The Ceremony of Giving Consumer Products in Tak Bai district

DMC News – February 26th, 2014

The Ceremony of Giving Consumer Products in Tak Bai district

Dhammakaya Foundation and Wat Phra Dhammakaya cooperated with the Morning Alms Round to 2,000,000 Monks Nationwide Project to arrange the Ceremony of Giving Consumer Products.  We carried them in two 10-wheel trucks to help monks, novices, and Thai Buddhists in Narathiwat province.

At Wat Khok Ngu in Tak Bai district, Narathiwat province, Dhammakaya Foundation and Wat Phra Dhammakaya cooperated with the Morning Alms Round to 2,000,000 Monks Nationwide Project to assign Kalayanamitras in Narathiwat province to be the representatives of all Kalayanamitras around the world to bring rice and dried food from this project – carried in two 10-wheel trucks – to offer monks, soldiers, police, teachers, students and people in Narathiwat province.  Mr. Boonsorn Onphaeng, Director of Ban Phu Khao Thong School, as well as Kalayanamitras in Narathiwat, local public and private sectors, and residents came together to support and arrange this ceremony for sending the consumer products to all agencies orderly and correctly.

The Ceremony of Giving Consumer Products in Tak Bai district

This ceremony has been initiated by the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu), Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, because he realizes the trouble of those who live in four unrest Southern provinces.  So we delivered the consumer products which had been donated in the Morning Alms Round project to help them.


Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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