Children Who Are Addicted to the Internet

We live in the era of the information super highway. Children are addicted not only to television, videos and cell phones, but also to the internet.

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Meditation for Peace
Children Who Are Addicted to the Internet
We must accept the fact that these types of media have both pluses and minuses, depending on how they are used.
We must accept the fact that these types of media have both pluses
and minuses, depending on how they are used.
We live in the era of the information super highway. Children are addicted not only to television, videos and cell phones, but also to the internet. We must accept the fact that these types of media have both pluses and minuses, depending on how they are used. If we do not know how to control them, we, children and adults alike, can become slaves to these things.
When it comes to teenagers, the more parents prohibit them; the more interest it stirs. Parents should allow them to use these media, but they must designate the right time and the right amount of time. For example, they should set a schedule as to when it is time to use the internet, study, and chant and pay homage to the Lord Buddha.
Parents must teach children when to use the internet or to watch television. The key is to not let them sleep late. If the children sleep late, they will not want to get up in the morning, causing parents to have to reprimand them. This can result in exchanges of harsh words, early in the morning, which may teach children that it is acceptable to argue with their parents. It may also lead children to turn to deceit and lies.
Teaching children how to manage their time will encourage them do well in school. When they grow up, they will be able to manage their time better, be more rational, and not behave negatively in accordance with their moods.
Teaching children to manage their time has helped numerous families rectify the problems of children being addicted to television and the internet.
There was a case involving the family of a respected and beloved English professor whose husband had to continue his studies abroad. Since only she and her children resided in the house, she asked her brother to come stay over and help look after her three children. The children all appeared to be bright, but they did not do well in school. Her brother could not understand why, and he tried to determine the cause. He discovered that it was due to the children staying up late to watch television. He presented his finding to his sister.
they should set a schedule as to when it is time to use the internet, study, and chant and pay homage to the Lord Buddha.
they should set a schedule as to when it is time to use the
internet, study, and chant and pay homage to the Lord Buddha.
Once the cause was determined, the professor established a rule that all televisions were to be off by 9:00 PM, when the news came on. When the rule was observed, all the children were in bed by 9:00 PM. The children had better health. They woke up early in the morning at around 4:30 or 5:00 AM. They got up and studied until it was time to take a shower and get ready for school.
The following semester, all of the professor’s children attained better grades in school. The eldest child, who was previously ranked # 14 in the class, moved up to # 4. The second child, who was ranked#7, jumped up to #2. The youngest child, who was very young, maintained his#1 ranking. The following semester, the middle and eldest children achieved #1 rankings in their classes.
When they graduated from school, all three were ranked #1 in their respective classes.
Setting a scheduled time for studying, sleeping and waking, up will lead to better grades in school and better decision-making in life. Many children may know what is right and wrong, but may not always be able to refrain from performing unwholesome deeds. When these children grow up, they may cause many of the problems we see in society. When they were young, they were never taught to give up things that they liked in order to do the appropriate thing, like stop watching television when it was time for bed.
The families the have house rules, on how children should spend their time, will be able to teach these children at a young age how to make the right decisions and how not to succumb to desires. This development can be a foundation that enables them to make decisions based on thorough and good reasoning, sound principles, accurate information, and systematic examination. They will be smart and virtuous in any kind of work they perform in the future.


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