

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ 26 May 2007
ออฟไลน์ ใช้งานล่าสุด May 24 2008 10:51 AM


The life of Luang Pi Nicholas

23 September 2007 - 11:58 AM

Don't you think 'The Life of Luang Pi Nicholas' as a monk is very interesting?
I observed that he is the only Pra Farang who speaking Thai fluently and has
been working hard to spread the Dhammakaya to all English speaking people
all over the world. To learn about his inspiration should be interesting to read.

I suggest Khun Ong-Art to be an interviewer with LP Nicholas as he
is a smart cheerful well - manner spokeman for DIMC.
Kindly take my suggestion for your consideration.

Thank you.
Luuk Pra Tum...