The teaching monk from Dhammakaya Florida Temple taught how to meditate

 Phra Dhairabhattara  Yannabhattho

On September 12th, 2012, there was an activity of teaching how to mediate at Everest University in Tampa city in Florida, USA since the International Festival.  The university invited the Ven. Phra Dhairabhattara  Yannabhattho from Dhammakaya Florida Temple to teach meditation for foreign teachers and students.  On this occasion, the teaching monk kindly taught the basic mediation and led them to meditate which interested them very much.  Everybody has intent to continue meditation at their houses as well.

The teaching monk taught how to meditate for foreign teachers and students

The teaching monk taught how to meditate for foreign teachers and students

The teaching monk taught how to meditate for foreign teachers and students

Took the historic group photos together

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:17
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