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[ 22 พ.ค. 2561 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18273 ]

Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes.
BOON NEWS news dated 21 May 2018

Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes

     Morning rituals of the Kalyanamit Group, Phitsanulok Province Participated in bringing the cloth procession into the center of the ceremony. Received the kindness of Phra Ajahn Yo Sutthajitto, President of Morality Promotion, Phitsanulok Province. They worshiped the Triple Gem and practiced Dhamma to purify their minds to be a vessel for receiving the great merit that was about to happen. Then Kalyanamit Acharn Chanakamon Yupan and Kalyanamit Khanakrit Rojarat Prathan Ek offered the Mahasombat Pha Pa. He led the presentation of the phaapaa offering. As for good friends, Acharn Lawan Suksong, president of the Phitsanulok Good Friends Center, Presiding over the presentation of the auspicious banyan tree In addition, during the event, everyone joined together to offer food to the monks. with Kalyanamit Natdanai Burakitphachai and Kalyanamit Chamaiphon Sangkhamas presiding over the offering. As for Kalyanamit Sunee Siridejkul and Kalyanamit Somsong Saengsuwan, Phromphiram Club He presided over the presentation of medicines. After that, they participated in offering Thai Dhamma food to the monks. On this occasion, the President gave a sermon. that today can be considered a historical day when we come together to offer robes and planted an auspicious banyan tree to be a glass wall along the temple fence This merit will make us have a line of merit and believe in the Maha Puchaniyachan in creating merit. Anyone who comes and sees it is cool. When we calm down and practice Dhamma, we also share in this merit. and the treasure will not perish in any disaster. This merit will follow us in every life. 

Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes

     In the afternoon, we chanted the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. They also meditated and refined their body, speech, and mind before joining together to say a mental prayer and plant an auspicious banyan tree. and jointly planted the auspicious banyan tree The atmosphere was joyful, contented, and full of merit.
Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes

Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes
Phitsanulok Dhudongkhasathan Organize a ceremony to offer the great treasure robes


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