Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.

สามี-ภรรยา นักสร้างบารมี ผู้ที่ทุ่มเทสร้างบารมีอย่างเต็มที่ ทั้ง ทาน ศีล ภาวนา และบุญพิเศษต่างๆ กับคุณครูไม่ใหญ่ ...สร้างองค์พระ และบอกบุญสร้างองค์พระกว่าสามพันองค์ ...ในยามที่เศรษฐกิจของบ้านเมืองวิกฤต ในยุค IMF พวกเขายังทุ่มเทเงินก้อนสุดท้ายเพื่อสร้างบุญ นับเป็นคู่บุญ คู่บารมี ตัวอย่างที่ดีของโลก...

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > กรณีศึกษากฎแห่งกรรม
[ 31 มี.ค. 2548 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18275 ]
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Case Study
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.
เรียบเรียงจากรายการโรงเรียนอนุบาลฝันในฝันวิทยา ทาง DMC
I wish to pay high respects to Luang Phaw.
    I was born into a Chinese family. Therefore, I have less understanding of Buddhism. I was just interested in meditation since I was of a young age, thus, I was seeking a place for retreat in order to improve my meditative level. In the year, 1986 (2529), I came to Wat Phra Dhammakaya by my good friend’s persuasion.  After that, we married. I practice meditation following Luang Phaw’s instructions, which resulted in improvement. I saw a clear Crystal ball which was clearer than a diamond and saw a bright ball the size of the sun. What I felt, was coolness and happiness, where nothing can be compared to it in the world. My life improved in a better way, for instance, I stopped drinking and eradicated all alcohol since 1988 (2531).
    In the year 1991 (2534), my wife and I attended a retreat with a group at Pukradueng Mountain. Since we came down, we have been meditating everyday. When Buddhist Lent comes, we promise to keep 8 Precepts and perform it as a tradition every year.

    I felt very lucky to meet with our group in the period of time that the Wat just started several meritorious projects. I performed merits by purchasing 32 plantations of property, 1 kilogram of gold for Luang Phaw Wat Paknam (Pra Monkolthepmuni), and have cast more than 3,000 Buddha Images both from myself and from persuading relatives and friends to do so.

    I’m glad to remind others of the several big merits I have performed, even though, during a critical period like IMF, we threw our last  lump sum in for merits; it was really the last sum we had. Surprisingly, up until now, our existence is still happy. Moreover, we earn more to fully accrue every merit and we never miss. For instance, we donated to Luang Puu’s Vihara Court, the Great  Sapha  Dhammakaya Hall, the Meditative Dhamma Field, the Great Rattana Vihara Court and the Crystal Poles (crystal columns). We made 1 Crystal Pole and we have been Vice-Chairpersons for the Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony every year.  Now we are willing to make inner Buddha Images as much as possible because it is the last chance to do so.

    We are happy to come to Wat Phra Dhammakaya on Sundays. We come in the early morning and attend the ceremony until the end.  Now we stay until we pay homage to the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya in the evening for around 12 years. May I send you a case study as follows:

    My family has 9 siblings. I am the fourth one. My grandmother came from China. She was kind, she liked to go to the Chinese Temple and she strictly performed merits according to Chinese tradition; for instance, she prayed to the Chinese God. She passed away in 1970 (2513) with calmness; she just breathed 3 times before and then she was gone at 65 years old.

    My mom was Chinese and was born in Thailand. She was diligent and was a good cook. She took care of her children with love. For example, she treated us so that all of us could have food at mealtime. She offered alms food and Sanghadana to the Bhikkhus on her birthday.  Besides, she performed merits in the Chinese tradition at the Chinese shrine. She had diabetes mellitus and passed when she was 40 years old.

    My dad, who is still alive, gave us a good education even though he had to struggle for money. But his 2 sons finished their Medical Doctor’s degrees. Consequently, many of us graduated with a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree, except for the seventh one who only finished Grade 6 due to a brain development problem. My dad had little faith in Buddhism. He was concerned that Bhikkhus didn’t work and were therefore useless. So, he didn’t perform merits or offer to the Bhikkhus. Anytime that I wanted him to perform merits, I would divide the money into 2 parts, one for himself, and another for him to accumulate merits. Now he is 83 years old.

    My mother-in-law loved to assist everybody. She was kind. She had right hemi paresis. One day she vomited.  I sent her to the hospital and she stayed there for a short period of time before passed away in October, 1984 (2527) at the age of 60.

    My wife’s close friend, when she was still alive, always accrued full merits with Luang Phaw. Later, her health declined with pulmonary edema, causing her heart to work harder and she became tired more easily. It was a 1 in a million case where the doctor could not find the cause of her disease. She cast a Buddha Image in Khun Yay’s Merit Zone Shrine on the top of the Pagoda for 1 million baht. Her husband and child followed her to Wat Phra Dhammakaya every Monday. She passed away in April, 1998 (2541) when she was 40 years old. She had a chance to acquire merits with the group for only 3 years.

    After her passing, her husband missed the Wat for some years until they began to broadcast the Dream in Dream Kindergarten program on the Dow Dhamma Satellite ( My wife installed the DMC antenna dish at my friend’s husband’s house. He was still at the beginning as he was away from performing merits for a while.  

    Recently, her husband called my wife to inform her that he was willing to offer 9 robes for the Summer Mass Ordination Ceremony. After that, he offered 100,000 baht for making a Crystal Pole (column). My wife and I rejoice that he returned to accrue merits again.

    Any sort of  merit that Luang Phaw proposes, considerably, it is a big merit for me to pursue perfections by, for instance; installing the DMC antenna dish, the Inner Lord Buddha Images, the Crystal  Pole,  and Kathina  2005. I will fully accrue merits and pursue perfections following Luang Phaw until the utmost of Dhamma.
1. Where did my grandmother, mother, and mother-in-law go after death? What kammic retribution caused them to have a short life span? I dedicated the Kathina merits and the Crystal Pole merits to them. Did they receive them?  Do they have any messages for us?

2. How can I change my dad’s idea of no life after death? I gently tried to explain the truth to him but he could not understand.  How can I convert him to have faith in Buddhism?

3. Which kammic retribution caused my sister (the seventh one) to have a brain development problem and how can she solve her problem?

4. Which kammic retribution caused my wife’s friend to have a short life span? Which realm is she in now? Please tell me whether she and her husband accrued merits with the group before.  Does she have any messages for her husband and child?

5. In the past, what relationship did and my wife and I experience? Why are we married and later we intend to keep 8 precepts?  All of us siblings intend to keep 8 Precepts. How did we accrue merits with Luang Phaw and the group before?

6. After we retired, we donated our last lump sum of 1 million baht. What is the reward of donating the last lump sum? Why do my wife and I always perform merits by pouring out all of our money? In contrast, we are still happy and we never suffer.

7. My wife always makes a wishful determination to be born as a male in the next life, ordained as novice Bhikkhu and stay as a Bhikkhu until the end of life, without any obstacle to break her pursuance of perfections, for instance from obstacles such as women’s problems and peevishness. How will her determination be rewarded?

8. Why am I a Hepatitis B carrier? I feel tired. Which kammic retribution caused me to contract the disease?  What should I do to recover?
Dream in Dream
หลับตาฝันเป็นตุเป็นตะ ตื่นขึ้นมาหาว 1ที
แล้วนำมาเล่าให้ฟังเป็นนิยายปรัมปรากัน นะจ๊ะ
1. Your grandmother, mother, and mother-in-law are earth-sprites in a nearby Chinese Shrine but your mother-in-law hangs around near the house as she is tied up with her family.
  • After dedicating a large number of merits to them, they became female angels, and live in golden palaces in Tavatimsa Heaven (the third level of Heaven). Their palaces are next to each other and they feel very happy, very glad, and very delighted. They pass on the message, “Thank you,” to all of you for the merits you dedicated to them. They are so appreciative.
2. Your dad’s belief has been held for over 80 years. At this moment all that you can do is remind him of all of the merits you have accrued, make a resolve that he be can receive a part of your merits, and persuade him to perform merits as best as he can. Thus, the merit will adhere to him and he will understand after his passing away.
3. Your sister (the seventh one) broke the third fifth precept, and has the remaining remnants of that kamma, which caused her to have a brain development problem. To solve that problem, she needs to accrue a large number of present merits to terminate that kamma.
4. Your wife’s friend had a short life span because in the past when she was a man, she supervised captives to work hard and did not allow them to have food until they became tired and passed away. This is her remnant from that kamma.
  • She became a female angel, and lives in Tavatimsa Heaven (the second level of Heaven). She and her family have been a supporting team. At this moment, she is rejoicing over her Heavenly treasure with happiness until she forgot her family for a while.
  • The message she passed is, “She wishes for her husband and child accrue a large number of merits. She requests that you not be careless in cultivating merits as she is facing the reward in Heaven.”
5. You and your wife have been husband and wife in the past, and performed merits with Dhammakaya community and Luang Phaw as supporters. the group when Luang Phaw was supporting the team. Your wife has determined to be a man since the last Buddha interval.
  • However her adultery kamma still remains. So she became a woman and is now your wife. Her determination will be fulfilled in the next life as she keeps 8 Precepts and cultivates various sorts of merits.
6. The advantage from offering the last lump sum of money is that you will possess never ending treasures like Jatila, the millionaire, in the next life and henceforth. Whenever your perfections reach the present merit, At present time it will bring a reward for both of you, even though you accrue full merits. However you will never be in poverty but will be well live a comfortable life.
7. Your wife’s determination to be a man, a novice Bhikkhu, a Bhikkhu, and to stay away from women’s problems, will be fulfilled in the next life.
8. You are a Hepatitis B carrier because of your past kamma. You were a millionaire in an agricultural society. You forced animals and slaves to work until they were tired and never took good care of them.
  • The solution is to consistently offer food and medicines to the Bhikkhus, release animals; for example fishes. And lastly, take good care of yourself. For instance, take in good food and get enough sleep. At once you will be better.

กรณีศึกษากฎแห่งกรรมจากชีวิตจริง (Case study in real life)

บุคคลที่ปรากฏในเรื่องราวต่อไปนี้ มีตัวตนจริงในปัจจุบัน ประสบชะตากรรมขึ้นลงตามกระแสของวัฏฏะและกฎแห่งกรรม (ชมตัวอย่างบทสัมภาษณ์จากรายการชีวิตในสังสารวัฏ) ผู้อ่าน-ผู้ชมก็อย่าเพิ่งเชื่อหรือปฏิเสธในทันที ควรศึกษาหลักธรรมในพระพุทธศาสนา แล้วค่อยนำไปเป็นอุทธาหรณ์ในการดำเนินชีวิตต่อไป

"วิชชาธรรมกาย" เป็นความรู้ดั้งเดิมในพระพุทธศาสนา เมื่อปฏิบัติแล้วสามารถไปรู้ไปเห็นเรื่องราวกฎแห่งกรรม การเวียนว่ายในภพภูมิต่างๆ ตรงตามพระธรรมคำสอนในพระไตรปิฎก วิชชาธรรมกายจึงเป็นหลักฐานยืนยันการตรัสรู้ธรรมของพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า ซึ่งทันสมัยตลอดกาล (อกาลิโก)


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