Associate With The Wise.

In general, we think that one who graduated school and earned a degree was wise. Actually, he/she is just only a graduate, but not truly wise.

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Maditation for Peace

Associate With The Wise.
graduated school
ally, he/she is just only a graduate, but not truly wise.
In general, we think that one who graduated school and earned a degree was wise.
Actually, he/she is just only a graduate, but not truly wise. Some graduates may behave badly and go to prison, But the true wise one is intentionally avoiding performing bad deeds and instead performing good deeds, exhibiting good conduct, and being honest: all of which could prevent him or herself from incarceration or even from hell as well.
The truly wise person must have a well formed conscience, that can discriminate what good or bad deeds are, that can decide what is right or wrong, what is merit or sin, what is “do” or “don’t,” and helps others to achieve righteousness. This type of person puts his/her faith into upstanding values, and lives with wisdom.
a graduate
In general, we think that one who graduated school and earned a degree was wise.
The causes for being wise are that he/she has a concentrated, purified mind that is suitable to work and build up only happiness. No hatred, no burning with anxiety and no misery is present. Finally, right thought, right speech and right action will blossom as a result.
However one could be wise whether he/she could read and write or not, or if they are and educated person or our relative. We should wish to only be wise, and be a person of right view, right speech and right actions.
Right View: To always think of giving, always offer forgiveness, and harbor no malevolent thoughts. Right understanding accompanies right view according to the facts: For instance: Accepting that there is evil and merit does exist, and accepting the truth that Parents are benefactors.
The causes for being wise are that he/she has a concentrated, purified mind
Right Speech: Speaking only words that are true, reasonable, and useful, and speaking with mercy and appropriateness to the occasion.
Right Action: Loving kindness, kindheartedness, earning one’s living in an honest way, making merit by offering donations, to the occasion.
Right Action: Loving kindness, kindheartedness, earning one’s living in an honest way, making merit by offering donations, observing precepts and continuing to practice meditation.
Hence, the truly wise one is not just the one who gets a degree but is one who observes precepts, practices meditation, and is full of wisdom. The truly wise one lives on the basis of a good life and can teach those who are close to him, and can teach others to have good consideration.

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Dhammakaya Temple


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