Novice Ordination Ceremony and Rains Retreat Candles Offering Ceremony
At Wat Phrabhavana Berlin, Germany
    Sunday, July 25, 2010, Wat Phrabhavana Berlin hosted the 2nd Novice Ordination with 8 ordinants (Dhammadayada). The morning started with the Circumambulation which was followed by several ceremonies: the ceremony to pay respect to the Triple Gem led by Dhammadayada Christian Frank, the Seeking Guardian’s Forgiveness ceremony and the Alms & Robe Offering ceremony, led by Dhammadayada Manuel Resmann.
    Later, Dhammadayada Manop Boonsanaw led Requesting the Going-Forth (Pabbajja) ceremony to the Preceptor and Dhammadayada Oliver Kerabera led the Taking Refuge and Ten Precepts ceremony and Requesting Dependence ceremony. After that the Preceptor gave a sermon before Dhammadayada Martin Boonsanaw led the Requisites Offering ceremony to the Preceptor. They ended the morning session with group photos before the Alms Offering ceremony to new novices
    The afternoon session started with the procession of the Rains Retreat Candles. Hatairat Wilken and Wilai Beirkhaus led the offering speech of
the Rains Retreat Candles. Then, Supatre Bali, Durian Proliech, and Duangjai Urhse led the offering speech of the Rains Retreat Robes. There were 80 guests in today’s event and everyone was very grateful and happy to make great merit.
      Wat Phrabhavana Berlin would like to share this merit to all Kalyanamitta around the world.
Morning ceremony began with the Circumambulation.

Dhammadayada Christian Frank led the ceremony
to pay respect to the Triple Gem

Dhammadayada Manuel Resmann led Seeking
Guardian’s Forgiveness ceremony

Alms & Robe Offering ceremony

Requesting the Going-Forth (Pabbajja) ceremony
to the Preceptor

Alms Offering ceremony to new novices

Retreat Candles procession

 Rains Representatives led the offering speech of
the Rains Retreat Candles and Robes

Preserving the great tradition with
Rains retreat candles offering

Merit sharing from Wat Phrabhavana Berlin to all Kalayanamitta around the world
เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:27
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