Wat Phra Dhammakaya Nagano arranged the ceremony of offering medicine

Accumulate merit by offering alms in the Morning Alms Round and keeping precepts

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Nagano in Japan arranged the ceremony of offering medicine and releasing fishes.  In the morning, they began with offering alms in the Morning Alms Round ceremony, requesting to keep precepts and offering meal to monks as Sangha Dana.  Ms. Wariya and Mr. Tochi-aki Momose were the representatives who led other congregations to say the offering speech.  In the late morning, they expressed the sympathetic joy to the others who made merit together to encourage one another to make merit diligently.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Nagano arranged the ceremony of offering medicine

In the afternoon, they arranged the ceremony of releasing fishes and offering medicine.  The representatives who led the others to say the offering speech were Ms. Wariya Momose and Ms. Wansida Kajthanyakorn. After that they came to plant the marigold sprouts in the pots together and brought the sprouts to continue planting in their houses.  When the trees have flowers, they will send to pave the marigold petals on the Dhammachai Dhutanga ways at the beginning of 2013.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Nagano arranged the ceremony of offering medicine

Then, they watched the miniseries about how to be the merit leader and do the duties correctly.  When all ceremonies had been finished, all of them went to the Chikuma River to release fishes in the rain.  They were happy because of making merit in this day.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Borås arranged the meditation training in Falkenberg

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Borås arranged the meditation training

Teaching monks from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Borås had gone to Falkenberg to lead congregations to practice meditation.  Then, they arranged the ceremonies of praying the Abhidhamma Chanting, offering meal to the monks as Sangha Dana and offering alms in the Morning Alms Round.  Ms. Sawan-orn Oonson and Ms. Pattamat Yuhanson were the representatives who led the other congregations to say the offering speech.

The Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony

In the afternoon, the teaching monks led the congregations to meditate before arranging the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony.  Ms. Sairung Thongthee and Ms. Thipha Ericson were the representatives leading the others to say the offering speech.  The congregations offered their alms and the teaching monk gave a sermon to be the guideline for them to behave in the right way.

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

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