Meditation Class for Locals // June 20, 2016 - Vayu Massage Shop, Japan

On Monday June 20, 2016, at Vayu Massage Shop in Nakameguro, Tokyo, the owner Mr. Takano invited the teaching monks from Thai Buddhist Meditation Center of Japan to teach dharma and lead meditation. He does it every month and this was the 20th time.

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Meditation Class for Locals
June 20, 2016 - Vayu Massage Shop, Japan

On Monday June 20, 2016, at Vayu Massage Shop in Nakameguro, Tokyo, the owner Mr. Takano invited the teaching monks from Thai Buddhist Meditation Center of Japan to teach dharma and lead meditation.  He does it every month and this was the 20th time.

After the Evening Chanting, Phra Tissaro taught them to determine what they should do or not do.  It is based on the effects from the action.  If it makes the doer and the others suffering as well as it was done without kindness, it should not be done because it will bring the troubles and problems.

Mind without any meditation is like tissue paper.  It is ready to absorb everything.  Meditation is the way to train your mind to be orderly.  Your mind will choose to remember only the good things.  It will yield good fruits when you meditate regularly.  It will affect your mind not to take something in.  You will know yourself better both good and bad habits.   After that they meditated together for 30 minutes.  They revealed that their minds were calm and they felt that the time went by very fast.  Then it was the questions & answer session, which interested everyone.


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