The Morning Alms & Flowers Round in Saraburi province
The Morning Alms Round for 2,000,000 Monks
From all temples in 77 provinces in Thailand

The Morning Alms & Flowers Round to 3,000 Monks
Wednesday August 1st, 2012
at 6:00 – 8:00 a.m.

At the frontage road of Mandapa
Phrabuddhabat temple in Saraburi province

The Morning Alms & Flowers Round in Saraburi province
The Morning Alms Round for 2,000,000 Monks from all temples nationwide

The Morning Alms & Flowers Round to 3,000 Monks
Wednesday August 1st, 2012
at 6:00 – 8:00 a.m.
At the frontage road of Mandapa
Phrabuddhabat temple in Saraburi province

The Morning Alms & Flowers Round to 3,000 Monks

     The Morning Ceremony of Offering flowers, rice, dried food, and alms to 3,000 Monks will be arranged for peace and fortunate in Thailand, to worship the Lord Buddha, and help monks in 286 temples in four unrest Southern provinces on Wednesday August 1st, 2012 at 6:00 a.m. at the frontage road of Mandapa, Phrabuddhabat temple in Saraburi province.

The Morning Alms Round to worship the Lord Buddha and preserve the Buddhist Culture

Fruits of the Morning Alms Round

1.    You will reborn in the Buddhist family and country and will be a Buddhist again for all next lifetimes.
2.    You will be very rich.
3.    Your properties will not be damaged by any dangers or disasters.
4.    Lots of people will love you.
5.    Good people prefer to associate with you.
6.    You will have good fame.
7.    You will be self-confident in the public.
8.    When you pass away, you will reborn in the fortunate realms.
9.    You will attain Dhamma and reach Nirvana easily.

The Morning Alms Round is a culture that Buddhists have done since the Buddha Time

What you should do in this Morning Alms Round

1.    Please wear the white suit or at least white shirt to worship the Lord Buddha.
2.    Food for offering should be dried food.
3.    Your rice is already packed and sealed before this event.
4.    Please not offer drinking water in the plastic cups.
5.    Please not donate in the monks’ bowls. Please donate at the donation point or at the picked-up tree which our staffs serve.
6.    Please keep your mind happy and clear, then offer your alms as Sangha Dana.
7.    Please offer your alms respectively by sitting or kneeing when you are offering alms and let the people in front of you finish their offering first.

** For more information, please call 02-831-1000. 
Thank you and rejoice in your merit.




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