Case study
เรียบเรียงจากรายการโรงเรียนอนุบาลฝันในฝันวิทยา ทาง DMC
I am a new student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten. I watch the program through the DMC satellite disc. I installed the satellite disc on October 2004. Besides being a housewife; taking care of my children and husband, I also have a part-time job; helping my mother’s loan business. My husband is an engineer. I got to know a Kalyanamitta at my son’s school. Her son was studying the same grade as my son. We had conversation about merit, karma, hell, and heaven and she advised me to install the DMC satellite disc. Now that I have installed it, I really like it.
    I love to watch DMC, especially the Dream in Dream Kindergarten. I watch everyday until my two sons know the time that the television is reserved for me. We take turn to watch the television. In the evening my sons watch cartoons and at night I watch DMC, and my sons also watch together with me.  
    However, my husband didn’t really see eye to eye with me. But he did not forbid me to watch. In order to improve the situation, I installed the DMC in our bedroom so that he could hear it. He couldn’t go anywhere because we slept on the same bed. At first, he asked me to switch off the television when he was going to sleep. But later on, he began to listen as he fell asleep. And now he allows me to come to the temple and does not stop me as before.
    I watched a special report in DMC about the closedown of a cock-fight gambling den in Saraburi province. This made me think of my father because he liked to gamble cock-fight regularly. My father was an air force officer who liked to drink alcohol. He liked to collect the Buddha images, gambled cock-fight and watched Thai-boxing because he was a boxer. He drank alcohol everyday except during the Buddhist Lent, he stopped drinking. He was a habitual gambler, at times either gambled cock-fight or Thai-boxing. He led his life this way since he was a teenager until he was 50 years old. During the last period of his life, my father was sick and went in and out of the hospital frequently. First, he had a surgery on both eyes and was not able to remove the bandage for almost a month. Then he vomited blood-clots. The doctor said he had cirrhosis and need to undergo operation, it cost us more than 100,000 baht. One month after he was discharged from hospital, he had a follow-up with his doctor. This time, the doctor said that my father had only five more years to live.
    Two years after the operation, my father had difficulty to eat. He had hiccups with the sound “cock-a-doodle-doo”. He threw up everything he ate and could not even drink water. Sometimes, he threw up 2-3 times before he could swallow the food. His conditions resembled those fighting cock that he had used the feather to make them spit out its mucus. My father went in and out of the hospital every month for five years. In 1998, he passed away at the age of 63 years old. I feel very sorry for him so I always try to dedicate merit to him.
    The first time I came to the temple was on 28 December 2004. I brought my two sons to make offering to Luang Phaw for building the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium. I was very happy and joyful when I returned home. I wished that my father would come to my dream if he had received this merit. Unfortunately, my father did not come to my dream that night because I was immersed in the excitement and joys of the merit that I couldn’t sleep.  
    Before making the merit for the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium, I often dreamt that my father came to tell me to delicate merit to him. So I delicate merit to him every time I made merit. I saw my father looked old; same age as before he died. But after dedicating merits to him, I dreamt that he became happier and younger.
    After I made the merit for the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium a miracle happened; my debtors contacted me to pay the debts that I has write-off. The money that I got back was almost the same amount that I donated for the Crystal Pillar of Grand Meditation Stadium.

I would like to ask for Luang Phaw’s kindness to answer the following questions regarding my family.
1. What retributions caused my father to be sick and went in and out of the hospital for 5 years? What retributions caused him to have eye surgery, cirrhosis, vomit blood-clots, hiccup with the sound “cock-a-doodle-doo”, and difficulty in eating and drinking water?
    Before my father died, I invited 9 monks to my house for him to offer the robes to them. Did this merit help my father and how? 
2. What was his dying vision? Where is he now? And how is his condition? 
3. After I make merit for the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium, I dreamt of my father and he really looked much younger. Was it real or just my imagination? Did he receive the merit for the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium? How did this merit help him?
4. My mother and I provide loan as we see it as a meritorious deed since we are helping those who are in need of money and our interest rate are lower than others. However, after watching DMC, I intend to quit but I don’t know what I should do. What will be our retribution in doing the loan business? And why did we have to be in this business in the first place?
5. Why am I married to a family that does not understand about merit and have no faith with the Sangha? They only do community service outside the temple?

   Am I able to persuade my husband and his family member to accrue merit in Buddhism?
6. My family (father, mother, and siblings) like to accrue merits but they still do not like to come and made merit in Dhammakaya Temple. What can I do to make my family a Dhammakaya family like my Kalyanamitta?  

7. Will my two sons, who are 7 and 5 years old, have the opportunity to ordain and pursue perfections with the Dhammakaya community? Will they have any obstacles, or will anyone against it?
8. What merit had my Kalyanamitta friend and I did together? Why didn’t I refuse when she persuaded me to install the DMC satellite disc and accrue every merit and I’m glad and alert every time I make the merit. Had we ever in the Dhammakaya community or made merit with the community? If yes, in which group?
หลับตาฝันเป็นตุเป็นตะ ตื่นขึ้นมาหาว 1 ที
แล้วนำมาเล่าให้ฟังเป็นนิยายปรัมปรากัน นะจ๊ะ
1. Your father had surgery on both eyes, vomited blood-clots, cirrhosis, hiccup with the sound “cock-a-doodle-doo”, and difficulty in eating and drinking because of the kamma from hitting chicken, boxing, cheering the boxing matches, and habitual kamma of drinking alcohol. His conditions were similar to those that he had hurt or the victim that he rejoiced at, it doesn’t matter they were human or animals.  
2. Before he died, you invited nine monks to your house for him to offer the robe. This merit and the merit of his ordination as a monk have saved him from going to the purgatory or the major hell. 
3. Later, you dedicated the merit for building the Crystal Pillar of the Grand Meditation Stadium to him. And it was real that he came to your dream and looked younger. This merit improved his conditions; he has better and more refined clothing, ambrosia and house; and he is more radiance.
4. Your mother and you provide loans but you want to quit after watching DMC because you are afraid of retribution. You need to understand that the Case Studies on DMC are about loan shark that caused more difficulties for debtors to repay their debts. That’s why they got the retribution.  
5. You are married to a family that do not understand about merit, do not have faith in Sangha, and only do some community service because it’s your duty to be their Kalyanamitta.
6. You have to make positive changes in all aspects and it will inspire your family to come to Dhammakaya temple and hence you can have a Dhammakaya family. 
7. You need to cultivate your sons when they are young, so they can ordain for a short period of time at a suitable age. You need to diligently train them to be a virtuous person and you are their good role model.
8. You and your Kalyanamitta friend were Dhammakaya supporters and had persuaded each other to make merit in past lives. In this life, you must accrue every merit fully and wholeheartedly, do not miss any single merit, and resolve to follow the community to Tusita (4th level of heaven), the special merit zone.
เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 21:12
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