Code of Good Conduct #2

Precepts refer to the regularity and normality of what humans should do. They are the basic disciplines in the Dhamma and distinguish humans from animals

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Meditation for Peace
Code of Good Conduct #2
The Reason the Lord Buddha Declared a Code of Conduct
The Reason the Lord Buddha Declared a Code of Conduct
The Reason the Lord Buddha Declared a Code of Conduct
1. To support the monastic community.
2. To be a role model for those who disregard the disciplines and or regulations.
3. To bring peace and happiness to the monastic community.
4. To preserve the positive relationships between all monks.
5. To prevent defilements and greed that may happen in the present.
6. To prevent defilements and greed that may happen in the future
7. To maintain faith of the non-monastic population.
8. To increase faith in the population who already belief and have faith
9. To maintain Buddhism.
10. To continue the age of Buddhism and its traditions to the next generations.
2. Disciplines for those who do not pursue a celibate lifestyle and who maintain the Five Precepts
What Are Precepts?
Precepts refer to the regularity and normality of what humans should do. They are the basic disciplines in the Dhamma and distinguish humans from animals.
Every being and thing needs to have its normal form or habits. For example: a horse sleep standing. It is abnormal if they lay down, which indicates that they are sick. The rainy season has to have rain. If there is no rain, it is unusual.
The lack of the second precept causes us to have mental illness including; depression, fear and anxiety.
The lack of the second precept causes us to have mental illness including; depression, fear and anxiety.
What is Considered Normal for Human Beings?
There are fives aspects which are considered to be normal for human beings.
1. Not committing murder or killing any living creatures.
Beings who do kill any living being would be only considered normal in the categories of tigers, bears, dogs, etc. because they attack each other regularly. Therefore, for those who keep their precepts, killing is not something they are allowed to do.
2. It is normal for animals to fight for food and take food. Dogs fight when they are hungry. But human beings are not like that. Therefore, to remain normal, human should not steal or corrupt.
3. Animals normally do not know how to stay away from other animals even if the latter are not its mate. They always fight for the female ones even if those belong to another, sometimes to the point of death. Human beings normality is to remain with their mates, not taking someone else’s. Therefore, the third precept involves not committing adultery.
4. Animals cannot keep their mind still as they are always ready to protect themselves and fight. But for humans, we speak to one another about problems and we are honest with one another. If they lie then they are not normal. Therefore, they have to keep the fourth precepts of not telling any lies.
5. If comparing animals to humans, the former are stronger, but they are unable to control their feelings and strength. For this reason, they cannot use their strength in a positive way. For example, they can not go out and look for food for their parents.
In regards to humans, even if we are not as strong, we use our conscience to guide our strength to do good things: to be respectful to our parents and help them when they are old.
The lack of the first precept causes us to be short-lived
The lack of the first precept causes us to be short-lived
Consciousness and mind is something that can stay strong and withstand difficult situations if our will is strong. If we are sick, we can maintain our mind to remain conscious as long as we are sick, we can maintain our mind to remain conscious as long as we fight for our life. But the state of our mind will no longer be intact the moment we use alcohol even if it is just half of a glass. It will make us lose our senses. We may end up hurting someone who has been good to us. We will lose our ability to concentrate or make accomplishments. To make a good use out of our body to do good things cannot be accomplished with the usage of alcohol. Their behaviours can be considered as abnormal and they become closer to animals.
Therefore, to preserve the state of normality in human beings, the consumption of alcohol and intoxicants is forbidden.
The five precepts consist of
1. No killing
2. No stealing
3. No adultery
4. No lying
5. No alcohol and intoxicants consumption
Thhe five precepts were created before the Lord Buddha brought this practice into Buddhism. He explained the importance of keeping these precepts. We need to understand that doing so is not considered to be regulations; it is something that those who are thoughtful, caring people would do. In addition, precepts serve as a measurement of whether or not a person is striving for goodness or acting badly.
Discipline will bring us higher; means that it will make us better as individuals.
Discipline will bring us higher; means that it will make us better as individuals.
The day our precepts are perfectly kept, that day we are 100 percent a human being.
If we only keep four precepts, we are only 80 percent human and 20 percent animal.
If we only keep three precepts, we are only 60 percent human and 40 percent animal.
If we only keep one precept, we are only 40 percent human and 60 percent animal.
If we fail to even keep one precept, our state of being a human and 80 percent animal.
If we fail to even keep one precept, our state of being a human being is over. We no longer live in peace or happiness. We live life as if we were dead and can no longer perform good deeds. We will cause problems to our loved ones and to ourselves.
Ways to keep Precepts for a Lifetime
To keep our state of being a human, one needs to keep the precepts seriously. In order to be able to do so, we need a strong mind so that it will be easier for us to preserve all five precepts. However, first of all, we need to remember that:
- Keeping precepts means behave as a normal human being.
- So not keeping precepts is abnormal for human beings
- Nowadays, a high number of people are unable to keep their precepts. Many even think that the concept of keep precepts is abnormal. When this thought occurs, our country, which has always been peaceful, will begin to crumble. Cases of murder, stealing, adultery will rise. The rest of the population will no longer live in peace, but will begin to live in fear.
Village children who ordain and keep their 10 precepts will become novices.
Village children who ordain and keep their 10 precepts will become novices.
Who can we trust to end this type of suffering?
Everyone can end this suffering and fear. We can end them by keeping precepts even if others refuse to do it. We can compare Thailand to a bin boiling pot in that its population of over 60 millions begins to fight and have disagreements. But if each of is has precepts, it is like pulling ourselves away from those who do not. Even if that pot is boiling, it will not be because of us. Whenever everybody else pulls themselves away from this pot, the fire under the pot extinguishes by itself. Thus, people will live in peace.
To keep telling ourselves to keep our precepts, we need to find ways to do just that. One way is by keeping the Lord Buddha’s image with us for the entire day. We can also put it in our hand and pray our precepts.
In the medical field, there are two types of illness the exist:
1. Body illness
Being sick due to disease, infections, ageing, trauma and injury
2. Illness that occurs because of inappropriate and wrong behaviours
The lack of the first precept causes us to be short-lived: e.g. members of criminal gangs such as the mafia who kills a lot of people. In the end, they end up being killed.
The lack of the second precept causes us to have mental illness including; depression, fear and anxiety.
The lack of the third precept can cause us to get infected with sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS.
A novice who ordain and keeps 227 precepts will become a monk
A novice who ordain and keeps 227 precepts will become a monk 
The lack of the fourth precept causes us to become forgetful and suffer memory loss. Those who lie all the time will end up forgetting the details of the story they fabricated. They no longer know what the truth is.
The lack of the fifth precept cause us illness associated with alcohol: cirrhosis or gastric problems
Therefore, keeping our precepts is considered to be giving ourselves immunizations against being sick.
On the monks’ day or every seven days, we should keep eight precepts.
Third precept: instead of not committing adultery, we should not engage in sexual intercourse
Sixth precept: refrain from eating any food after midday.
Seventh precept: refrain ourselves from using cosmetics, jewelries, and perfume.
Eight precept: refrain ourselves from sleeping on a high bed (non luxurious)
Precept 6-8 aims to prevent sexual intercourse of those who keep the eight precepts.
1. To prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
2. To prevent competition in terms of beauty or wealth. It is to help lead a simple life.
3. To make our mind peaceful so that we can attain a higher Dhamma.
We have to step towards happiness and progress in life.
We have to step towards happiness and progress in life.
The Benefits of Precepts
1. It will bring wealth to us and we will be able to use them fully. We will not have to worry about anyone taking it from us.
2. It will bring us happiness and we will not have to live in fear of anyone.
3. It will bring us respect from others and will make them trust us.
4. It will make us strong compared to others.
5. It will help keep our memories intact.
6. It will bring us peace and to lead to heaven after our death.
7. Easily attain enlightenment and enter Nirvana.
The Goodness of Disciplines
The combination of worldly and Dhamma disciplines:
1. Discipline will bring us higher; means that it will make us better as individuals.
Street children who go to schools will learn about disciplines.
Village children who ordain and keep their 10 precepts will become novices.
A novice who ordain and keeps 227 precepts will become a monk
If we have discipline we can control our mind easier as well as our speech and actions. We can reach our goals only through disciplines.
We have to become pure and maintain our order and disciplines.
We have to become pure and maintain our order and disciplines.
2. Disciplines will give us a greater understanding of those around us.
3. Disciplines make us see differences. Disciplines help us understand people and see their habits and who they really are. Those who like to be around weapons and prepare themselves for fighting if they have disciplines, they are soldiers. They are considered to be the protectors of the country. But if they are without disciplines, we would call them gangsters or those who can destroy the morality of the country they live in. Those who have responsibility for the nations discipline are policemen, as without them we would have criminals and those who make problems for others. Those who keep 227 precepts and go on alms rounds are monks. But if they were without their precepts, they could be called beggars.
We have to step towards happiness and progress in life. We have to become pure and maintain our order and disciplines.


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