Bankhun Temple arranged the ordination ceremony

Donors said the speech of offering the saffron robe set, monastic bowl, and alms

First, the novices led the laypeople and their parents to circumambulate the Main Buddhist Chapel as the way to express their respect to the Triple Gems.  After that, Kal. Siriwan Siriaksorn, Kal. Akapob Setaphan and other kalayanamitras from Sun Sweet Co., Ltd led other laypeople to offer the saffron robe set, monastic bowl, and alms to the novices.

The novices who participated in this ordination ceremony have been train themselves for a long time

Then, the preceptors which were Phrakrusangworasitthichot, Phrawichan Itthinakho, the abbot of Bankhun Temple and Vice Ecclesiastical District officer of Hod district, kindly ordained five novices to be monks.  Finally, the donors and laypeople offered alms to the new monks.  The new monks have been cultivated themselves for a long time. Some of them have been novices for 7 years. There were two novices who passed Pali Grade 3.

Donors offered the saffron robe sets and monastic bowls to the novices

Most of the new monks are the hill tribes’ children and all of them intend to spread the Lord Buddha’s Dhamma and teachings to the world especially the hill tribes because it is one of the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni (Dhammajayo Bhikkho)’s wishes.

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

เมื่อ 21 กรกฎาคม 2567 15:14
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