Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center arranged the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony

DMC News – February 24th, 2014

Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center Arranged the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony for Buying Land and Building the Meditation Hall


Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center Arranged the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony for Buying Land and Building the Meditation Hall

At Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center in Lad Lum Kaew district, Pathum Thani province, laypeople and lots of students came together to arrange the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony for buying land and building the Meditation Hall for the World Morality Restoration.  This place will be used to arrange the monastic ordination, Dhamma Camp Activities, train and teach Dhamma to student, people, officials and officers.  The Most Ven. Phrakru Voradhamvathi, Ecclesiastical District Governor of Lad Lum Kaew district, kindly accepted to be the Monastic President in the Buddha’s Mantra Chanting Ceremony.

Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center Arranged the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony for Buying Land and Building the Meditation Hall


Lad Lum Kaew Youth Training Center Arranged the Picked-Up Robe Set Offering Ceremony for Buying Land and Building the Meditation Hall

In the afternoon, the Picked-Up Robe Set Inviting Procession arrived to the ceremonial center.  Mr. Athiraj Panthasen, the Ceremonial President, led the others to say the offering speech and offered the Picked-Up Robe Set to the monks’ representative.  Ms. Pimporn Ngamchaweng was the representative to say the alms offering speech.  After that it was the Ceremony of Casting the Gold Sheet on the Foundation Pile of the Meditation Hall.  The Monastic President led the congregation to make a wish before casting the gold sheets together.  Finally, they grew plants around the youth training center together because when the trees grow up, the trees will make the youth training center shady and cool.  Everybody participated in these ceremonies happily.


Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

เมื่อ 2 กรกฎาคม 2567 01:20
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