The Dhammadayada Ordination Ceremony at Dhammakaya Georgia Temple

On Sunday August 22nd, 2010, Dhammakaya Georgia Temple arranged the Dhammadayada Ordination Ceremony for three ordinands.  The congregations from Georgia and other states came to join this ceremony.  They began with the circumambulation ceremony.  The ordinands paid respect to the Main Buddha Image, apologized to their parents and relatives and received the monastic robe set from their parents.  Then, they performed the novice ordination ceremony.  After that the congregations offered the monastic bowls, robe sets and alms to the novices.

In the afternoon, three novices travelled to Lao Buddha Khanti Temple to be ordained as monks there.  The fresh monks’ parents, relatives and congregations also went to rejoice in their merit and offered alms to the fresh monks happily.

เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 18:06
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