Western Girl who will be the president of Kathina Ceremony - read 18273
The First Western Girl who will be the president of Kathina Ceremony....she is Nong Joy or Muriel Kaegi Maurer อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  V-Star :- Even though I am a deaf, I can be the president of Kathina Ceremony - read 18265
Sotsuksa Debaratana School in Prachuab Kiri Khan Province, Thailand is the special school for deaf students. But the students in this school have shown their potential that the deafness is not their obstacles. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Miracle of Kathina Merit :- Day Case Surgery - read 18269
He is a doctor. His wife was sick of submucous myoma. Who cured her and how was she better? อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010 - read 18272
Lovely letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010. Every children can do big good deeds such as being the president of Kathina Ceremony. Nong Ja+ and Nong Aiko are the examples of these children. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Power of the Master Nun-s crystal ball :- Thai tea - read 18274
The owner of NUMBER ONE BRAND Thai tea unveiled the tips of his success. Certainly, it is involved his merit-making style. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ 
  Power of the Master Nuns crystal ball :- Millionaires at Sampaeng market - read 18270
The shopkeepers at Sampaeng market unveiled about the power of the crystal ball. อ่านเรื่องScoopต่อ