Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the important Buddhist Ceremonies

On Thursday 17th, 2011, Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the important Buddhist Ceremonies since the Magha Puja Day.  Over 150 people chanted the Evening Chanting and meditated together.  After that they performed the ceremonies at the Meditation Square.  The monastic president lit the lantern in front of the Main Buddha Image to worship the Triple Gems and the venerable led the congregation to meditate together to purify their action, speech and mind.  Then, the president who had granted to light the most special lantern and 18 president groups for the special lanterns lit their lanterns respectively.  Finally, the congregation lit their lanterns together to worship the Lord Buddha.  The candle light is bright over the Meditation Square.  It really impressed all congregations.
บทความนี้พิมพ์จาก http://www.dmc.tv/pages/en_news/Dhammakaya-California-1.html
เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:21
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