A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line

Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from? If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this? https://dmc.tv/a2676

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Case Study
A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line

Namasakarn ka Phra Dej Phra Khun Your Highness Luang Phaw Ka.
    I’m a Dream in Dream Kindergarten student and I often ask myself, “Why was I born like this?” So I would like to send my story to find the reason until I can resolve the problem as follows: 
    My father was a Border Policeman in a Nursing Department unit for the residents of a village providing medical care for them when they became sick. He would give injections to the villagers. Some people offered him pleasure payments by letting their daughter sleep with him on that night. My father said that whatever they had given him he should accept, otherwise he wouldn’t be a gentleman.
    Later my father had to get married to my mother. After that he still slept with other girls depending on whether they had offered themselves to him. This was because my father was a sweet talker, although he wasn’t good looking. But he could make the girls easily fall in love with him. When he slept with other girls he would come home and tell all the details to my mother. That caused my mother to become embittered and she found it difficult to accept that the story he told had actually happened.
    Not only had he done this with other girls but he also had done this with his own younger sister. My father explained that it was a human resources economy like it was a two for one. One was his wife and one was his younger sister. His sister     was going along with him willingly. She had not yet had a relationship with any man that expanded her horizons, so this arrangement with her brother became the normal thing. But this matter was abnormal for my mother. That’s caused my mother to feel great suffering. Then she decided to divorce my father although they already had 5 daughters together.
    After my mother divorced my father, she had moved to live in Bangkok. Only my eldest sister lived with my father. My father had forced himself on her and raped my eldest sister when she was only 12 years old. My eldest sister was forced to allow him to do that to her for 2 years but she didn’t get pregnant because she hadn’t begun to menstruate yet. But at that time she developed physical and emotional problems. She would behave grudgingly and get tension until she became pale and her mood was always down. Then she began to look abnormal. My grandmother had come to know about this and blamed her accusing her of being willing to obey him and letting it go on for as long as 2 years. And my grandmother protested at the fact that it took her so long to leave and live in another place.
    Later my eldest sister got married and she told the truth about that situation to her husband with her sincerity. But her husband never understood her. So when she had quarrels with her husband he would blame her every time, scold her and would be to her regularly. Her husband then had a mistress and shortly after he had one child with that mistress. Then my eldest sister was so sad and she couldn’t sleep unless she took sleeping pills. Then sometimes she had an unbalanced mind and often tried to kill herself by taking many sleeping pills at the same time.  
    But my father’s story didn’t stop only there because his next victim was my second elder sister (his second daughter). At that time my father came to visit my mother in Bangkok and he had raped my second eldest sister. That situation made her become degenerated and she lost her reputation since she was young. She then married very quickly and had close relationships with boys while she was still studying. After her husband died, she married a new husband within 1-2 weeks. Since that time she changed many husbands. She had quarrels with her husbands and then she would usually find a new one until she reached as many as 10 husbands. But she only had 2 sons. Now she is still alive and she is  stuck in the lifestyle of roads to ruin (Abayamook). She uses all narcotics and sells them. She had taught her eldest son to use narcotics so that he could sell them too until he got arrested. He was imprisoned and just came out not too long ago.
    I was the third daughter. At the age of 8-9 years old one night, I was awakened in shock because my father asked me to have a close relationship with him but I was frightened and shouted abruptly, “Don’t do this otherwise I will call my mother.” Since that time it has been hard for us to face each other. After that time I stayed with my aunt but her husband was an alcoholic. When he was drunk, he would harm me and push my head, knocking it with a jar or against the pillar of the house. Sometimes he called me and I would not respond. Then he would use both his hands to slap me at the base of my ears until I became absentminded and have remained that way since I was young.
    By that time I couldn’t save any money if I had any money at hand. That money would be gone by lending it out without interest or anyone to pay me back during emergency situations.  
    Now my first son was ordained as a novice Bhikkhu for 5 years already. He was a good student at school. My second son got seriously sick at the age of 3 months with low blood resistance, and his leg was broken and he had a skin disease. He used to be ordained, but only for 4 years.
I would like to ask the abbot as follows:
1. Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from?  If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this? And after it is resolved then would he get a chance to attain the Dhammakaya and go to Dusit Buree (4th level of Heaven) in the Special Merits Zone (Vong Boon Pisit)?
2. Why did my mother have a difficult life and fall into this situation? Was she vindictive with my father from the past?
3. Why did my father’s younger sister, my eldest sister and my second elder sister commit adultery with my father? What was their kammic retribution? Why was my father’s younger sister pleased about this?
4. What was the kammic retribution that made my second elder sister become degenerated since she was young, pass through many husbands and have her life stuck upon roads to ruin? How can she solve this? Did she ever pursue perfections with our community?
5. What kammic retribution caused me to be born in the group of people who broke the third Precept? Will I meet this situation in the next life? How can I resolve this?
6. Why do I have a father like that? What was the merit that helped me to not get raped by my father? And why did my uncle harm me?
7. What kammic retribution caused me to be unable to collect back my money in case of an emergency? What caused me to not be able to collect money back from anyone I loaned it to?
8. My husband acquired a muscular disease, and he contracted malaria that traveled up to his brain and caused him to almost die. He had to then withdraw from government service. What kammic retribution caused this to happen to him and will he recover?   
9. My husband’s father suffered from paralysis at the age of 80. What retribution causes him to stay alive? And my husband’s mother already died at the age of 42. What was the cause and after she died, where did she go? 
10. Why did my second son contract so many diseases? What cause made him ordain for only 4 years? Can he get a chance to ordain again in this life?
11. How did my husband, and both my sons and I pursue perfections with our community? In the past life did my son attain the Dhammakaya inside, and can he ordain for his entire life?
 I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. Your father has womanizer retribution and went to the third major hell where he receives great suffering. He will remain there for a very long time. He will follow the steps until he will become an animal. Then he will be reborn as a male dog for 5,000 lives consecutively. This is because he will be familiar with dogs and can commit adultery with those in the same blood line because it is the dog’s habit.
  • Before he dies, the retribution visions of those experiences will appear to him and he will see the dark visions. Then the denizens will take him to the third major hell again and he will receive great suffering for a long time. It will be many eons before he could come back to be a human again.

  • When he will be reborn as a human again, he will be a female prostitute first. Then he will be a hermaphrodite to engage in prostitution. After that he will be an abnormal sexual; either gay, or a tomboy. Then he will be a normal lady who will be raped and will have many sexual behaviors. She will then have great suffering. 

  • She will then get a terrible sexual disease and have great suffering for a long time with the kammic retribution that she caused as your father. 

  • In this life if your father wanted to resolve this, he would need to take 8 precepts for his whole life. That is not easy to do because your father has indulged in these behaviors up until now. So I don’t think he will to go to Special Merits Zone of Tusita Heaven (4th level of Heaven). That is the only way he could avoid falling down into major hell. It’s not so good for him.

2. Your mother was mistreated by your father because for a long time in the past life, they were lovers and made a resolution to be tied together to meet again in the next life. 

  • Adding to this your mother’s kammic sexual retribution caused her to meet a husband like this in the period just past the life of a dog for many thousands of lives consecutively but they weren’t vindictive together.

3.Your father’s real younger sister, your eldest sister and second elder sister had kammic sexual retribution from being womanizers and they had the past lives of being dogs too. This was true especially in the case of your father’s younger sister. She was a dog for more past lives than both your both of your elder sisters, so that caused her to have pleasure with your father. 

4. Your second elder sister has kammic sexual retribution from the past and in past lives as a female dog, including ‘associating with fools’ retribution. So that has caused her to become degenerated since she was young and became stuck within the roads to ruin. 

  • If she wanted to resolve this, she must quit all bad things and quit associating with fools also. She used to pursue perfection with our community but very little.


5. You have remnants of kammic sexual retribution when you were in the past life as a man. You invited your friends take trips to brothels and paid for prostitutes’ services regularly. 

  • In this life you must intend to pursue perfections and perform all merits and associate with virtuous friends. Don’t associate with any fools. When you have accrued these merits then make a resolution to avoid these bad things.


6. You had met your father like this because of your remnant of being a womanizer and paying for the prostitute’s services but you never raped anyone so in this life you could avoid it from your father.

  • You had harm by your uncle because you had kammic alcoholic retribution in the past life when you drank often and you harmed others. In this life that retribution caught up to you and took action.

7. You couldn’t collect the money in this life because in the past life you also behaved like this so it caused the kamma to return to you.  This also included that you seldom performed generosity (Dana). 

8. In the past life your husband had become drunk so often and hit and harmed humans, so in this life that retribution took action to cause his diseases and to contract malaria up to the brain until he almost died. He was seldom perfect.

  • You must invite your husband often to perform merits and then to make a resolution that all merits should help him recover.


9. Your husband’s father was 80 years old when he contracted paralysis because of the kammic remnants  from his past life when he became drunk then he liked to hit and harm some people until they became deformed and disabled as your husband became. He did not die because he fulfilled most of his retribution and his life is not yet finished. 

  • Your husband’s mother died at the age of 42 because her life had been cut short because of the kamma of killing big animals. That retribution curtailed her life. After she died she was reborn as a low earth-sprite and not has yet been reborn as a human. You should perform merits and dedicate them to her.

10. Your second son had kammic retribution of torturing animals and killing small animals in the past life when he was born in an agricultural society. This caused him to become sick. He was ordained for only 4 years because his habit only for this amount of time. Don’t think too much and he will get a chance to ordain again. It’s up to him.

11. Your husband, both your sons and you used to pursue perfections with our community in the supporter’s section. Sometimes it was continuous and sometimes it wasn’t continuous. Your novice Bhikkhu son is still ordained. In his past life he used to meditate and he attained the clear crystal ball and the clear Dhammakaya within. 

  • But in this period he is still young so you must support him and help him to strengthen his intentions to practice meditation, to become educated in the Pali language and it will cause him to have a clear mind and attain the Dhammakaya inside even better than in the past life.


Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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