Dhammakaya London temple organized the pick–up robes ceremony

The monks and congregations of Dhammakaya London temple organized the Ceremony of Alms Offering to the Monks on the First Sunday of the Month as well as Dhammakaya temple in Thailand.  Then, they arranged the Pick–up Robes Ceremony to be the fund for building temple which Ms Naowarat Kasicheewin was the president. Next was the Ceremony of Offering the Dao Dhamma Fund which Ms. Kannikar Parker was the president.  The representatives who said the Speech of Offering Meal to the Monks were Mr. Sakkasem Tiradhammacharoen and Mr. Tianchai Chitwichiankul.  Next, the laypeople offered alms and money to be the fund of Novice Ordination Project.  The final morning ceremony was the Morning Alms Offering Ceremony which people offered rice, canned food, dried food or money.  In the afternoon the temple arranged the Hair Cut ceremony for twenty foreign ordinands in the International Dhammadayada Ordination Project.  It was the second time in this year and the 6th time in total.
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เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:15
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