Dhammakaya Hong Kong Temple arranged the activities

Dhammakaya Hong Kong Temple arranged the Picked-up Robe Set Offering and Merit Dedication Ceremonies.

When the congregation reached the temple in the morning, the teaching monks led them to meditate and purify their minds.  After that Ms. Kamolporn Duanmeesook and Ms. Pornpan Sahakul and Ms. Jenny Lai, Hong Kong people, led to say the meal offering speech together and were the president of the morning alms round ceremony and the monks kindly accepted their alms.

In the late morning they meditated as well as the other disciples around the world to still their minds to attain the inner peace.  They also said to offer alms to the monks indefinitely via DMC.  Ms. Chindaporn Tung, Ms. Nittaya Chan and Ms. Cary Chao, Hong Kong people, were the presidents and led to say the meal offering speech.  The teaching monks informed the schedule of the Picked-up Robe Set Offering Ceremony which would be performed in the afternoon.  The money collected from this ceremony will be spent to build the monastic residence at Dhammakaya Hong Kong Temple.  Then, the teaching monks invited everyone to meditate to worship the Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong’s Dhamma together.

In the afternoon, the teaching monks led to meditate to purify their action, speech and mind to receive the big merit from the Picked-up Robe Set Offering Ceremony.  The congregation lined up to parade the Picked-up Robe Set Invitation Ceremony.  Ms. Amornrat Suwanrat, Mr. Samran Krai-um, Ms. Jenny Jung and Ms. Cary Chao, Hong Kong people, were the presidents.  Then, they offered alms, money and the four requisites to the monks.  The monks prayed and blessed the congregation.  Finally, they meditated following by the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh’s voice together before dedicating merit to the dead relatives.
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เมื่อ 23 กรกฎาคม 2567 07:25
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