

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ 26 May 2007
ออฟไลน์ ใช้งานล่าสุด May 24 2008 10:51 AM


ในกระทู้: นอนไม่หลับ ~ อุดม แต้พานิช~

08 March 2008 - 09:18 PM

Nong Note, you are a truely gifted comedian.
Anumotanaboon duoy na kah for finding 072 within yourself.
I love your story, it sounds so cute.
How about your Ice-Cream shop business? Is it doing well?
I like the way you chase away the guardian ghost to go somewhere else.
Again, you are very funny and also a smart cookie!
From one of your fan in the USA.

ในกระทู้: รังนก

29 December 2007 - 10:01 PM

I am agreed that we sinfully eat the bird's nest. If you were the bird,
would you like your home being taken away? and have to build another
home and another home without ending until it became a salivary - blood!!!
Some Chinese people is so awfully wierd, not only the bird - nest that they eat,
but also the bear's kidney, the rhinos's horn, the dog, and much more.
These are the bad khamma if you would follow the same. There are so many good
things to eat in this world without exploiting the poor little bird.
Luuk Pra-Tum from USA

ในกระทู้: The life of Luang Pi Nicholas

24 September 2007 - 08:50 PM

To Aruch(A101) & Luckynara(340)
First of all, I like Khun Ong-Art & Khun Som-Knae equally. Khun Som-Knae(Aun)
is a jolly young fellow who has a casual manner, casual remark even though he's
not paying attention to the important details but it's still okay due to the theme of
his programme is chatting in a friendly informal way with lay-people(non-monk).
his personality really suits with what he's doing. You probably think because Aun
can speak English so he's the right person, right!
But Luang Pi Nicholas speaks Thai more fluently than Aun's English speaking,
therefore the interviewing is appropriated to be held in Thai Language.
The reason I have suggested Khun Ong-Art is because he definitely knows more
of Dhamma words than Khun Som-Knae to words with LP Nicholas, as well as
speaking proper Thai brilliantly.

Please accept this as a gentle reminder; if the interviewing happens to take place,
pick & choose a person of the qualification not favouritism.
Luuk Pra Tum from abroad...

Now talking about interviewing Luang Pi Nocholas who is a scholar monk and
his position is on the higher ground

ในกระทู้: รายชื่อโรงพยาลบาลติดดาวธรรม

23 September 2007 - 11:10 AM

Anu Moh Ta na boon kah... with the sponsor of Dao Tum Satellite installed
at the above hospital lists. It's the best gifts of all.

ในกระทู้: ไปเอามาแล้วครับ แมววัด (รูป)

23 September 2007 - 10:59 AM

The look of your cat reminds me of the look of 'ET',
remember this movie about 20 yrs ago.