Artfulness In conduct

A sharpened knife without a sheath or a dangerous bomb without a safety bolt: they could be equally advantageous or disadvantageous depending, because of their lack of a controlling mechanism.

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
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Meditation for Peace

Artfulness In conduct.
she may choose improperly and end up destroying him/herself in return.
A sharpened knife without a sheath or a dangerous bomb without a safety bolt: they could be equally advantageous or disadvantageous depending, because of their lack of a controlling mechanism.
Likewise, wisdom and ability reflect great Learning & Artfulness.
Both of them help to solve all problems and create now things. But without underlying discipline, disaster will come as a result.
Likewise, wisdom and ability reflect great Learning & Artfulness.
When one can not consider what should be done or not, what should be said or not, what should be seen or not etc., he/she may choose improperly and end up destroying him/herself in return.
To establish self-discipline, one should be trained by normally observing the Five Precepts and following both social rules and community regulations habitually.

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Dhammakaya Temple


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