Ladluang Municipality arranged the mediation program

The congregations in Phrapadaeng district, Samuth Prakarn province, meditated together in the Chanting for Thailand Project.
    Ladluang Municipality, Samuth Prakarn province, arranged the meditation program since the Thai Mother Day.  This program was one activity of the Chanting for Thailand project.  Ladluang Municipality, Upasikakaew Society, and Rajprachasamai School cooperated to arrange this program.  The congregations in Phrapadaeng were interested and participated in this program.
    They chanted, meditated and performed the pick–up robes ceremony together.  Moreover, there were the children activities of Washing and Bowing their Mother’s Feet and the Dhamma Listening activity about Mother’s Kindness from the teaching monk.  The atmosphere was full of warmness among many families.  Each child appreciated in his mother and the picture of each child bowing his mother’s feet impressed his mother unforgettably.
เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 18:20
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