

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ 24 Feb 2005
ออฟไลน์ ใช้งานล่าสุด May 27 2008 03:07 PM


Vibark - Krama of Drinking

01 March 2005 - 10:55 AM

1. Drink at home for health purpose
2. Dink occasionally at the event or social party
3. Drink very often in pub bar and night club

I have some questions for people who drink for healthy purpose. Some of my friends and relatives are in this category too.
Although I tried to explain to them but they said it is good for cardiovascular health

A) For those who insist to keep drinking for healthy purpose,
How serious and how much risk for them to serve this Vibark-Karma in 5th hell compare to type 2 and 3 drinker above ?
assuming that they have been accumulating the same amount of good deed and other things are equal ;-)

There are other preventive approaches, such as taking omega 3 Fatty acid every day, L-Arginien and L-Citullen every day to promote Nitric Oxide production in blood vessels for a healthier cardio vascular system. Choose the high quality one. They perhaps cost less than VINE but more effective on the result. Plus exercise that would be great. These are better way to prolong life and the chance to accumulating more good deed and merit.

Should anybody know of any research conducted to find out the effectiveness of drinking for health and cardio vascular system
compare to other approaches as I mention above; natural nutrients, exercise and etc, please provide the link or sources of information. So that I could use it to back up each time I told other people. Thank you very much

cool.gif IF unfortunately this go to the Stock Exchange Market of Thailand
1. How serious is the Vibark-Krama those stock buyers would get form supporting that stocks without knowing the law of karma for drinking ?
2. Will the investors get the bad credit each time the bad karma is performed by every single consumer ?
3. ViBark-Karma the stock buyers would receive is as serious as or as much as they perform the bad karma themselves?
4. Will the stock buyers get out of that after they sold out the stock ? since after they sold the stock, all their old inventory might still in the market ex. still on the shelves, in the liquor stores ready to be consumed ha ha wink.gif


24 February 2005 - 11:20 AM

KRAB RIEAN Loung Phor and Tuk Than Krub

please forgive my ( poor) English, my Thai font is not working now.
I was just wondering what did they do form the past so that they born together, so closely with attached body parts. In some case one of them have to die for another to survive.