The Morning Alms Round to 10,000 Monks
Sunday August 26th, 2012
6:00 a.m.
On NipatUthit 3 Road, the center of Hat Yai

The Morning Alms Round in Hat Yai

Maha Sangha Dana in the South, the Morning Alms Round to 10,000 monks to worship the Lord Buddha on Sunday August 26th, 2012 in the center of Hat Yai, NipatUthit 3 Road, at 6:00 a.m.

Please come together to join this Morning Alms Round by contacting Punditrattana Association, 38 Banja Road Soi 1, Hat Yai district, Songkhla province 90110 or calling 074-239582, 081-651-9380, 081-542-6942, 081-599-9040, 081-598-6963, or 087-591-3335.  If you prefer to transfer your donation, please transfer to the saving account of Siam Commercial Bank, a/c no. 762-229-6649 and a/c name is “the Morning Alms Round to 10,000 International Monks.”

You are one of the historic people who participate in the big meritorious event which has been arranged for over 12 years.  The world has recorded the goodness of ones who love this noble tradition and are the meritorious models all over the country.

 The Morning Alms Round is one of the noble traditions which Buddhists have done since the Buddha Time

For the participants, please do the followings
-    Wear white dress or at least a white shirt.  This is to worship the Lord Buddha.
-    Prepare only the dried food to offer
-    Pack your rice and seal it before offering
-    Don’t offer the water in plastic cup
-    Don’t offer money in the monks’ bowl. Please make the donation at the Donation Point or the picked-up trees where our staffs serve
-    Keep your mind bright while you are offering alms as Sangha Dana
-    Offer your alms respectively by sitting or kneeing to do and waiting the participants in front of you finish offering first
Fruits of the Morning Alms Round
1.    You will be reborn in the Buddhist family and country all the next lifetimes
2.    You will be very rich
3.    Your properties will not damaged because of any danger
4.    Lots of people will love you
5.    Good people prefer to associate with you
6.    Your goodness will be well-known
7.    You will have self-confident in the public
8.    When you pass away, you will reborn in the heaven
9.    You will attain Dhamma and reach Nirvana easily

 The Morning Alms Round is the tradition that Buddhists should do
Your alms and donation will
1.    Offer breakfast and lunch for 10,000 monks
2.    Offer alms to worship 10,000 monks
3.    Spend for traveling fare for 10,000 monks from four foreign countries and 14 Southern provinces in Thailand
4.    Spend to support the monks from the other countries and the up-country
5.    Award as the scholarships for diligent novices and monks to study Pali
6.    Operate and inform this news to millions of Buddhists in Thailand and other countries

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat

เมื่อ 22 กรกฎาคม 2567 16:17
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