

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ 13 Jun 2007
ออฟไลน์ ใช้งานล่าสุด Jan 16 2009 01:56 AM


ในกระทู้: ถ้าคุณเมาแล้วขับ

12 January 2009 - 12:56 AM

What about the people in the cold countries who have to drink so that their bodies will be warm? Or the people who drink wine with food? During Christmas which is always cold, there is a traditional drink which contains a lot of spices and alcohol. They drink it warm with almond and raisin. I drink it too because of the taste of spices and almond and raisin. It feels warm as well when we drink it.

Do I have to go to hell?

If yes, I would like to know why, since I do not drink for fun.

Please give me some insight. Thank you very much and anumothanaboon with the police.

ในกระทู้: ผิดไหมที่ช่วยเหลือเขา

12 January 2009 - 12:44 AM

Anumothanaboon with you. Please do not worry about being cheated.

What you have done is a good thing. You can feel the happiness in your heart, right?

Thank you for sharing.

ในกระทู้: เรื่องของ (หัว)"ใจ"

12 January 2009 - 12:26 AM

You are great! Naam Sai.. Clear Water?

Crystal Water, you will be crystal water, not only clear water.

Only look at what you feel in your heart, exactly like you look at things that appear to you in meditation. Just acknowledge it that it is there, then, leave it exactly like you do in meditation. Then you can tame your heart. It will follow you wherever you go....

My thoughts will be with you and support you to go ahead to the forever land..nirvana.

ในกระทู้: รู้ไส้ รู้พุง..โรคมะเร็ง!!

12 January 2009 - 12:16 AM

Thank you so much for this precious information. It will help a lot more people especially them who eat meat as their main meal. How scary!

highly anumothanaboon kha.

ในกระทู้: ลูกศรที่เสียบอยู่ในใจ

10 January 2009 - 01:37 AM
