Cherishing One’s Parents.

When it is time for a tree abundant with water, soil and air to bear fruits but it doesn’t, it eventually must be cut down or destroyed.

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Meditation for Peace

Cherishing One’s Parents.
Through a hundred years of being grateful to the parents from their child
When it is time for a tree abundant with water, soil and air to bear fruits but it doesn’t, it eventually must be cut down or destroyed.
One who possesses knowledge but does nothing constructing constructive is a worthless person who could not live with others.
To be diligent, and dedicated to doing good deeds, as a human, one must start by carrying out these deeds towards the ones who are the closest to us, which are our parents.
To prove whether gold is real or not, you burn it with fire or put it in acid.
To observe how good a person is , is to see how well he/she took care of their parents.
To observe how good a person is , is to see how well he/she took care of their parents.
It not, he/she is not good enough, which is comparable to false gold. But the good person must cherish their parents.
Through a hundred years of being grateful to the parents from their child, a responsibility that is not easy, he/she still could still not pay back all the debts of gratitude towards them.
That is why we have to learn how we can do our best to cherish our parents and give recompense for all of our gratitude towards them,
The solution is in the Teachings of the Buddha.

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Dhammakaya Temple


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