The Morning Alms Round to 1,000,000 monks from all temples in Thailand
The Morning Alms Round in Samut Prakarn
Samut Prakarn province arranged the morning alms round to 11,111 monks.  This alms round was to help the monks living in 286 temples in four unrest Southern provinces and to celebrate Songkarn Day or Thai New Year Day.
On Sunday April 10th, 2011 at 6.00 – 8.00 a.m. Samut Prakarn province including Samut Prakarn municipality and Buddharaksa Association, Single Mind Federation, Samut Prakarn Buddhist Club, Buddhist Network, Dhammakaya Foundation and Dhammakaya Temple arranged the “Morning Alms Round to 11,111 Monks to Worship the Lord Buddha and the dried food offering ceremony to help the monks living in 286 temples in four unrest Southern provinces” at the clock tower T-junction, Prakonchai Road, Paknam sub district, Muang district, Samut Prakarn province.  Mr. Cherdsak Choosri, the governor of Samut Prakarn, kindly accepted to be the ceremonial president.
The objectives of these ceremonies were to promote people to offer the morning alms to worship the Lord Buddha and bring the collected alms – rice, dried food, canned food and money – to help the monks living in 286 temples in four unrest Southern provinces and the flood victims in the South.  Moreover, the participants would dedicate this merit to Thai and Japanese in Japan who are facing the disasters from Tsunami and also made merit to welcome the coming Songkarn Day.  The residents in Samut Prakarn province and nearby provinces were interested and participated in these activities crowdedly.
The provincial governor gave the speech that the morning alms round is the civilized tradition and has been held since the Buddha Time.  Making merit would reduce the greed.  If people gather to offer the morning alms round with ten-thousands of monks together, it will cause the great merit which is able to turn the nation to be more peaceful.
It also keeps the Buddhist intention and brings the true peace.  Moreover, it would be the worship to the Lord Buddha and encouraged the Buddhist communities living in four unrest Southern provinces and the troubled Buddhists nationwide.  The merit from these activities would be share to Thai and Japanese who trouble from the Tsunami disaster as well.
เมื่อ 23 กรกฎาคม 2567 04:09
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