Pedigree of the Dhammakaya Line


Translated from sermon of the more
Venerable Prabhavanaviriyakhun (Dattajeevo Bhikku)

The anniversary of Dhammakaya attainment of the most venerable Pramongkolthepmuni (Luang Pu Sodh Candasaro), the discoverer of Vijja Dhammakaya which lost for more than 2,000 years, is coming attracton. Now, we need to understand about the importance of this day and how it is very important. 
As the most venerable Pramongkolthepmuni said, “Everyone in this world has Dhammakaya” – the pure body of enlightenment which the Lord Buddha and arahants attained; Dhammakaya is insight all humans. We, normal humans regardless races and religions, can attain the Dhammakaya. According to paying no attention or finding a true knowledge, we, then, would not know how to find the true meaning of life and the noble truth.
Therefore, without true guidance from pundits or the attained ones, individuals will do things on own decision. It might waste the time and lives for several kappas (eons) until they could find the truth. Even this life time, some might have heard the word “Dhammakaya” but they did not realize and turned the ears deft.
It is opposite from us, when the word “Dhammakaya” striked our ears. Even though, we were not familiar with the word but somehow we tried to find out what it was, eventually, we reached our destination, the Dhammakaya temple. Because, we are the pedigree of the Dhammakaya line who has used to notice, study, research, follow and practice the path to attain Dhammakaya for countless lives.
Moreover, when we read a story about how The Most Venerable Phramongkolthepmuni (Luang Pu Wat Pak Nam Bhasicharoen, Sodh Candasaro) could attain Dhammakaya or his effort to the practicing, we would felicitate and ready to follow whatever he did in order to attain the same result.
Not only us who had this feeling but also everyone around the world, they could feel this too, because, they used to pursue a perfection with our community in the past lives before. Therefore, people who are our lineage will be in everywhere and they are waiting for us to bring them a message of peace. I hope, in the future vijja dhammakaya will be spread around the world, finally  that the peace will be seen in our life time.
One more thing that I would like to mention, it was about the time before my ordination. I and other friends who practiced meditation with Master nun, Khun yay Chandra, at Paknam Temple would yearly celebrate her a birthday by doing some more good deeds. According to her birth date was on a lunar calendar, it is not the same day in each year, but someday was held on Sunday, so we could came to meet her.
One such year, her birthday was not held a celebration on Sunday, I went to somewhere before and came to the temple at almost 6 o’clock in the evening. Luang Phaw Dhammajayo, yet ordained on that time, asked me why did not I come early. This day was very special; it was the special day of our master. Not only Khun Yay’s day but also the other master’s holy day too, we should not miss it. We had to pay our gratitude and gratefulness, moreover, this day was the day of holy since countless numbers of Lord Buddhas who completed nirvana in the past would send an insight successful diagram of enlightenment to the center of our inner bodies. It would last insight us to our next lives. So, we would be in the path of success as same as our masters.

Later, I noticed that whom that pursued enough perfection, their holy days would be on the full moon day. For example, the Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and nirvana dates were on the full moon day. The day that he performed the first discourse was also on the full moon day of the eighth month, Asanlahapuja day. The day of the first sangha assembly, Makhapuja Day, was also on the full moon day of the third month. Moreover, for the sanghas, the Lord Buddha chose the full and waning phase of the moon day to be the day to purify their precepts, patimokkha. Because, in the past, they would appoint the seasons by the moon’s orbit. Moreover, when the moon turns full, it will stimulate our mind to think about the shining dhamma sphere within our mind. So it can make us reawakened from the inner and outer darkness.
The Most Venerable Phramongkolthepmuni (Luang Pu Wat Pak Nam Bhasicharoen, Sodh Candasaro) had pursued the perfection for countless numbers of incarnations until the full moon day of the tenth month, he could attain Dhammakaya himself. This supernatural phenomenon would not happen with Luang Pu only but also might happen with us someday too. Therefore, this day is also our special holy day too. Since, it is in the middle of vassa, rain retreat; the whether is moderately comfortable, it is the time for us to attain the path of purification.

Even though, we were born out of his life time but we have met his teaching. It means that, we are his lineage of the Vijja Dhammakaya. We used to accumulate perfection with him; otherwise, we shall not meet his teaching. Thus, from now on, we should perform our utmost effort in meditation in order to attain Dhammakaya.  And also, if we can invite our friends and relatives to come and meditate; it means we can show them a door way to heaven and nirvana. It is also the way to express our gratitude to them which is better than giving them a whole bunch of money.


เมื่อ 3 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:13
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