Dhammakaya Foundation and the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) helped the flood victims in Myanmar

Dhammakaya Foundation and the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) helped the flood victims in Myanmar. Houses are damaged and food and clothes are deficient after the water had drained. https://dmc.tv/a20470

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[ 28 ส.ค. 2558 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18256 ]
Dhammakaya Foundation and the World Fellowship
of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) helped the flood victims in Myanmar
Houses are damaged and food and clothes are deficient after the water had drained
Dhammakaya Foundation and WFBY helped the flood victims in Myanmar
Houses are damaged and food and clothes are deficient after the water had drained

Phra Sanitwong Wuttiwangso, Director of the Communications Department of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, unveiled that on August 23rd, 2015, Dhammakaya Foundation collaborated with the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) and Burmese Monastic Assembly to travel to help the flood victims in Kale Townships, Sagaing Region, Myanmar by giving money, 5 million Kyat, to repair houses as well as giving aid packages, rice, dried food, and clothes to the victims.

Dhammakaya Foundation and WFBY helped the flood victims in Myanmar
Houses are damaged and food and clothes are deficient after the water had drained

In Kale Townships, Sagaing Region, the flood was 25 feet high; however, the water has been draining.  The damaged areas are houses, temples, schools, and agricultural areas and estimated about 274,895 Rai.

Dhammakaya Foundation and WFBY helped the flood victims in Myanmar
Houses are damaged and food and clothes are deficient after the water had drained


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