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Member Since 13 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2016 12:17 AM

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I need Father's E-mail

17 April 2010 - 02:31 AM

Namassakan Father Kool Mai Yai

I'm so sorry if I use wrong word ka. I'm thai woman and I just register to be member
and try to find E-mail for sent mail to Father ka but I can not find

pls tell me too , How I will do that I can contact with Father coz I really need suggest
word from Father ka

I just move to life in USA. before come USA I ever visit Wat Thammakay many time ka
and I think, one of day I need to ask father ...

Why my life have not harmless since I were young until present ka?
and How I will do that can make me leave from my all sin?

now I day I always pray to Lung Pu Sod ( I mean grand father Sod) and dedicate some money
collect in , and I think ...that I can collect some virtuous ka

so I need suggestion from Father too . pls reply back to me in my mail na-ka

so respect ka