Being Happy to Give and Forgive

To be happy to give and forgive, we may start by giving happiness to ourselves. We can do it in a simple way by telling ourselves every morning right after we get up, “I will be happy today.”

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Meditation for Peace

Being Happy to Give and Forgive
Forgiveness should be given to whoever has made or will make a mistake.
To be happy to give and forgive, we may start by giving happiness to ourselves. We can do it in a simple way by telling ourselves every morning right after we get up, “I will be happy today.” We also can send our loving kindness, forgiveness, good wishes, or our good intentions from our minds to others every night before we go to sleep. We are happy when we do not think or worry about our lives in the future. We should give ourselves relaxing, happy, and comfortable moments once or twice a day by doing by doing these things.
We should give chances to ourselves and others to correct and to improve.
If we want to pursue our perfection, we have to start by giving love, loving kindness, forgiveness, and chances to others and ourselves. Forgiveness should be given to whoever has made or will make a mistake. We should give chances to ourselves and others to correct and to improve. These gifts of love, loving kindness, and chances have more value for us than having anything else (having money, no debt, fame, and great jobs). This is because these gifts give us the most inner peace and happiness, and material things cannot last forever. People should give without condition, and without expecting anything in return, not even good words. Everyone in this world is our friend. They are friends who are in the same situations. We are all born, grow, become sick, and die in our world together.
That is why we should give or share whatever and whenever we can.

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