The Most Venerable Phramonkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro),
Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasichareon,
the light of Dhamma to mankind (episode II).

 Translated from the sermon of

Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Ven. Dattajeevo Bhikkhu)

Dhamma is delicate and complex in meaning itself. Even though, we have good education and become an expert in both secularist and dhamma, it is still hard to apply them in term of practice. Because, expressions and statements appeared in the Buddhist Scriptures are deep and passionate. If we use only own understanding or attitude and apply it to a practice, it is hard to achieve and go into the right way.
The 4 principles for dhamma study
If we want to be profound in dhamma and be able to apply rightly in practice, the most important thing is “Having a great teacher”. Even prince Siddhattha, he also had to find teacher, two teachers- Alala Galama and Udaka Ramaputta whom he met before self-enlightenment. Even thought the two teachers did not know how to be enlightened but they could be called the ones who seek for the path of enlightenment.
The Lord Buddha gave us 4 principles for studying dhamma called “Vudidhamma”.
There are four principles as followings:
  1. Suppuri-samseva; literally associate with noble men, in the other words –find a true teacher. Reading dhamma is not enough since we can not ensure to understand the true meaning of its content. Even though, we assume that it is understood, but it might be wrong or it is not enough to apply for practice.
  2. Saddhamas-savana; literally listening the Dhamma consistently, in the other words –Listen the Dhamma instructed by teacher with attentiveness and consistency.  
  3. Yonisomanasikara; literally wise consideration, in the other words- consider and commune that teaching with righteous attitude and wisdom.
  4.  Dhammanu-Dhammapatiputti; literally apply those Dhamma into practice, in the other words- After consideration and knowing its benefits, it will be useless if ones do not follow to achieve the fruits of practice; follow the instruction step by step.
The discovery of Vijja Dhammakaya
of the Great Master Phramonkolthepmuni
(Sodh Candasaro)

The word “Dhammakaya” is stated in the Tripitaka (Buddhist Scriptures). Unfortunately, since the Buddha completed the Nirvana for 500 years, nobody knows or understands what exact meaning of dhammakaya is; how it looks like, how it is important to human beings and what is the explanation?

The most Venerable Phramonkolthepmuni, Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasichareon, strove to rediscover the path to attain the Dhammakaya, the body of enlightenment. He started from learning the fundamental of dhamma from his teachers and preceptor. When he understood that fundamental, he had begun the practice in meditation with utmost effort until he attained the Dhammakaya himself.   
We all owe benevolence of our great master, Luang Pu Wat Paknam. If he did not pass the knowledge of Vijja Dhammakaya to us, we would never understand the real Buddhism by means of practice. The most importance to achieve the righteous path for inner dhamma is we must have the good teacher to guide us from the beginning. When Luang Pu Wat Paknam rediscovered the knowledge to attain the dhammakaya, he tirelessly taught his followers and other people to attain Vijja Dhammakaya along with him.



Luang Pu Sodh Candhasaro




Genius teacher and meditator

Most of the meditation teachers in Buddhism rather bring his/her students to learn meditation in the deep forest because the environment in that place can help them to clam their body and mind. But, the meditation technique of Luang Pu Wat Paknam was unlike other teachers in the past; he taught the meditation in the metropolis.
No matter how many people there are; hundreds, thousand, ten thousand or hundred thousand; we found no problems to learn the meditation. Thus, he was a genius in teaching meditation. This technique was extraordinary to ohters but Luang Pu Wat Paknam had developed his technique until he could teach us. He could do this since he had the great care in meditation teaching until those became a learning system. When there was become such a system, the numerous numbers of people seemed to be a few since individual knew what to do on their own.
Besides the great care in teaching, he also disciplined his students to be lined in the daily activities; such as during the meditation time, all students had to meditate or during the chanting time, all students had to chant or during dhamma study, all of them had to listen and during the meal, all students had to eat. Since he disciplined his students in this way, a lot of monks, novices, and laypeople were able to attain the Dhammakaya easily.
Luang Pu practiced dhamma as important as his life to rediscover this teaching. He planed and made a regulation for his followers to follow. Neither the dhamma is easy nor complete in learning within a few days. He had to encourage and drive his students without breaking; the ones who followed it seriously would attain the real dhamma.
Master nun, Khun Yay Achariya Candra Khonnokyoong was one of his students; especially in meditation and the organization management of the temple. Therefore, we currently have Wat Dhammakaya where we all can meditate together.


Luang Pu's Tips for Meditation
 Luang Pu had a good technique to encourage monks, novices and laypeople to increase the efforts on meditation practice. When laypeople finished offering alms to the monks, he assigned his novices or nuns who attained Vijja Dhammakaya to check the fruits of merit (By means of meditation) and let them know.
 Sodh Candhasaro Bhikku
If it was the dedicating activity to deceased relatives, he would request the Dhammakaya body of the Buddhas in Nirvana to emanate the fruits of the good deeds to the dead. If they died and reappeared as deities, they would receive the dedication- it would result them a brighter radian and the happiness.

For the souls who made bad deeds and reappeared in hell, the perfection of dhammakaya dedicated to them temporarily stopped their punishment in the hell. The merits that made by their relatives or their children were dedicated to the souls in the hell and help them out from that suffering situation. Some of them who had less sins, the merit could change their forms to be the angles in heaven. Monks, Novices, Laymen, Laywomen and Nuns were encouraged to practice more in meditation because they could see that Vijja Dhammakaya was able to help themselves and other people from being sorrowed in this world and the next. The laypeople who saw the result of merit would be very grateful.
Important Mission of disciples of Luang Pu Wat Paknam
Not only he paid attention for teaching his Thai students but also paid his effort for international propagation; this made Paknam temple had foreign people come to ordain for the first time in Thailand.
Luang Pu Sodh Candhasaro and a Western Monk
Before his death, he admonished that people who had enough wisdom to understand dhamma still waiting for our pure knowledge; kept the knowledge without telling them, they would not know the exact meaning between merit and sin, so it was a risk for them to go to a bad hereafter. Even though he has already passed away but he taught his disciples to bring vijja dhammakaya to people around the world. This was his commandment for us to follow.  
So, we have to do what he commanded and it is our duty to bring his value teaching to people around the world. People who understand and follow his teaching will find themselves a happiness and peace; they can open themselves a door to heaven. 

Now Luang Pu has already departed from us. We are his disciples, we have to maintain and comply his teaching as follows;
  1. Teach and guide ourselves to do wholesomeness, compel ourselves to attain Dhamakaya.
  2. Be others a teacher and guide them to the right path in doing wholesomeness, but the first and the second we have to do consecutively.


The Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni devoted himself to research on Vijja Dhammakaya and to propagate Vijja Dhammakaya for his entire life to let people worldwide to attain the dhammakaya insight. The result of his devotion will affect on humans until the next generation can have a chance to know that everyone in the world has dhammakaya within and the true duty of human being is to practise meditation until attain the Dhammakaya, in the other hand called Nirvana.

Only this great compassion, it is hard to pay him the returning. The great abbot of Wat Paknam devoted himself to meditate until attain the supreme level. He also kindly gave all advice and trained other people to know as same as his leve. To search for the person like him is harder than find a needle in the ocean.


Solid Gold of Luang Pu Sodh Candhasaro




We will get together to express our worship, gratitude and venerate to his benevolence by casting his statue which 1.5 times his actual life-size in pure solid gold. The next level of paying homage to him is to dedicate through practice of meditation and being a true good friend, Kalyanamitr, to the people nationwide. If we can do these two things, it will help creating a better environment. That means we give ourselves a good chance to be able to attain dhammakaya; that also means we have spent our limited lifetime to create the most beneficial thing for ourselves and the others. This will guarantee that we will be reborn in a proper living place – under the propagation of Buddhism and Vijja Dhammakaya. This is a chance to study Vijja Dhammakaya with the Luang Pu Wat Paknam eternally until we all achieve to our ultimate goal, Utmost Dhamma.




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